Serpent Song. Toni Grant
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Название: Serpent Song

Автор: Toni Grant

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Триллеры


isbn: 9780648150831


СКАЧАТЬ senses forcing her to step back momentarily. People and traffic streamed everywhere, racing like ants in the hours before a western rain storm. It was bumper to bumper this time of night.

      Francesca observed the rush, double stepping to keep pace with Johnno. Office staff darted amongst the stationery cars scurrying to meet train and bus timetables. A small family of disoriented tourists checked a map huddling together in the set back doorway of a vacant shop front.

      Booths of food outlets were crammed with school girls, noisily vying for attention and texting endlessly. Everywhere Francesca looked an entire city was tired and hassled.

      The red-headed detective strode towards the corner pub.

      They chose a booth that had a view of the television. “My shout, what would you like?” Francesca offered. Tonight’s $10 menu was homemade rissoles, gravy and vegetables.

      “Sweet,” Johnno replied. “I’ll have the special.”

      Francesca wandered to the bar, ordered the drinks and food and turned to watch the news. The Police Minister was struggling.

      “He looked like a wanker tonight. Does that mean I’m in for it tomorrow?” Francesca asked, concerned about the repercussions.

      “Nah, the boss is good. Just keep Goodwood in the loop.”

      “Yeah that would be easy if I had something worthwhile to report,” she said as Johnno’s phone sounded the ACDC classic Thunderstruck over the bar room noise.

      “Jonathan McCrae.” He listened intently as the caller spoke, madly nodding and taking notes on a serviette. Finally he replied, “Yes. Thanks mate. I’ll let the boss know. No worries. Cheers.”

      “Sir. It’s Johnno. Lab says the body found this morning is a known member of the Ares Outlaw Motor Cycle Gang, Clyde Fletcher.”

      There was a pause.

      “Yes Sir. I’ll let Francesca know. Thank you Sir. Good night.”

      Detective Jonathan McCrae turned to his partner, who was staring at him. Her eyebrow arched a question. He grinned at her, his freckled face split like a watermelon.

      Francesca thought Johnno was about to burst. “Well?” she enquired.

      “You’re looking at the leader of a new taskforce … Operation Serpent.” He grinned again. “When we get back to the office, I need a detailed summary of the relevant information on hand at the moment. The groundwork for this investigation has to be solid. Your role is to keep an eye on the legalities of every aspect of this operation as well as taking on a key investigative role. Don’t be afraid to show initiative. Copy?”

      “Copy.” Francesca couldn’t hide her own enthusiasm. Another case to sink her teeth into and she beamed across the table at him.

      “We’ll be joined by key members of the OMCG taskforce tomorrow morning.” He pushed out from the table. “Ready? I want to make a decent start tonight.”


      “Here, Johnno, the rap sheet for Clyde Fletcher,” Francesca said. “Assault police causing grievous bodily harm, possession of prohibited substance to supply, armed robbery. Spent some time in Long Bay but released on good behaviour … huh … weird. Only lasted eight months on a five year sentence. Stabbing offences. Firearms offences. More drug offences. Current warrant issued for his arrest based on latest armed holdup at the TAB on the South Coast last month. And that’s only NSW. I haven’t even started on the other states.”

      Francesca continued to read the intelligence summary.

      “Became a member of the Ares in 2000 after Long Bay stint and has risen steadily through the ranks. Sits at the round table. Sounds like a dedicated follower to me. Wonder why he was a traitor? Could have been patching over to Chi You, I suppose. It would explain the public exposure and the lack of initiation markings.”

      “Yeah…. Could be possible.” Lost in thought, Johnno tapped out a percussion beat. “Ares setting up Chi You over one lost follower? A bit over-dramatic if you ask me. There has to be more to it than that.”

      A chart projected onto the wall created a grid pattern, within which, known illegal activities and key persons of interest were listed. On a detailed map of Sydney beside it, green circles highlighted areas of known Chi You activities. A blue X marked the location of Clyde Fletcher’s body and another dotted the approximate location of the suspicious SUV. An arrow directed the view of the driver who’d faced Francesca.

      Known links to the Melbourne-based Italian mob were cross-referenced with Middle Eastern organised crime syndicate activities. This grid and map system provided a quick visual of any correlations between the groups.

      Along another wall, Francesca had begun pinning close up photographs of the tattoos found on Clyde Fletcher’s body, as well as some location shots.

      The pair sat staring at the boards in front of them. Not one overlapped in boundaries, which was hardly surprising. As expected, vested interests in drug and arms trade weaved through every crime syndicate.

      “Hey Johnno, an Ares Motorcyclist, an Italian mobster and a Triad gang member walk into a bar…” Francesca said, aware of her bad joke.

      “Ok. But they wouldn’t walk in together. So who would walk in first and what would they be looking for?” Johnno countered.

      “I think Triad would walk in alone. Remain in the shadows. Away but present,” she responded.

      “Yes I agree. I think Ares and triads meet at the bar. I think Chi You is partnering Ares to sure up supply. Well-established drug routes and systems. Manufacturing. We know that Clyde Fletcher was a member of Ares. Ordinarily the murder of a chapter leader would spark a fairly rapid response. There would be talk of some sort of action within the group by now. I think the real question is more along the lines of: why are the two groups working together. Is it narcotics or cash or something else?” Johnno responded. “I can’t come at a third party at this point. The link is too tenuous.”

      Francesca knew at times outlaw gang members assisted other criminal syndicates. Usually recruitment came by individuals on a contractual arrangement rather than the gang as a whole.

      “I see your point. Assuming Clyde opposed the move, I can see that publically calling him a traitor would maintain and boost leadership power within a bike gang structure. And we’d have to assume the hit would happen in-house,” she said. “I just can’t see a partnership between Chi You and anyone to be honest. Chi You always worked alone. I think we’re dealing with a partnership between Ares and another syndicate. But it’s got me stuffed why our killer would call out Chi You.”

      “Let’s talk about Ares for a minute,” Johnno replied. “Have you had much to do with them Francesca, in particular, their president, Robbie L?”

      Francesca shook her head. “Not really. Any altercation in Queensland between bike gangs was handled by a dedicated team. I never had the chance to work with those guys. Although I do know our biggest concern was the Warlords.”

      “A quick history lesson. Ares took the Greek God of War as their mentor. Possibly the most despised amongst the ancient Gods, Ares lived by a code of rebellion - bloodthirsty rebellion. His behaviour apparently represented manliness and courage. Ancient Greeks described him as СКАЧАТЬ