Silver. Susie Harris
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Название: Silver

Автор: Susie Harris

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Учебная литература


isbn: 9781499904161


СКАЧАТЬ important to me at the time but I believe it was Freya or something like that they were of the Irish coast. I found that out only moments after he left as I heard him call to me in such pain. It took me a little longer to find him, as his energy signature was almost non-existent. I found him at the bottom of the cliff, holding the now lifeless body of the girl. He told me brokenly that she must have fallen looking for him. He was pouring the little force he had left into her lifeless body. I took her from him, with some force, as he wasn't letting her go, and scanned her. Her life force was 90% gone. I believe her soul had started its journey. Loki was begging me to heal her. I told him that I could not. He lost it and told me I must. You see we can, especially one of my strength can, bring people back from fatal injuries but only if we get there before the soul leaves. If we do it when the soul has entered the path to the next then we will cause what Michael says is a fractured soul.

      I had unfortunately done this to a mother in Egypt centuries before at the request of her distraught husband. She had come back but not as she was. Unfortunately several weeks later she had cut her own child's head off for giving the wrong answer to a question. It was horrific. Michael and Gabriel came and helped me to end her life and search for the parts of her soul that had passed. It took months to bring her to her true form and send her on her path. I was very careful in any healing since.

      I tried explaining this to Loki but he was beyond distraught. Now you should know that our entities do not become distraught, show, or even have such a strong emotion. So seeing Loki like this was quite perplexing to me. I was at a loss for what to do and it felt like he was just going to fade away in front of me. He looked like a spirit barely a form collapsed in front of me across the young woman's body.

      That is when Michael appeared next to me. I had never felt the human emotion of relief at that time but seeing him appear right then I visibly exhaled. He sat down next to Loki and placed his hand on his arm or what appeared to be a see-through shell of his arm. He did not speak either verbally or telepathically he just let a minute stream of his energy flow into Loki's arm. It was like watching a blood transfusion but in light. Loki slowly solidified once again before me. Michael still hadn't said a word. He just sat there next to him still holding his arm as the tentacles of his powers threaded into it. Loki’s head was now resting on his shoulder and tears were streaming down his face. In all the years I had lived I had never seen Michael so patient with one of us.

      But then the thoughts began. Well why would he be so patient? We would never act this way; he would have no reason to have to extend such patience or care. It was as if Loki was acting like a human?

      I waited for Michael to get Loki under control. He ended up just putting him in stasis, he would be able to think if he wanted to or just switch off until his pain physical or mental was relieved and then he would wake; at least that is what Michael explained it would do. I had never seen it done to one of us before. It was done with humans but then we would have to heal them through dreams for the mind and energy for the physical body. The fact that Loki would need this was beyond my comprehension. Why would he not be happy for the girl to move on? The pure sorrow still filled the air around him and I could feel it.

      I sat with Michael for a long while. Trying to understand what I had just witnessed. He explained that to Loki human emotions are like a drug. The way you play with leaves, dance in the rain or run against the wind, all illogical and time wasting activities. But you embrace the euphoria of life both happiness and sadness, or even anger. In humanity it engulfs the body and soul. He couldn't explain the actual feeling but said can you not feel the anguish flowing from his body. I could, it was like a mist of pain. I asked how Loki could have this and he said it was because he is always kept weak so as to limit the damages his mischief can cause and although this in itself should not cause him to gain such human traits. He believed it occurs because he embraces humanity so completely always being with them and he thought perhaps the sexual act also created this bond with humanity. As when humans make love, not have sex (as that can be something totally different). They share part of their soul with each other. He said perhaps receiving those parts into his entity creates a sort of mixed even bipolar effect. He had never asked Father but had been asked to watch over him, and so Michael does, without question.

      This incident played on my conscious and subconscious thoughts daily, and eventually made me make this decision to leave my life as it was and become human. Well that, and boredom and just because I could. Just to experience something new and perhaps finally understand the fascination of humanity. So after giving Loki the power to visit our home I waited for his departure. And in that millisecond became my parent’s baby girl. I did this properly. Executed it all to perfection as I have always done. I waited for the child’s form to begin. Those two cells meeting and multiplying then released my life force into the cells. Leaving the majority of my power locked away safe with no markers or energy trails to track it.

      I felt the cells multiply around me until I was finally encased in this body. I lost myself then. All memories were gone and all powers lay dormant.

      My mother and father were both loving and supportive parents, who helped me to grow to become a wonderfully balanced blossoming human being. I had chosen them carefully. All was going according to my plan not that I knew anything about that then as I only knew this human lifetime as it occurred second by second.

      As I said before the best-laid plans of mice and men never go to plan. I was in my 16th year as a human and went out with friends. Unfortunately I became separated from them and was attacked and raped. I pulled myself together and found my friends and went home. As any rape crisis Centre will tell you it is an assault on the body, mind and soul. I felt like a numbness consuming me. I did not tell anyone what had occurred. Surprisingly not from fear or shame but because a part of my capsule had begun to fracture and it seemed illogical to cause anyone else pain or concern. As our beings do one just continues on. To my human self it felt like a numbness of my emotions was occurring.

      I continued to change emotionally after this event. Just becoming very logical and hardly ever raising my blood pressure no matter what was occurring around me. I kept having strange dreams both awake and asleep. There were winged creatures, fairies and even vampires in very real depictions of events and long conversations? Some of them seemed to be speaking directly to me and I was answering in a low but powerful voice. In these dreams I moved mountains, created storms, healed the sick and punished the weak or what I decided was a weakness in these supernatural creatures. They all seemed to accept my authority, it was perplexing and frustrating at the same time, as each image seemed like a memory not a figment of my imagination. But logically I knew that could not be so, I chose to keep this all to myself and believed eventually these images would just stop.

      Unfortunately they only got worse and a few weeks later I found out I was pregnant. Now as a human I should have collapsed in a heap. But that didn’t occur; I was eerily calm and thought through any options logically. I have a very strong respect for life and believe all lives are important even those who annoy your patience to breaking point. Even in my true form I have never taken a life unless ordered to do so or there was no choice.

      I sat my wonderful parents down and told them of the pregnancy and that I would be adopting the baby out in a very matter of fact tone. They were their usual supportive and loving selves and just said they would help me in anyway I needed. My father walked outside and dealt with the situation in his own way and my mother just said I was an old soul, as she always said of me and that all will be okay.

      Which of course it was, I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy and he was given to a wonderful family. The dreams had continued and my core self just seemed to be someone I didn't know. It was like the outside was me but the inside...was something different.

      I could read books in moments. I heard music coming from the trees and the sea. Of course I never spoke of this, I just continued on living my human life.

      I lived as you do with my family and sibling. Later when I left home, I married and bore a girl. I loved СКАЧАТЬ