The Special One. James Griffin
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Название: The Special One

Автор: James Griffin

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9781301873524


СКАЧАТЬ his manicure crisp, short, and perfect. Upon closer inspection, the suit was actually a tuxedo, and it didn’t look like a rental. His eyes were dark brown, as were her own, and his light brown oiled hair hung down lazily across his brow. But his smile…those dimples and those dazzling white teeth, was dream-like. Now the huntress had become the prey, and as with the competition, Rhetta conceded to her better.

      “Nice to meet you, too, Michael. I’m…”

      “I know, remember?”

      “Oh, sorry… I forgot. Silly me! But could you please call me ‘Rhetta”? The other name makes me feel like I’m in trouble for something.”

      “And should you feel so?”

      “Umm... What do you mean?”

      “If you have to ask, the answer doesn’t need articulation, now; does it?”

      “Uh, umm… Now look what you’ve done. You’ve made me afraid to ask anything.”

      “Ha! I’m just kidding you. I’m a kidder. Always kidding. And please, call me Mike. ‘Michael’ makes me feel as though I’m in trouble for something.”

      “And should you feel so?”

      “Absolutely. But hey, Rhetta, I’ve gotta run. My mom’s waiting out in the car with my brothers. I don’t want to be rude. I just wanted to say hi and to… meet you.”

      Before she could answer he was off, running out the big double doors. She clasped her right hand in her left, squeezing her own fingers until they turned white. It was as if he hadn’t even been standing there ten seconds earlier.

      “Seems like a nice boy, huh, dear? asked her mother.

      Rhetta didn’t even hear her mother’s question.


      Oh! My hip! Uh…what’s happening to me? Who’s rolling me over? My hip…my lower back, too…Why do they throb so? What are they doing to me now? Why are they touching me there?

      “I’ll hold her leg up while you wipe her, Rosie. Watch the Foley, now. Make sure you get it all, and while I’ve got her open, it’d be a good idea to put some gel and powder to keep the rash from getting any worse.”

      “Yes, Miss Debbie. Ah’ll get it all. It’s not a problem. Jess like a baby she is now. We’re all jess babies in God’s eyes…innocents. Would ya please reach ovah and hand meh a clean ‘un, Miss Debbie?”

      They’re putting a diaper on me. Oh Lord, please let this be a bad dream I can wake from! Oh God, this is the very worst nightmare I’ve ever had, and it keeps coming back. Oh… at least I’m covered up now. Small blessings…

      Footsteps entering

      “Debbie, I need to check Mrs. Bartlett’s bandages, especially her face. That one needs to come off for good. Stitches need removing; it’s been ten days.”

      “Yes, Doctor Simon.”

      Bright light being pulled over my face. Warm and bright. Tilting my head and covering the side of my face with a cloth, now…pulling, yanking, hurts…

      “Ah, Doctor Simon? Ah has some alcohol right heah if you’d like some. Ah mean no disrespect, but that theah tape gets real attached after ten days, an’ Miss Rhetta, well, the older ladies, their skin be like paper. Alcohol makes that there tape peel right off nice-like.”

      “Rosie,” answered Debbie for the silent Dr. Simon, “what’s the difference? She can’t feel it.”

      “But we s don’t know that, Miss Debbie. Not fer sure, now, do we?”

      Now Dr. Simon interjected. “Rosie, would you get me a pair of gloves?”

      “Grab me a pair, too.” said Debbie. Talking under her breath now, she added, “Normally I wouldn’t bother with an 80 year old woman, but she did, after all, get quite a few units from the general pool, if you know what I mean, Jane.”

      “Exactly my thoughts, Deb.”

      Pulling, pulling, my skin hurting… Why won’t they try that alcohol to loosen the tape?

      “Oh shit. Sprang a leak. Her skin really is like tissue paper. Shit. Rosie? Where’s that alcohol?”

      “Right heah, Doctor Simon. Alls ready to go.”

      The smell of alcohol, then …Oh! How it stings! On the places they just opened up! But now the tape’s coming off easier. Why didn’t they just do this from the start?

      I counted seventeen stitches. Now the spots she snipped itch a bit. Now betadine… Will it sting, too? No. Soothing. Oh, what a relief that’s over.

      Light being shut off now. Cooler air returning. Maybe they’ll leave me in peace for a while.

      “Debbie, let’s take a look at that stump while I’m here.”

      “Yes, Doctor.”

      Sheet being pulled back. No… I thought that might have been a bad dream… Please, God, let it be a dream I had.”

      “She was lucky, Debbie. Clipped it a few inches below the knee. Perfect for a later fitting. You know… if she ever gets to that stage.”

      Touching me there now… I feel like my leg is still there, my foot, too. Then it just feels tingly, like it did before. Picking my leg up… I can feel her hands on me, on the place, now something else. Someone’s touching my hair, stroking my hair. Now whispering…

      “Ah, Miss Rhettta… It’ll be alright. You’ll see. God, He never give us anything we can’t handle. I sense you’ll be fine with this heah thing. You’ve seen tough days in your yeahrs; I’m certain. Miss Rhetta…”

      Stroking my arm now… so gently…all I want to feel is her touch…

      “Yes, a prosthetic leg will fit her nicely if she ever needs to walk again. How’s that car dealer workin’ out for you? Get the paperwork signed yet with his ex-to-be?”

      “Not yet. That bitch is holding out just to break his balls. Bitch. Hell, she’s getting’ custody and the house and alimony; what’s her beef except to break ‘em, you know? But it doesn’t matter; he’s still swearing he’s taking me to Vegas next month. I just picked up a few great outfits for gambling, too. I’m like, so psyched to go!”

      My leg being dropped back onto the mattress. I didn’t feel my foot hit, just my leg. It must be true. Oh, God, what will I do? And what happened to the young lady who ran into me? And she was probably looking behind her at her child… or children! I pray they weren’t too badly hurt! If only I could ask what happened to them…

      The sounds of two pair of rubber gloves being pulled off, tossed onto the blanket on my legs, where they left the other stuff from the stitches.

      “Rosie, be a sweetheart and get that for me? I have to go with Dr. Simon now.”

      “Yes, Miss Debbie. You go. Ah’ll СКАЧАТЬ