Get Yourself Back in Motion. Jason T Smith
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Название: Get Yourself Back in Motion

Автор: Jason T Smith

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9781742982397


СКАЧАТЬ external assistance. As they near full recovery, clients are typically re-assessed against a range of relevant holistic health and fitness measures to determine objective improvement and to discover any other health goals the client is intent on achieving. These conversations and expert appraisals assist the client, when the time is right, to effectively transition into the wellness pathway.

      The second loop of our model contains services and interventions that achieve general fitness, strength and conditioning, peak performance and broader sustainable lifestyle changes for effective long term health. The loops allow for client continuity and represent a perpetual journey of ever improving health. Avoid going around in circles with traditional treatments. This philosophy challenges you to think about how you can continuously progress to new higher levels of performance and health.

      “The Results4Life philosophy is characterised by empowering clients through a partnership that engages them in a specifically tailored health and fitness pathway.”

      Here’s One I Prepared Earlier As an example, a middle aged male may present to my practice with a sprained ankle that resulted from tripping down the gutter. Under the traditional approach to health care, this appears to be a straightforward injury. However, knowing 80% of all ankle injuries are at high risk of recurrent sprains1 it’s not necessarily the case. Adopting the Results4Life approach, I will take a thorough history and lead the examination to learn, amongst other things, how many times the client has suffered something similar, what position he was specifically in when the recent injury happened, possible past trauma to the knee or lumbar spine, nutrition and weight management habits, balance and agility measures, preferred sports and occupational demands that may inherently pose further risk of injury. With the information I gather I can form a differential diagnosis of the underlying causes for the symptoms and set some realistic stretch goals in collaboration with the client. Only after all this would it be appropriate for me to design him a unique tailored pathway for recovery (Discovery Phase).

      The treatment program may initially include cryotherapy (ice) and bandaging to manage the swelling and hands-on manipulation to restore joint movement (Relief Phase). Shortly after this, he would benefit from special exercises to rehabilitate balance and control, Pilates to better stabilise the lower spine, stretches to the pelvic girdle to free his range of lumbar and hip movement and speed work on the track to prepare him eventually for return to sport (Conditioning Phase).

      However, in the bigger picture of this client, we may also detect he needs to lose some weight to reduce unnecessary load through the ankles, get better alignment around the lumbar spine and pelvic girdle because of the postural disturbance it’s creating through the legs, and apply orthotics to the feet to better leverage the mechanical principles of his running style. Whilst many of these things may not have immediate effect to reduce the pain or ankle swelling, they all go a long way to preventing a re-aggravation of the condition and to promoting peak performance in later sport and life (Learning Phase).

      Encouragement to change some nutritional habits, incorporating regular strength and conditioning classes into the weekly routine, committing to a progressive home exercise program and paying more attention to his posture all help to improve the underlying predisposing biomechanical and other factors that contributed to poor health and injury in the first place (Lifestyle Phase).

      It’s fair to say that this approach looks nothing like the traditional mainstream model to treating a sprained ankle. It also gets excitably different results that can be objectively assessed at regular intervals and modified to suit (Refinement Phase).

      It is important to note that no two people’s health journey is exactly the same. That would be way too simple and belies the individuality with which we have all been created and approach life. Five clients with ankle sprains will potentially all be offered five very different pathways. Some want more out of their physical opportunities than others. Different ages, gender, employment demands, sporting pursuits and even genetic predisposition will colour and bias the different expectations of varied clients. However, what is very clear is that people can achieve the health and wellness they want when they follow our time-proven philosophy.

       “It is important to note that no two people’s health journey is exactly the same. That would be way too simple and belies the individuality with which we all approach life.”

      Weed-killer! Remember though that pain is not an acceptable diagnosis. A swollen ankle is not an acceptable diagnosis. Fatigue is not an acceptable diagnosis. These are all symptoms with an underlying cause. The new breed of health-conscious people must be determined to pursue wellness by taking action around causative changes that positively impact their movement.

      When I was first married, one of my new found chores was to mow the lawn and tend the garden on weekends. Not surprisingly, due to my neglect, there would be times when I would find the persistent weeds aggressively taking over the garden beds like an invading army. However, rather than getting down on my knees and pulling weeds, like a real man, I actively looked for a shortcut. When my wife wasn’t watching, I quickly learned that with a quick sweep of the mower over the garden beds, I could raze the weeds in no time. Things looked great… for a few days. But whilst I savored the compliments and my wife’s appreciation, the subsequent light rains and sunshine were preparing to blow my cover. Predictably, before long, the weeds re-sprouted and the following weekend I was back where I started. My “quick fix” failed to address the root of the problem (literally). Being a slow learner, it took most of my first year of marriage to realise that this wasn’t worth pursuing. Unless I actually pulled the root of the weed, I was kidding myself that I was actually removing them. The same is true when managing your health. Be relentless in digging deeper to uncover the root of your symptoms, threats and risks – and as a result you will be more effective in keeping the benefits long term.

      The Cost of Reactive Therapy When you assess the cost of physiotherapy treatment or medical advice, during times of sickness or injury, you need to include in the algorithm the direct and opportunity costs of time away from work and other activities that are important to you. I am back to valuing our time above all else as the most precious commodity or resource we manage. Lost time through wasted treatment, ineffective programs, gimmick products or simply superficial approaches are all costing you much more than you realise.

      My invitation is for you to embrace the tenets of our Results4Life philosophy and merge it into a lifestyle of proactive healthy decisions. This book will show you just how convenient and sensible this is. It might not be what your doctor or neighbours are doing…but that doesn’t make it wrong. You will be able to demonstrate that wellness is more achievable than most of us are led to believe.

      All reasonable investors want a return on their time and money. You shouldn’t be any different as you wisely invest into your health. Your return will include the enjoyment of a better quality of life, less time away from family and work, and the promise of new adventures.

      I’ve discovered over many years through implementing Results4Life that clients appreciate the empowerment provided through this self-management approach. They realise that taking responsibility for their own healthcare and partnering with (rather than being dictated to by) their practitioner is the smartest way to ensure lifelong wellness. Some of my clients have had to go through the trial-and-error process of testing one “quick fix” after another before truly valuing the importance of a long-term wellness roadmap. Others have spared themselves this inconvenience by accepting the advice at face value. Whatever route you take to arrive at a wellness commitment — a direct line or the winding road — know that you are embarking on a journey that will have positive lifelong consequences.

       Health Secrets

      1 If you are time-poor then you tend to seek shortcuts to health.

      2 Quick СКАЧАТЬ