Jyotish. Andrew Mason
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Название: Jyotish

Автор: Andrew Mason

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9780857011602



      Unfavourable Budha: One may endure the wrath of Lord Vishnu or the heir-apparent/regent. One may be co-opted into crime (theft) and other nefarious acts or be themselves the subject of hoaxes, in receipt of counterfeit goods, legal deception, character defamation (through the written word), suffer from slurred speech or stuttering, coordination impediments, tremors or slow or poor performance throughout educational life, diseases of the skin, respiratory ailments and vertigo.

      Bala (strength): Budha is considered well-disposed if the following are applicable: falling on his own day (Wednesday), in his own signs or exalted in Virgo. Budha favours the middle portion of Rashis; he prospers when distanced from the Sun’s rays, in either period of ayana, acquiring vigour during the day or night.

      Undertakings on Wednesday: Sacrificial offerings on Wednesdays are considered fruitful/auspicious for those wishing to receive benefit from Budha. Acts or undertakings include: study of shāstra, fine art and poetry, scientific study including mantra, astrology, alchemy and the manufacture of medicines, compounds, mixtures, attainment and cultivation of fertile land, green produce and grasses, mining of gemstones (taksya/emerald), apprehension of languages, observance of vows, meritorious deeds, delivering of messages and holding of secrets or untruths (lies).

Alternative names for Budha
SâumyaMild, tender, polite in manners and speech
BodhanaTeacher and instructor of great wisdom
InduputraChild, hence child of the Moon
JñaWise and learned
BudTo perceive, gain enlightenment
Primary Kārakas
Youthfulness, intellect, education, mathematics, astrology, astronomy, alchemy, liquid mercury (Hg), speeches, lectures, script writing, grammar, scholarly, wearing of new clothes, medicines (taking and making), healers, doctors, princes, regents, the colour green, sculpture, pilgrimage, commerce, magic, magicians, childhood, devotion, wordplay, anagrams, vitality, shrewdness, self-control, worship of Lord Vishnu, benefic nature, one skilled in mantra, tantric powers, reporters, authors, printers, publishers, accountants, insurance brokers, messengers, comedians, critics, emeralds, yantras, trade, horses, treasury, infantry, dvija (twice-born11), construction of palaces and temples, ornaments, soft speech, eunuchs, bad dreams, northerly direction, bell metal, bitter fruits, fears, dancing, humour and pranks, strong in the morning time, autumn, all seasons, compound substances, agile animals, birds, younger siblings, Atharva Veda, dust, religious rites, exploration of villages, delights from the northerly direction, the Nakshatras Aslesha, Jyestha and Revati, well-versed in shāstras, puraṇās, gemmology, sideways glances, 17-year dasha, rajasic temperament, verbal diarrhoea, performance of sacred rituals, mischievous children, playgrounds, short-distance travel, translation of texts, mental arithmetic, vantage points, success in undertakings, magical charms, alloys, betel leaves, attention to detail, currency, commerce, imports and exports, counterfeit money, hidden secrets, racecourses, gambling, book dealers, science, software writers, computer viruses, mimicry, confusion, speak impediments, courage, comprehension, enemy of Mars, green gram, adherence to superstition
Physical and Medical Kārakas
Skin and skin lustre, blood plasma, the navel, brain, nervous system, the neck, hearing, larynx, thyroid problems, the tongue, bronchial tube, the hands, nerve centres, gastric juices, oleation and lubrication, vertigo, sexual organs, dyspepsia, memory loss, impotency, lingering bouts of depression



      Kuja (Mars): I pay respects to Kuja (devagraha), born to Mahāviṣṇu and Bhūmi. Lustrous as lightning and burning coals – he bears multiple arms and is adorned with akṣamālā (rudrākṣa garlands).