The Red Cell. André Le Gallo
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Название: The Red Cell

Автор: André Le Gallo

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Триллеры


isbn: 9780988591998


СКАЧАТЬ have Gazpacho and Maryland crabs. Now, let’s go over this so-called extraordinary rendition, which sounds not only illegal but also a political risk that could harm the president’s reelection chances.” She fingered the filigree gold necklace hanging down past the top of her blouse.

      Silence descended on the room, as a waiter entered to serve the Gazpacho. When he left, Maloney, a bald and large framed man, made the first tentative thrust in what Marshall thought was going to be a battle. “Well, the subject here is General Ghassem Yosemani who is the head of Iran’s Quds Force, an ambitious hard liner who may have a political future. Thérèse, you want to take it from here?”

      As the others spooned their soup, LaFont, blonde and looking elegant in a red Dior scarf that, in Marshall’s eyes trumped Dalton’s necklace, began. “Yosemani was born in Kerman Province in 1957. His parents were peasants, and he started out as a laborer. We do not know what he did during the 1979 Revolution, but he volunteered for the Revolutionary Guard that same year. He covered himself with glory during the Iraq-Iran war, from which he emerged as a general. He then took a leading role in putting down a Kurdish revolt and earned Tehran’s gratitude when he shut down a narcotics route from Afghanistan.”

      “All I have to say about that,” Dalton said, putting her spoon on the table. “Is it appears irrelevant to why we’re here. I haven’t heard anything yet to warrant our time and resources. Please get to the point.”

      Marshall, who knew LaFont to be the sharpest blade at the table, looked at her expectantly. “You’re right,” LaFont said. “We should add a little color. Yosemani is believed to have orchestrated the attempt to assassinate Steve right here in the capital last month. He is responsible for the killing of hundreds of American soldiers in Iraq, using IEDs made and provided by his Quds Force. His men are training and arming Syrian militias to support the Assad regime, and we have obtained intelligence that indicates he is providing missiles as well as sarin gas to the Hizballah for an eventual attack against Israel.”

      Marshall could see LaFont’s response did not please Dalton, but he wasn’t sure why. He noticed her frowning, putting down her spoon, and nervously fingering a gold medallion hanging from her necklace.

      LaFont added, “He has a wife and two daughters in Tehran, and a son in Brussels. His first wife died shortly after their marriage, but we don’t know why. Politically he is extremely loyal to Supreme Leader Khamenei, although he is more a nationalist than a religiously driven individual.”

      “If I could add something?” Steve asked, looking toward LaFont. “There is increasing but fragmentary intelligence pointing to Yosemani as the brain behind the assassination of our ambassador in Yemen last week.”

      “I don’t think that is conclusive,” Dalton said, “The State Department and the FBI have begun an investigation, and we should not rush to judgment.”

      “Let’s also keep in mind,” Marshall said, “That killing our ambassador in Yemen is not the same as a 7-Eleven robbery gone bad. I don’t think we’ll be bringing the killers in front of an American court requiring strict rules of evidence. This was an act of war, not a crime. If and when we can identify the responsible parties, I’m sure the president will put them on his kill list and order a drone strike.”

      “I was not aware,” Dalton said, with what Marshall thought was anger her authority was being challenged, “That you were here speaking for the president. If I understand your status, you are a contractor.”

      “Mr. Church’s Red Cell will be charged with carrying out this operation,” LaFont said, firmly returning Dalton’s gaze. “He and Steve and Kella all have experience in this type of activity. The president himself has thanked them and recognized their successes as extremely important to the nation. It’s important for us to have them here.”

      Silence again, as the waiter returned, removed the soup bowls, served the Maryland crabs, and discreetly left the room.

      “Kella, what did you say about Romania?” Dalton asked. “How are the Romanians involved?”

      “Our embassy in Bucharest owns a villa in Sinaia, in the Carpathians,” Kella answered. “We will use it for the interrogation. The embassy staff has used it for R and R for many years. I understand it has been renovated to accommodate its new purpose.”

      “Well, that’s another problem isn’t it?” Dalton said.

      “It should not be,” Maloney answered, shaking his head. “This was all done with approval and help from the Romanian government. In any case, the Sinaia villa option is a detail yet to be settled…”

      Just then, a heavy-set man in a dark suit entered the dining room.

      “I was just walking by and thought I’d drop in,” he said, looking at Dalton. “Can I be of any help?”

      Marshall recognized Vice President Harry Baxter who, by habit born of long practice, shook hands with everyone around the table.

      “Harry, we are discussing an extraordinary rendition of the commanding general of Iran’s Quds Force,” Dalton said. “Some of us think this is an extralegal operation, while others are arguing he is an enemy of this country.”

      “The extralegal aspect is why it’s called a covert operation. I say go get his ass!” The vice president smiled at everyone then left the room.

      7. Washington

      When Steve glanced up at a United Airlines plane making its approach to Reagan National Airport over the Potomac, Kella gave him what she meant to be a quick kiss. Steve prolonged it into a warm embrace. Laughing, she said, “Wow, I can’t surprise you, can I?”

      They were sitting on a bench in East Potomac Park overlooking the river with the Lincoln Memorial behind them and the FDR Memorial on the left.

      “I try to be alert at all times,” he said, grinning.

      Kella had noticed a definite change in Steve after he finally had proposed they get married in Paris. Although she had been making not-very-subtle suggestions for weeks, she was careful to let him think he had come up with an original idea. At least he was no longer walking on eggs regarding their future together. Having crossed that divide, he was more caring and less hesitant to initiate their now-more-frequent lovemaking. He had been positively enthusiastic the day he had given her the ring. This was definitely a new Steve.

      “This is one of my favorite places,” she said, watching another plane approaching the airport, while crews in a pair of eight-oared shells raced each other upstream. “Well, after the cherry trees, of course.” In Afghanistan on behalf of her Pentagon job, she had missed the few days in May when the famous Japanese cherry trees around the Tidal Basin were in bloom.

      “That is where my father began his CIA training,” Steve said, pointing behind them. “There were still Quonset huts on Ohio Drive left over from World War Two, when the OSS, the Office of Strategic Services that predated the CIA, occupied many of the offices.”

      “By the way, did Marshall have any feedback on that Quds Force hit team?” Kella said, as she started to unpack a picnic lunch of delicacies, bread and wine, she had picked up at the French delicatessen earlier that day.

      “Spencer, my FBI buddy, took part in the interrogation of the bike driver in the hospital. Everyone was surprised at his lack of resistance. He confirmed he was a Quds Force member and the assassination attempt was blowback for their failure to capture us last СКАЧАТЬ