How to Protect Your Assets and Preserve Your Hard Earned Capital. Antonio TJ Hines
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Название: How to Protect Your Assets and Preserve Your Hard Earned Capital

Автор: Antonio TJ Hines

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Учебная литература


isbn: 9781456628123



      Caption: The joys of traveling across the globe seeing the

      world living life as it should be.

      I’ve seen many people who are close and dear to me suffer through their golden years of life thinking they had the right plan. In this report I’m going to make light of what’s currently going on in the financial industry. And it is all for your benefit. Financial advisors, brokers and bankers seem to have the upper hand and will only tell you what’s best for them and their firm. I’m sorry to say, but that’s just the way it is.

      Why is this so? The answer is simple. Truthfully, the average investor plainly just doesn’t know. 90% of Americans have invested in a typical mutual fund. Not knowing that 96% of actively managed funds fail to beat the market over any sustained period of time.

      If your seriously interested in learning how to beat the stock market and or currently investing in the stock market, I suggest you read Tony Robins “Money Master the Game.”

      Here is a link to follow:

      This book will give you a good idea, if what your financial advisor is telling you is the truth. Or even teach you things your advisor is not telling you. Just as I will in this report. This report took nearly 4 months to put together with dedication and time, strictly for your benefit.

      Furthermore, this report will give you the knowledge you will need to know how to preserve your capital and wealth using a vehicle that’s real, hard and tangible.


      Caption: Depending on how you nourish your nest egg will be

      The ultimate factor whether you win or lose.

      Are You Serious

      The average investor may not know, that his broker and his firm gets paid, no matter if the investor wins or loses. The average investor may not know that the majority of 401(K) plans are made up of mutual funds, but not all.

      The average investor may not know that Tom Z. Gainer, of Americas best 401(K), says that 401(K) is the largest hidden dark pool of assets known to man.

      The average investor may not know, the average cost of owning a mutual fund, is 3.17%.

      You invest $100,000 x 3.17% = $3,170. Your $3,170 in the hole just for owning a mutual fund. These fees are usually collected by your broker to manage the fund. For clarity, let me break it down for you even more, because frankly most people just don’t do the math.

      For example, let’s say, a one-time investment of $10,000 at the age of 20 years old accruing at a 7% annual growth rate. By the time your 80 years old your return should be $574,464. “Not bad right?” Of course. I’d have to agree with you at first glance. “Yes, it looks good!” But not so fast, it’s not as good as it looks.

      Usually, there are all types of hidden fees the average investor doesn’t know about. Stay with me. Normal management fees and expenses to manage your portfolio are usually 2.5%. Your ending account balance would only read $140,274 when you turn 80 years old.


      Caption: This couple is starting to realize their savings is not what they expected

      That’s right, they literally took 77% of your nest egg. I mean …we all know no one works for free right? Of course we do, but hell this sounds like highway robbery to the 100th degree. “Wouldn’t you agree?” But wait there’s more…

      The average investor may not know service providers, by law in 2012 was ordered by the government to start disclosing all hidden fees to clients.

      Oh and let me not forget to mention, under the Dodd-Frank Act, they wanted to conduct a study to see if brokers and advisors acting in the clients best interest was a good idea. “Are you freaking kidding me?”

      How crazy does all this sound? Does this have you on the edge of your seat just a little bit? Of course your advisor won’t share these things with you. Honestly, you can’t blame them. It’s to their advantage to know something you don’t. More than likely they have a family to feed and a boss they need to please. Some things in business are kept proprietary and that’s how it works.

      With that being said the future is still bright. But first, you have to learn how to get back all control of your finances. “Do you agree?” Yes. I hope so because this report is loaded with financial information and a secret that most people don’t know – how to become a part of the top tier financial 1% club. Let’s continue.


      Caption: Taking control of your finances will give you the life you want.

      Control your own destiny.

      Only 1% of the human population has the where with all, of knowing how to protect and preserve the capital they worked so hard for. Stay with me and I promise you – you will have the opportunity to be apart of the 1% club by shaping your financial future what you desire it to be.

      I Should Have Known

      Now… you may be saying to yourself, you have to be kidding me! My friend, I value my time and your time, too much to waste it. I have nothing but value to share with you. What you will soon be armored with, is knowledge of how to keep you and your loved ones from being in the 75%. The 1% financial club.

      You may say 75%? “Yes, 75%!” 75% of what? “I’m glad you asked.” According to the Earnest & Young Study in 2013, 75% of Americans can expect to see their assets disappear before the clock stops ticking. And trust me this percentage hasn’t gotten any better in this present day in time.

      This has become a worldwide epidemic. I’m here to raise awareness. You deserve the right to know, as an upstanding American citizen, who has put themselves in a position to realize the American dream. No one gave you anything. You earned it! I owe this to you. Thanks for your time. Let’s continue.


      Caption: You can make your life to be as joyous as you want it

      to be, but first you must be aware of the good and not so good.

      There was a survey conducted by the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) acknowledging investors didn’t know or understand the different levels of investment care that were provided. You must ask yourself are you really playing the game with them? Or are they playing the game against you?

      The truth of the matter is and this may sound a little harsh, but your broker or banker doesn’t have an obligation to you. He doesn’t work for you. СКАЧАТЬ