After She Said Yes. Kaya Gravitter
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Название: After She Said Yes

Автор: Kaya Gravitter

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Триллеры


isbn: 9781925939415



      Gannon gritted his teeth and knitted his eyebrows together as he said, “Yeah, I hit you sometimes, but you made me do it. Any man would hit a woman like you. I was never like that before I met you.”

      Aurora laughed hysterically. She wasn’t going to give attention to what he had said, like you ignore a child after they have misbehaved. Aurora went silent and her words were monotone as she said, “Okay, Gannon. That is why we are getting a divorce. Because of the woman I am. Now leave me alone. I am leaving.”

      Aurora almost turned around again as Gannon said, “Rora, no! I am sorry. I didn’t mean it. I am just p-p-pissed.” He was acting like a child who lost his toy.

      Aurora had enough of what was coming out of his mouth. She had no reason to listen to him or put up with what he had to say anymore. Aurora threw her hands up. She was fed up. She turned and looked at him again.

      “Gannon, I am done,” Aurora screamed. “Gannon, I hate you! Leave me alone!” Aurora turned her back and walked briskly to her car, almost running. She could feel Gannon running behind her, like the devil was chasing her.

      “Are you going to try to abuse me in the parking lot?” Aurora said. “Come and try it!”

      She ran to her car and slammed her car door, almost breaking Gannon’s hand by closing it. Gannon kept tapping on the window, screaming that he was sorry. Aurora started her car, pressed the gas, and drove away. Snow and a salty, icy slush flew up from under Aurora’s tires and covered Gannon. She drove away as fast as she could and saw Gannon in the rearview mirror fall to his knees.

      She started to cry. You finally did it, Aurora. You finally confronted him. She wiped the tears from her salty rose-colored cheeks. She was scared from her confrontation with Gannon, but proud she had stuck up for herself. She was happy the marriage was almost over.

      Aurora was still surprised how her relationship with Gannon was so perfect before marriage. Now how will I ever be able to trust again or feel safe with any man?

      Aurora thought back to her wedding day with Gannon. It made her even more upset and filled her eyes with more tears.

      Chapter 10

      It was the week of the big gala charity event, and Aurora was extremely busy. In between Aurora’s working and the divorce, she could not stop thinking about Melih. She couldn’t stop thinking about how he pulled her close that night at the club. Did I do something wrong that he hasn’t talked to me since?

      Though Melih would not message, Gannon would not stop. He was relentless and kept sending the same messages along the lines of, “Don’t do this, Aurora. Don’t leave me. I promise I will change.” Blah. Blah. Blah.

      The food vendor pulled out last minute because the head chef accidently cut off one of his fingers. Aurora scrambled to find a new vendor on such short notice. She was supposed to have a beautiful elegant French meal, but she ended up catering the event with food from her favorite restaurant on State Street, Crandall’s Peruvian Bistro. After big tests in college, she would always splurge by taking herself out to Crandall’s. She would order their ceviche as an appetizer and delicious Peruvian meat stir-fry, called Lomo Saltado, as her entree.

      It was an all-white dress code at the botanical gardens in Madison. Those gardens were where Aurora would go to read in the fall or just take a stroll in the spring to see the beautiful flowers bloom. They were lovely, as always, though during the gala they were covered in snow. Lights hung from posts and along the walking paths. Couples were walking outside side-by-side and holding hands to keep warm, while waiting for the event to start.

      Aurora had decided to wear a classy white pants suit. She thought if Hillary Clinton could pull off a white pants suit, she could as well. Aurora had her hair in a nice updo and was wearing the pearl necklace her grandma had given her.

      The hall where the gala was taking place looked like a winter wonderland. The tables were round with white tablecloths and white chairs. The centerpieces were short circular vases filled with water and tea light candles floating on the water’s surface.

      The event started, and Aurora made her introduction and shared a story of a woman who had gained help through DAIS. She actually told her own story, but no one knew that.

      After her introduction, she had to talk to a few of the donors: college presidents and professionals from around the city. However, she just wanted to enjoy her sixty-five-dollar-per-plate-meal.

      After thirty minutes of schmoozing and standing, she finally sat at a table in the back corner and relaxed.

      At Aurora’s table was a handsome man. He was wearing a white tux, like most of the men there, and appeared to be a few inches taller than she was. He didn’t look like he had the best posture either, or maybe he was just bored. He had dirty blonde hair with it combed to one side, and he had a nice physique. It seemed to Aurora like he was slowly balding but still trying to look edgy, though he looked great in that tux. He kept looking at Aurora and smiling as he pushed up his Ray-Ban black rimmed glasses up on the slope of his button nose. Aurora thought he was cute in a nerdy way.

      Aurora looked up at him and saw him leaving his chair to sit in the empty chair next to her.

      “Hello,” he said as he put out his hand for a handshake. “I am Jason Waters, Esquire. I work as the policy analyst for the Children’s Court Program.”

      Aurora pointed at his name tag. “Yes, I see that you are a lawyer. I am Aurora. I helped plan this event. I am the editor-in-chief for the Happy Living magazine.” She hesitated. “I guess my name tag says that.” She and Jason both laughed.

      “Yes, I saw you do the introduction on stage, too. We also have your magazine in our office.”

      Aurora didn’t seem surprised. “Oh, do you? That’s nice. A lot of offices have it.”

      Jason giggled. “Yes, I always laugh at your section in the magazine. I like your sense of humor.”

      “I am glad people are actually reading them,” Aurora said. “I didn’t think anyone would notice me from a magazine.”

      Jason took a sip of whatever he was drinking. “I am an avid reader, and nothing happens in Wisconsin that I don’t know about.”

      Aurora thought to herself, Wow, such a know-it-all. But somehow, she liked it. She was not used to being around smart, successful men. She looked down and laughed at her ridiculous footwear.

      “I am just joking about knowing everything, but I am an avid reader.” Jason sat up straight and cleared his throat. “So, this is a very lovely event. You did a great job with this. Everyone seems happy with the food. I know I am.”

      She was worried people would not be satisfied because of the last-minute food change. “Well, thank God. I am glad you like it.” She continued, “So, what brings you here?”

      “One of us from the office had the go. Since I am the only single one in the office with no kids, they usually make me go to these events.”

      “Oh, you are single.” Aurora thought about her divorce. “Well, I guess I am single, too.” I’m so stupid. I really didn’t need to say that. I guess I am single?

      Jason seemed confused. “You guess?”