Elders of the Faiths 15. Mark McGinnis
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Название: Elders of the Faiths 15

Автор: Mark McGinnis

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Биографии и Мемуары


isbn: 9781607462408


СКАЧАТЬ way of life that is not the way to live. When we need to do something in our society, even small things like going to town for supplies, we have to consult with others; it is the way we live — we live as a group.

       Q: What are your hopes for the future?

      A: My hope is for us to become better in our way of life. I hope we can be sounder and more stable. I hope we can build stronger constitutions in our hearts. The example we set for our young people today is what will be in the future.

       Q: If there was one thing you could communicate to youth, what would it be?

      A: To youth outside our community, I would like them to understand we are people like everyone else. We were put here by God for the same reason everyone else was. I hope people won’t jump to conclusions about us and believe rumors about who we are. To our youth I would like to say that we need to educate the outside world on who we are. We are in a cocoon too much; we need to tell people what our purpose is here.

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