84 Day Body Alkaline Challenge Action Manual. Monica Wright
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Название: 84 Day Body Alkaline Challenge Action Manual

Автор: Monica Wright

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9780992410421


СКАЧАТЬ is done, it is done! You must have daily Action by exercising, eating nutritious foods and having the right supplements.

      The first part of the body challenge is everything you need to do - step by step to get started. We allow 6 days for you to get prepared before the 84 day challenge begins. 6 days to tick off all the things you need to do.

      The most important part of the 84 day body challenge are the Checklists. By using the weekly checklists, you become accountable in all the areas of your life you need to improve on. We have found the checklists to be a critical component to prepare for every fitness competition we have entered and for every successful client we have trained. The checklists can be found at the back of this action manual.

      Our house in the lead up to a competition resembles a mad scientist's laboratory! We have affirmations, quotes, checklists, goals, rules, motivational posters, you name it, and it's up on a wall, door, mirror, fridge and even the ceiling of our bedroom. We do this so we are surrounded and immersed by our ultimate goals, and guess what? It works every time. So don't worry if your house starts looking like a grand final locker room, it will only ensure your success and keep you on track.

      The only way you will not achieve results on this challenge is if you give up. Give up and you have given up on yourself. Keep going on the weekly checklists and the Action Manual will never give up on you.

      Good Luck, your journey to a new YOU is about to begin...

      Yours in Health & Fitness

      Matt Thom & Monica Wright

      Live your life each day as you would climb a mountain.

      An occasional glance toward the summit keeps the

      goal in mind, but many beautiful scenes are to be

      observed from each new vantage point.

      Climb slowly, steadily, enjoying each passing moment;

      and the view from the summit will serve as a fitting climax for the journey.

      - Harold V. Melchert


      If you Fail to Plan, then you Plan to Fail

      Welcome to the 84 Day Body Challenge Action Manual; the perfect companion to our book 'Change your Body'. Congratulations on making a positive decision to increasing your health & vitality.

      Your body transformation starts in 6 days time. It is now time to prepare and layout the plan for success. In the next 6 days you will be preparing yourself and your environment for the 84 day body challenge using the 15 steps that follow.

      It is our intention; that by following our guidelines for the challenge 100%, you will experience exactly what the title of our book implies... Change your Body which will ultimately allow you to live your life.

      At this point, how are you feeling? A bit excited, a little overwhelmed, a few feelings of doubt creeping in maybe? However you are feeling, just accept it. Nothing is ever hard or ever easy, they are just labels that people use to justify to themselves why they have or haven't achieved something. When asked by someone 'did you do it?' and you answer yes - then this evokes a feeling of superiority, success or achievement. When you answer no - then this evokes a feeling of impossible, unachievable or it wasn't important to me. The bottom line here is that it's YOUR health!

      Start visualizing that in 84 days people will ask you how did you get into shape and how much younger you look. They will even ask you for advice and you can tell them how you changed your body in 84 days! It is called the 84 Day Body Challenge for a reason. Firstly it is 84 days of having that goal, that constant thought, that burning desire, that inner drive and belief in yourself to achieve success. It can be done in 84 days and that's all it takes, and it is a challenge.

      We have done this challenge obviously 4 times as strict as we could at the time. I can tell you now all 4 times the challenge was different for both of us. Why? Because things happen out of your control, life is full of good days, bad days, lazy days, awesome days, however you want to label it. All of that is called LIFE.

      The first time I did the body challenge it took me 416 days and if you have read our book 'Change your Body' you will know why. But I did it. I changed my body because of one reason and I did not allow myself to quit. It is that simple, I refused to use the words hard or impossible and just did the very best that I could.

      We implore you to do the very best that you can with what you have got. Everyone of us is unique with different strengths and different weaknesses. You don't have to be a certain person to complete this challenge you just have to DO IT.

      If you miss one or two ticks on the daily checklists or you have done every single minute of exercise needed and you miss a day, it doesn't mean you fail and won't get results. The 84 day challenge is a system and the closer you can stick to it the less adjusting you will have to do along the way. The single most important thing is that you don't stop or quit. We have never completed the challenge perfectly and placed a tick in every box. Never! Not once! But we have always achieved results, every single time, and changed our bodies. We never quit though and that is the key.

      Remember this challenge is the Ultimate Guide of everything you need to do. If you miss a couple of ticks here and there.. .BIG DEAL. Miss a lot of ticks, well it may take you a little longer or you can do what we do and that is adapt and adjust along the way. My goal is always to complete the challenge no matter what. My aim is to get as many ticks as I can, when I do miss one I will try and make up for that by trying a little harder in that area the next day. All the ticks do is point out where you need the most help, it lets you know your strengths and weaknesses, so you can create a plan to address that area.

      My weakness is fitting in all the exercise components and getting enough sleep, while running four businesses. Therefore, I adapt by getting as many ticks in all the other areas, like the food requirements that I find easier. I make up for missed exercise ticks by either doing extra exercise sessions on some days, or giving myself a hard intense session with a training partner or personal trainer. With the sleep, I take naps during the day to make up the eight hours or sleep longer on weekends! Monica is great at the exercise ticks, no worries there but is really bad at... nothing really, she just gets it done!!

      After you have completed week one, write down in the reflection section where you need to adjust, what plan do you need to put in place to receive more ticks in a certain area. Remember just get it done and then get it right! There is no need to be overwhelmed or intimidated.


      As long as you know where you want to go and what you have to do to get there you will succeed. A plane is off course for more than 90% of its journey, constantly adapting to wind currents and turbulence, and it still reaches its destination 99.9% of the time!

      Know where you want to go because this Action Manual will show you how to get there as it has for thousands of people before you.

      If you complete every single tick and every minute of exercise then as far as we know you will be the first. Well done. Remember it is a guide not a formula, learn from your mistakes and start again but NEVER GIVE UP.

      Plan for the future because that is where you are going to spend the rest of your life.

      — Mark Twain

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