Hunt and Power. Stephen Hayes
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Название: Hunt and Power

Автор: Stephen Hayes

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Триллеры


isbn: 9780987133946


СКАЧАТЬ of sight. The rest of the Young Army got through without much trouble. Well, the guard showed the same signs of recognition when he saw Amelia, but he didn’t reject her.

      I got in with no trouble at all and followed Peter through the door. I had the distinct impression that the stairs down which I was walking were already underground, perhaps nowhere near the stretch. Stella had the previous week created doors that transported us around Rock Haulter, and I suspected that the same brand of magic had been used here. The stairs circled downwards for quite a while in almost complete darkness until, finally, we reached the bottom, where a long hallway stretched ahead of us, no end visible.

      “Not much of a party so far,” Peter muttered from in front of me.

      We continued along the hallway in silence for some time. It was full of people, including plenty of Hammerhearts, so none of us wanted to draw attention to ourselves. Eventually, however, sounds began to reach our ears; sounds of talk, laughter and an unmistakable party atmosphere. The source was revealed as we rounded a corner and walked through a door, where it was all laid out in front of us.

      The place was massive, and already full of people. I would never have guessed it was a Hammerson event, given that I couldn’t see a single person wearing the uniform Lucien had shown us two weeks earlier. In fact, many had gone to greater trouble than we had to dress up for the event. I couldn’t see anyone I recognised, apart from those in the Young Army, all of whom were gathering to one side, not wanting to be conspicuous. They were doing a very bad job of it.

      I could see the features Stella had described—a long bar stretched along the far right wall, and several queues were spaced along it, for people getting food and drinks. The middle of the room, stretching across to the far left wall, was an eating area packed with tables, each for six or so. The dreaded dance floor was surely the wide open area on the opposite side of the room. There was no music playing as yet, but I was sure there would be later; I could see large speakers in every corner of the room.

      “Don’t stand around like that,” Lucien hissed, hurrying across to us and looking panicky. “People will notice if you’re not fitting in. Spread out a bit.”

      “Let’s go sit down,” I suggested, and we picked a table reasonably close to the bar to observe the Hammerhearts picking their dinners. Peter joined me at my table, followed by James and Erica. With two seats left, I looked wildly around, hoping that Lena or Natalie wouldn’t sit down; I didn’t feel ready for either of them just yet. Unfortunately, however, Nicole, Felicity, Jessica and Lisa had dragged Marc and Daniel to their table, their intentions very clear. Natalie was quick enough to pick up on the hint, but so was Tommy, and he jumped on our table before Lena could get near enough.

      Not wanting to look at either of them, or James and Erica, who were holding hands, I stared at the bar, wondering if I was going to see Hignat or Wilwog in their finest; or perhaps one of the Hammersons themselves. Tommy was doing the same, perhaps looking for the young girl who had shot him before the camp. Nobody was at all hesitant about taking ample amounts of food, and many were returning for second helpings. I was still unwilling to follow suit, but I could see plenty of the Young Army, including Marc and Lucien, loading their plates with delectable-looking dishes. Finally my growling stomach overpowered my brain, and Peter and I hurried over to grab some food.

      It was a torturous meal. Peter and I spent much of it looking over people’s heads for any potential threats, and always looking over at Marc to check that he was okay. I couldn’t see Stella anywhere but I wasn’t bothered by that—she could take care of herself. Natalie was trying very hard to make conversation with me, and had I been less preoccupied with our surroundings, I may have given in to her. She was certainly doing her utmost to make me look at her, and whenever I did spare her a glance, I found it difficult to look away; she was looking as good as I had ever seen her, even better than she had in her bikini all those times we had been swimming together—and that was saying something.

      Had I been less preoccupied, I may have also noticed that the longer this pattern continued, the more my chances with Natalie were slipping away. Tommy was paying her the attention she was seeking from me, and although she returned it sparingly at first, eventually she began talking to him more than to me. Their conversation was quite intimate too, considering they were talking quietly about James and Erica, who were behaving in a most discomforting fashion indeed. Apparently, Tommy wanted Natalie to associate him with intimacy, at least sub-consciously. Was that a legitimate way of getting in a girl’s head?

      By the end of dinner, I was very grumpy and considering just getting out of there and getting an early night, but when I suggested it quietly to Peter, he shook his head.

      “They might be still up at home, and if you turn up without us, they’ll probably … well, you know.”

      He was probably right, but I didn’t like it one bit. I thought of just slipping off anyway and not going home, but Peter seemed to be reading my mind and kicked me under the table to make me stay still. Feeling grumpy, I thought about what I would have to go through if I stayed here; what was more important here? Giving Natalie the attention I wanted to give her, and she wanted from me, or making sure I was ready if anything dodgy happened? Surely the latter, though I was beginning to realise that it was now or never with Natalie. But unfortunately, it was too late; attempts to follow her conversation were useless now. She was far more interested in Tommy …

      I noticed at this point that Natalie had not left her seat at all—the only one on our table who hadn’t. I knew it was because she had used Tommy to get things from the bar for her, knowing it would get him out of the way for a few minutes at a time, and Tommy had been happy to oblige. It may have been just to keep her happy (to suck up to her, in other words), but there might have been another motive as well. None of us were supposed to be drinking alcohol, and so far as I could tell, the other people on our table weren’t, but Natalie? She was getting more and more flushed and giggly as the night progressed, and always in response to whatever Tommy was saying to her. It might be nothing … or maybe there was a little more flavour in her drink than anyone but Tommy knew. I was tempted to pick it up and pour it into his lap, but social awareness made me hold back, knowing that I didn’t actually know for sure. Later, I would wish I had just gone ahead and done it, and damn the consequences.

      At about half past nine, the place went quiet. It took me a moment to see why, but eventually Peter nudged me and pointed in the general direction of the dance floor. There, Arnold Hammerson had risen to his feet and called the crowd to order. I only noticed then that he was standing in front of a table for four, at which Tankom, Stella and Cornish were sitting. The speeches followed, from Hammerson, Tankom and obviously Stella. They were rather polite, although I could tell that half the stuff Hammerson said was more automatic than anything; his eyes showed cold hatred of the girl in front of him, and I was sure he would have preferred not to be doing this. Tankom’s speech was short, but she looked more sincere than Hammerson had.

      The party really began in earnest after that. The lights dimmed a bit and the music began. A bunch of rowdy blokes congregated up at the bar, ordering liberal amounts of alcohol. People were gathering on the dance floor and having a grand old time. I looked around at the tables occupied by the Young Army and saw that Katie and Sophie were already dragging the twins up to the dance floor; Nicole had successfully latched on to Marc and they were also heading up there. Amelia was watching the latter couple rather sadly.

      James offered his hand to Erica, and both of them disappeared. Tommy did the same for Natalie, and after some hesitation, she obliged. She took one last look at me before turning and heading off. Tommy also looked back at me while Natalie’s back was turned, raising his hand as though in apology. The look didn’t stretch to his eyes though. I could see the glint of triumph there; he had no intention of letting go of Natalie from here on. My stomach fell; I’d blown it for sure now. Stupid me, thinking that her wanting me would СКАЧАТЬ