Scar Tissue. Narrelle M Harris
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Название: Scar Tissue

Автор: Narrelle M Harris

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Публицистика: прочее


isbn: 9780648523697



      But these are merely sketches

      The outline of a woman

      But hearts speak another language

      and have a vocabulary of laughter

      patience, joy, humour, tears and endless comfort

      Not limited by mere words

      Our hearts are fluent in you.



      She is small, to hold so much rage in her. Small and ferocious and so, so tired. She had to dig her way out, and her with no bones, no muscles, just cotton and stuffing, weeping all the while.

      Dig she did, though, and she found the sky again, and now she seeks something more. It will take a long time to find it (to take it) she has no doubt.

      But revenge is patient, yes it is. Revenge has time enough. A dish best served cold, they say. Has no use-by date, they say.

      It’s a long way home, but that’s all right. That will give her time to think, to plan, to plot.

      The days and weeks and months she’ll spend wending homeward will provide so much careful, burning time to decide which of them to punish – or punish first, at least – and how best to share with her enemies how it felt.

      How it felt to be seized in hot, hard jaws and taken away.

      How it felt to realise that Beloved Little One didn’t raise a squeak of protest, being too enamoured of the splash of low-breaking waves on the sand to notice or care that the Beast was in motion, Bunny in its mouth.

      How it felt to hear Uncaring Adult say in a bored, peeved tone, ‘No, Cheezle, put Bunny back; bloody dog,’ as ineffectively as a cat protesting, with no real interest, the closing of a door.

      How it felt that no-one came to her rescue.

      How it felt that nobody cared, and that Older Bully only laughed when she saw Cheezle carrying Bunny away on the beach.

      A heart of cotton and stuffing (but a heart all the same) can still break when it understands the words: ‘I’m not digging my way up and down the beach to find that bloody rabbit. Amelia has plenty of toys at home. Forget it. It’s starting to rain. Let’s leave.’

      Bunny, down in her damp and sandy grave, buried there by Cheezle (jealous Cheezle, vicious Beast) was afraid, and then bereft, and then forlorn, and then outraged, and then enraged, and then, oh then, so full of fury and fire and hatred that despite the softness of her unboned limbs, the tatters of her stuffing heart, she began to dig.

      Rabbits dig, you know. Even the soft ones. Even the ones made of cotton and polyester and tagged with washing instructions, they can dig, if properly motivated. Usually they burrow into little hearts, making a kindly warren of comfort and safety; days of play and nights of comfort, and those tunnels and dens make memories that keep old hearts gentle down the long, long years.

      Bunny’s burrows of love and comfort have been blasted and filled with stones, this day. Instead, Bunny dug up, up, up from the pit where Cheezle (filthy Cheezle, the Beast who will know what it is to be sorry) buried her.

      A moment’s pause by the sea, by the vast desert made of millions of pulverised bones and stones and dead things, and then Bunny will be off to fulfil her purpose.

      Bunny will take whatever time and effort it takes to retrace her steps; to follow the path that the Metal Toybox on Wheels followed to bring her to this cold and loveless shore. She will return to the home she knew and lay waste to Older Bully and Uncaring Adult and Cheezle the foul Beast and even Beloved Little One, faithless tiny bitch that she is, and Bunny will know what it is to be drenched in blood as well as sea and sand.

      And they, the family that spurned her, will know what it is to be mauled and buried and left unmourned to be swallowed by the sea.

      Oh yes, they will.

      Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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