Haunting at Remington House. Laura V. Keegan
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Название: Haunting at Remington House

Автор: Laura V. Keegan

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Триллеры


isbn: 9780990459804


СКАЧАТЬ almost twelve years.”

      “You’re lucky. I wish there were more guys around here. Most move to the big city or go away to school. I hope I find someone special someday,” Mary said, smiling as she unpacked Cassie’s suitcase. “Oh, wow, these are beautiful chemises. Are they silk?”

      “Yes, they are and they’re part of my designer collection.” She laughed. “You look surprised.”

      “What did I miss?”

      “I bet Tom didn’t tell you, did he? We own the Alexa’s Boutiques.”

      “He did not! Alexa’s clothing is so chic. I’ve only been to one of your stores though. The one in Concord. I heard the main store in New York is unbelievable. Wow! Do you go in and pick out what you want and say, ‘Wrap it up and send it to my place?’ Talk about lucky.”

      “No, I pay for most of my clothes, like anyone else, but I do get a nice discount—after all I design many of them.” Cassie grinned realizing what a chatterbox Mary was now that they had found more common ground.

      “You’re a designer for Alexa’s? I’m jealous. Would you show me your designs sometime?”

      Cassie was pleased. Though well grounded, she liked it when people fussed over her. “Sure. Let’s finish up here; you and I can spend some time later today looking at my latest portfolio. I’m working on the summer line. I’d love for you to give me your opinions. Can you stay for a while this afternoon?”

      “Yes. I’d love that. Thank you. This is amazing!” Mary was beaming.

      Tom knocked on the door. “Hate to spoil your fun. Mary, I’ve been instructed to search you out and send you downstairs. Nellie needs your help in the dining room. Looks like you two are hitting it off. No one is safe from your charms, are they, Sis?” Tom gave her a gentle punch on the arm and left the room.

      “Go on, Mary. I want to finish unpacking.” An ally. Yay! One down and . . . hmm, how many to go? I like Mary. I know we’ll be good friends. She’s a darling. She carried an armful of Michael’s shirts to the closet and began putting them on hangers. She didn’t get to ask Mary about Tom’s neighbors. She’d have her fill her in this afternoon. Mary probably knew everything about everyone in this town. Cassie hummed contentedly. Joe had taken Michael and Lizzie into Ravenswood to get a few things they’d forgotten to pack. She was glad to have them out of her hair for a while, knowing she’d get little accomplished with Lizzie running around.

      As she passed the dresser, Cassie jumped. Her hand flew to her mouth. She stifled her scream. Reflected in the mirror was an old woman. She was crying, her eyes puffy and red. Her lips trembled slightly, then parted as if she was about to sob. She raised a boney hand speckled with brown liver-spots, blue veins protruded across the back. Clutching an embroidered handkerchief edged with blue lace, she brought her gnarled hand to her eyes to dab her tears. In that instant, she and Cassie made eye contact. Cassie detected the faint smell of lilac water—and something slightly rancid. She whirled around to face the woman standing beside her, ready to go to her and offer comfort. Her hand reached out to the woman. The room was empty. She ran to the hallway, there was no one there either.

      Chapter 35

      “Cassie, what’s wrong? You’re white as a sheet!” Tom ran down the hallway.

      “The old woman startled me. Where is she?”

      “Who? There’s no up here except you. What woman?” Tom asked, trying not to show his alarm.

      “The old woman. I saw her in the mirror. She’d been crying. I was going to help her, but I don’t know where she went. Who is she?”

      “Did you actually see her, Cassie?”

      “I saw her reflection in the mirror. I just told you that!” Cassie was getting annoyed with Tom. “Where did she go?”

      “No clue. Did she talk to you?”

      “No! I told you I saw her in the mirror, and when I turned around, she was gone. You didn’t see her?”

      “No I didn’t and, unless she went into another room, she would have passed me in the hall. Was it Nellie?”

      “No, it was not Nellie! I know Nellie. This woman was really old. Not anyone I’ve seen before. Please, let’s look around. This is crazy. I know what I saw. Come on.” They looked in every upstairs room; their search proved futile. Tom went downstairs to ask Nellie and her nieces, but no one had any idea who it could have been.

      Tom went back upstairs to get Cassie. “Michael and Lizzie just got back. I had Michael look around outside, but he didn’t see anyone.”

      “This is so strange, Tom. I saw the woman very clearly. Creepy.” Cassie giggled uneasily. “Think you have ghosts in the house?”

      “What an imagination you have. Probably just shadows from the tree outside the window or something. Forget about it, Sis. Come on. Lunch is on the table.” Tom gently pulled her toward the stairs. Now what? Cassie couldn’t expect him to believe there was an old woman roaming around here. He wouldn’t put up with her ghost-talk for long. She would upset everyone. She’d always had an over active imagination. He wouldn’t encourage her. And he didn’t want anyone else to either. As he descended the staircase, he took a deep breath. In the dining room he faced the questioning eyes of everyone with a quick shrug saying, “Ghosts! My sister is seeing ghosts. Better watch out, next thing you know, she’ll be talking to them, too.”

      Cassie shot him her famous “if looks could kill” glares and stuck her tongue out.

      Tom suffered through lunch, skillfully leading the conversation away from the topic of the old woman. “Nellie, thank you,” Tom said as she began gathering up the dishes. “That was a great lunch. We’ll go to the living room now. You too, Mary. We have a few things to talk over. Come on, it won’t take long.”

      Cassie looked at Mary and said, “We’ll look at my designs after while then. Tom, don’t keep us too long. Mary and I have plans, and Michael and Lizzie want to go down to the beach before it gets too cold.”

      Chapter 36

      Everyone filed through the double french doors to gather in the living room. Nellie followed with a tray of coffee, milk, and chocolate cake. “Mr. Gardner, I’ll pick up the dishes in a while, I need to get my nieces started in the attic. You said you wanted them to go through those old trunks in the back room, didn’t you?”

      “That would be a good place to start. I think it’s mostly stuff from the previous owners. Blankets and household things. I’ll be up in a while to see if I want to keep any of it. I don’t want to store a lot of junk. Thanks, Nellie.”

      To Cassie, Tom said, “I’m thinking about adding another bedroom in the attic so when you and Michael are here, you’ll have your own space. There’s plenty of room to have a master suite up there. But . . . no definite plans yet.”

      “We’ll talk about it. I’m happy to stay on the second floor. The room we’re in is lovely. Talk about a view! I love this house!”

      “Good, I’m relieved—it’s so different from Jamestown house, I didn’t know what you’d think.” Tom stirred cream into his coffee, then СКАЧАТЬ