Watching. Jeff Edwards
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Название: Watching

Автор: Jeff Edwards

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Триллеры


isbn: 9781742980980


СКАЧАТЬ became faster, and more urgent.

      Jade could feel the muscles beneath Walter’s skin, as they bunched tightly, and his breath came in gasps. His body arched suddenly, as a new feeling of warm wetness filled her, and his thrusting ceased.

      For her own part, Jade felt as though she were on the verge of some delight, that had just failed to materialise.

      She rose from the bed, and went to the bathroom. After cleaning herself, she regarded her reflection in the mirror. A virgin no longer, she couldn’t see any difference in the face that looked back at her, however, she did feel different, on the inside. She smiled, and decided that she had made the right decision.

      Returning to the bedroom, she found Walter sipping champagne in bed. He looked up at her, and smiled, lifting the glass to her.

      She climbed in beside him, took the glass, and sipped, before returning it to him.


      ‘And you were good too,’ replied Walter with a grin.

      ‘I meant the champagne, ninny,’ laughed Jade. ‘You really are an egomaniac.’

      ‘And you still won’t marry an egomaniac. Even after what we’ve done together?’

      Jade laughed again. ‘Are you now offering to ‘make an honest woman out of me’?’

      ‘If you like.’

      Jade leant up, and kissed his cheek. ‘You really don’t know how to accept ‘no’ for an answer do you?’

      ‘I still can’t see why you won’t marry me.’

      ‘Because we don’t love one another. In fact there’s probably only one thing that you truly love about me, and that’s my money, and, if we did marry, then I would make you truly miserable, because I have absolutely no intention of letting the man I marry anywhere near my money.’

      ‘You can’t be serious.’

      ‘Why do you think I’ve taken a degree in accountancy? Doesn’t that indicate just how serious I am about this?’

      ‘And you won’t let your husband help you look after your money?’

      ‘Why should I? What could he do that I wouldn’t be able to do just as well?’

      Walter had to concede that she may have a point, but it was just not how things were done.

      ‘But don’t worry too much, Walter dear,’ she said as she snuggled up to him. ‘I’m not removing my money from the control of your firm just yet. Your father can continue to invest it for me until I get on my feet, and I’m in a position to start my own company.’

      Her hand strayed over his stomach, and down to his groin, cupping his manhood in her hand, marvelling at the feel of him.

      Walter groaned with delight, and took another sip of champagne.

      Jade continued to stroke him, remembering the feel of him inside her. If that was how it felt, having sex with a man that she did not love, then what would it be like with someone to whom she felt an emotional connection?

      She continued to consider the possibilities, as she stroked him, feeling him stir back to life in her hand. It was amazing how it grew, and changed shape at her command.

      Memories of her father and Yee-Ling, and their lovemaking, came to her.

      Walter was surprised as Jade rose from the crook of his arm, and straddled his loins. She lifted herself, and then lowered herself onto him.

      ‘Where did you learn that?’ he asked with delight.

      ‘I think we might have a lot to teach one another,’ smiled Jade, as she began to move on him, searching to find her own personal rhythm.

      Minutes later, Jade found the answer to her question of how good it could be.

      * * *

      With Walter still living with his parents, and the rock solid Mrs Petri guarding the virtue of her boarders, the chances for Jade and Walter to continue their affair would be limited. However, Jade was determined that her life would become less inhibited. She decided that, as soon as she graduated, a move to a home of her own would be in order.

      Enlisting Walter’s help, she had him search for a suitable property.

      ‘I want it to be large enough for Rani, and myself, with plenty of room for entertaining, and at a reasonable rent. I intend to have lots and lots of parties.’

      ‘Are you really sure you’re not getting in too deep?’

      ‘Don’t worry,’ smiled Jade. ‘I’ll have Rani to keep me in line. And we can have the place to ourselves when she’s at the hospital.’

      That offer was enough to ensure that Walter gave the project his most diligent attention.

      Exams finished, the girls were once again free to unwind.

      Jade had completed her final exams, and could now look for suitable employment, while Rani would soon commence her specialist training, and was looking forward to relaxing, after the many months of solid study and long hours in the hospital.

      Walter reported that he had found the perfect place for them. It was located not far from their present lodgings, and consisted of a duplex owned by an elderly couple who occupied one portion of the premises, and rented the other.

      Rani and Jade agreed to meet Walter at the premises, to see if they liked it, and then Jade would sign a lease.

      The girls met Walter outside the freshly painted premises, and, after knocking, they were escorted through the rental property by the elderly wife of the owner.

      Both Jade and Rani loved the airy premises, and were most impressed with the small yard at the rear. Jade saw it as being ideal for summer entertaining. She could not wait to sign the lease and was about to do so when the owner arrived home.

      His wife made the introductions, and indicated the lease forms that were about to be signed. Picking them up, he folded them and crammed them into his pocket.

      ‘No single women and especially no coloureds,’ He snarled. ‘Get out.’

      Rani blushed deeply, and appeared to be about to burst into tears, while Jade felt a searing pain of cold fury. She saw that Walter was about to say something, but placed a hand on his arm to restrain him. ‘Let’s get out of here,’ she said quietly.

      They sat together, listening to the jazz band in the Golden Stag. All three were quiet, lost in their own thoughts, as they nursed the beers before them.

      Walter was furious, and considered what sort of legal action he could instigate on the girls behalf.

      Rani’s eyes were downcast, she felt as though someone had slapped her face in public, and was at a loss as to how to retaliate.

      Jade’s eyes were narrowed, deep in thought, mind far away. She turned to Walter. ‘How much change do you have? I need СКАЧАТЬ