The Day John Fitzgerald Kennedy Past. Welby Thomas Cox, Jr.
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Название: The Day John Fitzgerald Kennedy Past

Автор: Welby Thomas Cox, Jr.

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Зарубежная классика


isbn: 9781925880373


СКАЧАТЬ his community he was paralyzed in a fall while saving the lid, of a young girl threatening suicide. For his own private reasons, enhanced by my own condition, my son would take his own precious life.

      To say that I was sick with depression and hatred and a lack of understanding as to why my life had come to this state, would be a gross understatement. But that pain was only beginning, as I would soon discover while at Manchester Federal Camp in 2008. To begin with my wife divorced me (after 38 years) without a "how-do-you-do" as they say...and has not written or spoken to me since 2007. Of course it did not stop her from stealing my identity, running up bills which she failed to pay. But this was typical of her “Holly-Go-Litely” attitude, the irony was that I knew who she was when I first met her, and I loved her for it…”so you gets what you are due!”

      I was poisoned by a Cambodian PA at “Sick-Call”while at Manchester Federal Prison (because she said that I had killed innocent children). The medication she prescribed caused me to bleed for a period of five (5) weeks until I sued the Bureau of Prisons in a habeas corpus motion seeking medical attention for the condition which caused the loss of fifty-five (55) pounds in less than sixty(60) days.

      I was taken to the hospital at Hazard, Kentucky where several kidney stones were removed by a wonderful Indian doctor who saved my life. As a result of my aggressive action to take care of myself, the warden placed me on diesel therapy which is a punitive action the BOP uses against inmates whom they considered to be troublesome.

      Shackled hand and feet, placed in a bus and driven ten (10) hours to Atlanta where I was placed in the most draconian, antiquated, notorious prison in the United States with the possible exclusion of Sing Sing, Alcatraz, and Leavenworth (where I would go later).

      Worse than the condition of the prison was the brutal manner in which the prison guards treated the inmates. Forcing them to be herded into small rooms with no chairs to wait for hours to be processed which included "cavity" inspections, verbal and physical abuse with the slightest provocation.

      I was so weary, I curled-up by a post and went to sleep on the concrete floor as the other inmates yelled at each other and walked over me. Finally near midnight was rousted by the inmates as we were lined up in single file and marched through the pipe dripping rust and rat infested dungeon somewhere beneath the floor of this archaic federal prison.

      I was struck by the amount of noise at this hour but as I was led to my cell, dragging a mattress, blanket, towel, soap, toothbrush and toothpaste, trying to walk in shower shoes that had to be size 14 for my 10 1/2 left me to scooting like I was skating, I got a glimpse of the construction which had an open center with cells around it. There were TV's on each floor controlled by the black trustees who programmed BET and soaps as loud as the sets would permit so that all the blacks on any floor could watch.

      On arrival at the cell, the door opened and I was told to step forward...I could not see there were no lights on in the cell.

      "Can you turn on the light?" I asked the guard.

      "Better ask Ham...he owns this cell" the guard responded.

      From the corner of the cell there was a grunt..."leave the fucking light off!"

      I stood there hoping to acclimate to the darkness. My eyes took on a new life... I could make out a window with holes in the glass and a wall outside that was twenty-five feet tall with razor wire, there were two iron beds or cots, a wash basin, toilet, small desk and chair.

      I drugged the mattress to the bed with nothing on it and placed it on the metal shelf. I put the soap, toothpaste and brush in the towel as a pillow, kicked off the shower shoes and fell into a deep sleep as I heard myself make the comment...” No offense.


      I do not recall dreaming, or moving... I slept as though as I had been gassed and when I woke I thought that I was in Hilarity Hall at the circus...there sat this elderly man...who looked 100, had a huge white beard...and no clothes as he stared at me from the next bed.

      "Thought you had died pilgrim." He said.

      "I had a rough twelve hours." I said

      "Try twenty-four hours," he said "You have lost track of time."

      “Too bad my times not up,"

      “‘Guess the diesel therapy you spoke of in your sleep was like riding a bucking bronco without a saddle?" He laughed.

      “That is a mild understatement...I came out of a life threatening situation at Manchester where a Cambodian nurse tried to poison me, because, you know, I was responsible for the war and ate up all their dogs and I lost 55 pounds in about 45 days, high fever, vomiting yellow poison and bleeding pure blood for three weeks."

      “Dammit.” He said.

      " Yeh...would have died if it had not been for an inmate named Joe Bicket from Marion County, who was in for growing weed...told me I had to file a habeas action to get in front of a federal judge."

      “So you became the next Perry Mason?

      “Not quite, but I may be the only guy in America who dropped his pants for a woman judge." I laughed at myself.

      "The hell you did pilgrim."

      "Sure did, and when she saw all that blood she came unglued...started screaming and pointing at the warden...who was also a woman...demanding that she take the stand.

      "What is don't answer that, I can see what it is and it needs your prompt attention...take this man to the Hazard Hospital today!"

      "So two weeks after this surgery, they place you on diesel therapy to the Gulag?"

      "Pure hatred from those sworn to protect the rights of inmates to medical care from a Country reaching out to protect the oppresses throughout the world who are downtrodden and whose civil rights have been taken from them...makes you want to barf."

      "You sound like a man with experience."

      "Oh, I know a thing or two." He said.

      "I have nothing but time, and don't know when the next coach leaves, " I said, "Maybe a couple of days or a couple of years...but after seven months in prison, have come to three definitive conclusions which are essential for getting through this nightmare."

      #1 would be" He said.

      "I promise not to say another religious thing to you, since religion is quite the sensitive issue in prison...but you did ask for it...and # 1 has to do with the Lord's prayer that Christ taught us over two thousand years ago which says, Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who have trespassed against us."

      "So you must forgive everyone who has kicked you in the nuts."

      "You are half smart."

      "I'm anxious for #2." He laughed.

      "I'm going to need this time to come to grips with the heavy depression I'm suffering as a result of the death of my beloved son."

      “We will come back to that...after #3."

      " You have to take a huge СКАЧАТЬ