The White Rose. Madilina Tresca
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Название: The White Rose

Автор: Madilina Tresca

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы


isbn: 9780992552169


СКАЧАТЬ name of their eldest had come to Christopher in a dream. He and his wife liked it and that's how they came to name her Charlotte. Charlotte was now in Year 7 and a year older than her sister, Azalea.

      Christopher had grown up listening to stories about Mirela from his mother Lea-Christina and grandmother Josephine. As a child he thought it was just that, a story. A story his mother and grandmother had concocted to keep him entertained. Upon completing his HSC he decided to enrol in Australian History at Sydney University. His passion and almost obsession with the story led him to research the life and times of Colonial Sydney. During his research he was able to come by documentation that had proved the existence of his forefather. Now in the year 1997 and with his recently published book he is ready to introduce Mirela's story to the world.

      On Sunday night Christopher was on Sixty Minutes being interviewed by Liz Hayes. Skyla had broken her own dinner rule and sat in the lounge room to watch the program while her family continued sitting at the dinner table. They all shook their heads and just carried on eating.

      The interview took place in Marriston's home study. Gentlemen who had seen the white rose were invited to come forward to share their experiences. None did. It was Marriston's belief that the curse caused an emotional detachment to the girl in question which resulted in the man forgetting his feelings and dying.

      'Can the curse of the white rose be stopped?' questioned Liz Hayes


      'You seem to really believe in this curse and that a woman born of convict parents called Mirela really existed!'


      'I am sure that many of our viewers will be wondering and asking how can you be so sure and how is it that only you know this incredible story?'

      'I know and I believe the story to be true because I am a direct descendent of Mirela,' was Christopher's reply.

      Skyla jumped into the air and let out a shout. Her dinner spilled onto the floor. At that exact moment in the UK, a wealthy old dame dropped her cup of tea shattering the porcelin china to smitherines.

      Liz Hayes continued her questions.

      'Why now, why choose 1997 to come out with the story? Why choose to come out at all?' questioned Liz Hayes.

      'The time has come for the curse to be broken. It will be defeated in the seventh generation. I am the first born male born in the seventh generation. Unfortunately, I do not know how or when that will happen. I also do not know if the curse can be broken. I have a lot of unanswered questions. I am hoping that my book will bring me the answers I have sought all of my life.'

      'And if the curse is not defeated?'

      'There will be consequences!'

      Liz Hayes laughed, 'Do you really expect the people of Sydney to believe such a story?'

      'No!' was Christopher's emphatic reply. 'I hope many will simply be entertained and enjoy my story.'

      Liz Hayes drew in a deep breath. 'Well Christopher you have certainly got everyone talking about their local history.'

      Christopher smiled proudly. He then looked into the camera. Skyla had the feeling a knife had just pierced her heart as she looked into the eyes of Christopher. His eyes seemed to be sending out a message You know the answer. Tell it to me now!

      'Mr Marriston it has been a real pleasure. One of the most entertaining interviews I have done to say the least. Thank you for inviting us into your home and best of luck with Mirela's Rose.'

      'Thank you.'

      Chapter Four

      Sydney Cursed?


      own Hall Station became the focus of mediums, clairvoyants and psychics from all over the world. Mirela's Rose sparked a fascination to this supernatural phenomena never heard of in the city's history. Business was booming for Sydney hotels. The incredible story was made all the more believable by the many women who had come forward and said that they or their grandmothers and even greatgrandmothers had been a victim of this curse.

      All platforms at Town Hall became an array of colourful charms and crystals blutacked to chains dangling from anywhere and everywhere. All were hoping to see the white rose appear. They walked up and down all the platforms, stopping, watching and waiting. Day and night the platform brimmed with people carrying charms and lanterns.

      No white rose appeared.

      Leaving and boarding Town Hall Station became a nightmare for those commuting to and from work. The office of the Lord Mayor of Sydney overflowed with complaints from the entire CBD. Congestion caused people to be late for work. It was now taking up to an hour to get off the train and make an exit. Children were crying and the safety of passengers was becoming a great concern.

      One day a French girl was found walking up and down the platform in tears and clearly stressed by the number of people. She was lost, couldn't speak English and couldn't find her boyfriend. A passenger standing close by heard her speak and offered to assist. He spoke French and translated for the official. She and her boyfriend had arranged to meet there over four hours previously. She had left her mobile at the hotel. At that moment a loud voice could be heard coming from up the stairs on platform 1.

       'Marie! Marie! Marie!'

      All looked up to see a strapping young Frenchman run down the stairs, pushing through the crowd to greet his girlfriend. He stopped in his tracks at the bottom of the stairs and looked past Marie's shoulder. All the mediums present followed his gaze to a bench. The boyfriend walked past Marie and all moved aside as they watched him go to pick something up. The only problem was that there was nothing there to see. As he turned round to his sweetheart his face dramatically changed. All who were there witnessed this phenomena and covered their mouths in astonishment. Two male mediums made a grab for the young man's hand that was supposedly holding the rose but the Frenchman quickly waved his hands up in the air, gave a firm "Adieu" to Marie, ran back up the stairs and was gone. Marie fainted and was taken into the Station Manager's office which luckily had been the one closest to the incident.

      The mediums circled the spot where they believed the White Rose had appeared. None of them could see it.

      News of this incident caused a global sensation. Christopher's book was an international best seller. Tourists began to arrive in droves to Town Hall Station. Security was increased and people control become a nightmare as train officials and the Minister for Transport met to discuss how to deal with this new problem.

      Skyla became intrigued with Christopher Marriston. She kept up-to-date with all the articles published in newspapers, magazines and internet. The story more than fascinated her and she did not understand why. She digested all the articles written and taped all the TV shows he had appeared on and replayed them over and over again. Her family knew the story of her first boyfriend, Ryan, and like her, were also intrigued but not as obesessed as Skyla had become. They noticed how this book and its story continued to consume their mother's interest and attention, much to their frustration.

      Chapter СКАЧАТЬ