ElsBeth and the Pirate's Treasure, Book I in the Cape Cod Witch Series. J Bean Palmer
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Название: ElsBeth and the Pirate's Treasure, Book I in the Cape Cod Witch Series

Автор: J Bean Palmer

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Учебная литература


isbn: 9781456620783


СКАЧАТЬ those of you who have never had Anadama bread fresh from the oven, you are missing a favorite New England treat made with cornmeal and molasses, and one that smells most wonderful while baking.)

      With a full belly after the last course of hot apple pie and homemade ice cream — a special delight for Sylvanas — ElsBeth got to her most important studies.

      Being a witch had responsibilities and required daily study and practice. And a lot of patience.

      She had been working for the last several weeks on mastering a protective spell for a small kitchen garden.

      This was a fundamental skill for any witch worthy of the name.

      She had been practicing on yard-long squares of their garden that Grandmother had marked off with twine. She was now on her fifth square.

      ElsBeth would have to admit that the first two squares were a poor show, looking brown at the edges and wilty. She could hear faint, weepy sounds coming from those sections.

      The plants there were sadly embarrassed about their withered appearance.

      However, each of the last three squares looked progressively greener and plumper.

      And now there was a perfect tomato growing fast in front of her eyes.

      “Eureka!” she squealed in delight. “I’ve got the hang of it!”

      Her grandmother popped out the back door to see what the noise was about.

      She folded her arms and beamed at her granddaughter. ElsBeth was a little impatient, and had a bit too much of a temper, but she was doing all right.

      Hannah decided that the littlest witch on Cape Cod was coming along just fine.


      Chapter 5

      Dreams of Pirates and Treasure

      That night in her small captain’s bed (with the roomy, built-in drawers underneath where she kept her most favorite things), ElsBeth had dreams. She rarely had dreams, but tonight her dreams seemed almost realer than real.

      There was a pirate. He was short and had bowed legs. And there was a cave and gold and jewels and swords, and some men skulking around.

      And there was Robert Hillman-Jones, tied up in muddy rope, looking scared and very cold.

      What was Robert Hillman-Jones doing in her dream? It was bad enough she had to put up with him during the day.

      “Oh, well,” she sighed, still asleep, and went back into a deeper slumber, until the bright morning sun woke her up.

      At breakfast her grandmother gave ElsBeth a long, serious look.

      “ElsBeth, did you have a dream last night?”

      ElsBeth was amazed by the question. “Yes, I did, Grandmother.”

      “Was it about pirates?” Hannah asked.

      “Why, yes, it was!” ElsBeth was shocked by this question.

      “We haven’t talked about this yet. But tonight, instead of your usual lessons, we will cover a new topic.

      “Witch’s dreams often have special meanings.

      “But enough for now. You’ll be late for school if you don’t get out the door, young lady.”

      ElsBeth looked at the tall, moon-faced, grandfather clock in the hall — who promptly winked right back at her.

      She grabbed her half-eaten, cranberry-pumpkin-nut muffin, and her pack, and dashed out the door.

      Calling, “See you tonight, Grandmother. I love you,” ElsBeth was off.

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