The Truth In Your Heart. Linda Taylor
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Название: The Truth In Your Heart

Автор: Linda Taylor

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9781607460046



      Today, even though I don’t know all the specifics about how each day will play out, I am okay with being in the dark. I know that I will not travel this journey alone. I trust that my steps will be ordered and the right people and situations will come into my life to shine a light on the how of my journey. I am open for whatever comes my way. I am ready and willing to make the sacrifices and listen to what is being revealed to me. I am officially sold out to my calling in life!

      What about you, are you sold out to what is beating in your heart? You can be certain that your destiny, that which has been so masterfully designed for your life, can also become a reality. You have to be willing to give up yourself to gain what has been planned for you. Let go! If you are willing to give up your idea of what the world has for you and accept what your heart is saying regarding your passions and how you can use them to live out your life’s purpose, you will have taken the first major step. What is it that makes your heart sing? How far are you willing to go and what are you willing to give up to achieve your dreams?

      My heart speaks to me, and I know that your heart is speaking to you. You have a choice to either listen to what is being revealed to you regarding where joy will spring from in your life, or, you can ignore the whispers, and sometimes the screams, that emerge from your heart. Decide that you will make a bold move starting today so that you can live your extraordinary life!

      Pulse Check: What Is Your Heart Saying To You?

       If you listen closely, and with intention, you will hear the still small voice of your heart speaking. It is the feeling you get when you know something is right, or wrong. If you allow your heart to speak uninterrupted by your mind, no excuses, what is it saying?

       What makes your heart beat with joy?

       What area of your life has disappointed you?

       What does your heart say about your relationships and your family?

       What does your heart say about your career or job?

       What does your heart say about your spiritual life?

       What does your heart say about where you are in every area of your life?

       What does your heart say is your purpose?

       What does your heart say about who you are compared to who you believe you were meant to become?

       Are you willing to invest in every area of your life so that you can fully receive what is planned for your life?

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