Always October. C. E. Edmonson
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Название: Always October

Автор: C. E. Edmonson

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Контркультура


isbn: 9781456625207


СКАЧАТЬ calls, and I seem to remember one of the lawyers in town had a car of some kind, but horses and wagons filled the streets on working days in Louristan. The smell of them, the horses, was very strong—the smell of living, breathing creatures, a smell that seemed familiar the first time I smelled it. Later on, after tractors, trucks, and cars came along, folks claimed they disliked the smell of horses. Thought it was unclean somehow. They were sadly mistaken, at least in my opinion. Motor vehicles run on the remains of creatures that died millions of years ago and they smell like it, too.

      Of course, horses did leave their waste behind, which wasn’t so pleasant and had to be cleaned up. And that reminds me of another smell that’s popped into my mind: the stink of a chicken coop that needs cleaning. In those days, even town boys had chores to do, and my first chores required me to collect the eggs and feed the chickens we kept. Truth be told, there were times when the ammonia smell set my eyes to burnin’. Other times, after Annie finished cleaning the coop, the chickens gave off a warm, contented odor that I found downright comforting. That is, when the hens weren’t trying to peck me.

      Let’s see, what else. The smell of a wood fire, in the kitchen stove and the pot-bellied stove in the living room. The smell of the oil my father used to lubricate the machinery he sold. The smell of a fresh blackberry pie left to cool on a windowsill. The smell of the lilac toilet water my mother used every day, and the smell of the tiny, red roses that grew on a trellis alongside the house. The smell of sweat-soaked farmers in town for the day. There were no water heaters back then, no washing machines. Washing clothes was a day-long chore. You had to heat water on the kitchen stove, scrub the clothes on an old-fashioned wooden washboard, rinse out the soap—which was lye-based and caustic—in clean water, then hang the clothes out to dry. Gracious, there wasn’t even electricity outside of the town itself. Most farmers bathed once a week and they smelled like it, too.

      What I’m gettin’ to, in my old-man way, is a memory that’s still sharp even though I couldn’t have been much more than five years old when it happened.

      Cut hay smells good, plain and simple, whether the hay is timothy grass or alfalfa. Neither one, though, can stand alongside the smell of newly cut clover. There’s a poet named Robert Frost who described cutting clover as “the sweetest dream that labor knows,” and I can’t claim to disagree. I can remember times when the family gathered on the front porch after supper, sipping lemonade. This was on hot nights, before the house cooled enough to allow for sleep. The smell of cut clover would come drifting on the night breeze from the farms across the creek, and Momma would shake her head and laugh.

      “Somebody needs to put that in a bottle,” she’d say. “It puts lilacs to shame and makes the daffodils blush.”

      CHAPTER 2

      Haying season in farm country is all about speed and cooperation. You have to cut and stack the hay before it rains, which is not a job for one man or even one family. In my day, farm families took turns helping each other. Town folks turned out as well—including my dad, who hoped to sell machinery to the farmers. Talk about hard work, especially for townies who weren’t used to such grueling manual labor.

      Minnesota’s not a state blessed with a friendly climate. I’ve already said how the winters were bitter cold, which you’d think would mean the summers were mild. That wasn’t the case. No, sir. Haying took place in July, when temperatures reached ninety degrees in the shade. Sweat? You don’t know the meaning of the word till you’ve spent a day raking newly cut hay into haycocks or loading hay bales onto a wagon bed.

      My point here is not to complain about the hard work. In fact, the memory I’m workin’ at happened when I was too young to help out much. I was brought along because this was Momma’s baking day and she didn’t want me underfoot. What I saw on that day has stuck with me for a lifetime.

      By the time I had made my appearance on this planet, most farmers had switched from hand tools to machinery, horse-drawn side mowers, and side rakes that let a single farmer, perched up on a seat, do the work of ten men. Not Thomas Beckmeyer and his boys, though. They sweated for every stalk, wielding their scythes—Bear County Minnesotans called ’em sighs—hour after hour. As if they were born to it.

      We started out right after breakfast. My father hitched our horse, named Cinnamon, to the small wagon we used for deliveries. Off we went—my father, Annie, and I—leaving Momma behind. The day was already warm, the sun bright in a cloudless sky. Main Street was still quiet, and it would remain that way until haying season was over. Only the town barber, Carl Golson, was about. He was perched at the top of an extension ladder that reached the roof of his little shop, paintbrush in hand.

      “Howdy, Samuel,” he said as we passed by. “Thought I’d catch up on the chores while the catchin’ was good.”

      “That’s fine, Carl,” my dad replied. “Maybe after you finish, you could do my place next.”

      “With that strong, young man sittin’ next you? No, sir, you don’t need my help.”

      We were past the barber shop and almost out of town before I realized Mr. Golson was referring to me.

      Now, I know I said Louristan was the county seat. The courthouse was located on Main Street, and we had two doctors, a dentist, and two lawyers. But Louristan was still a small town by American standards. Main Street, which ran all of three hundred yards, featured two clothing stores, a meat market, two grocery stores, a small restaurant, a bank, a feed store, my dad’s shop, and churches for the Catholics, Lutherans, Baptists, and Seventh Day Adventists. A pair of taverns, the blacksmith’s forge, the livery stable, and the Bear County Clarion were located on our two side streets, First and Second. The grain elevator and the creamery were down by the railroad station at the southern edge of town. They were cooperatives even back then, the farmers organizing to counter the power of the mills and the railroad to dictate prices.

      Beyond the edge of town, all was cultivated fields and woodlots. It didn’t take long to cross the little, stone bridge spanning the creek and be out in what Dad called the country.

      “Tell me again, Annie, what we’re gonna do?” I remember asking.

      “We’re going to rake the windrows.”


      “No, windrows.”

      “What’re windrows again?”

      “I’ve already explained it five times.”

      “Tell me one more time and I won’t ask again.”

      “Lucas, you are an exceptionally tedious child.”

      Annie was five years older than I, a world-weary girl saddled with looking after her little brother when our parents released us for play. Myself, I figured all sisters were bossy by nature, and I didn’t argue with her.

      Haying season had only just begun and the fields we passed were lush with hay—timothy grass the most common, but also clover and alfalfa. Timothy grass produces a long flower stalk lined with pink-purple blossoms. With the breeze moving through acres and acres of the grass, the fields I stared at were a magic carpet—at least they were to me at that moment. I’d played in timothy grass, even chewed on the stalks, a habit Annie pronounced common but I’d never seen it exactly that way. The grass swayed and recovered with the ebb and fall of the breeze, giving way, coming back, as if the grass and the wind had cut some kind of deal. I remember the stalks were bright green, like they were proud to be alive, and the flowers rose at the ends of the stalks like the tail feathers on a peacock.