Tales of the Gemstone Elves Volume One Beryl's Journey. Patricia Elizabeth Bennett
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Название: Tales of the Gemstone Elves Volume One Beryl's Journey

Автор: Patricia Elizabeth Bennett

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Учебная литература


isbn: 9781456618162


СКАЧАТЬ And to all of those who respect and protect our State and National Forests…

      Our greatest Treasure...



      Chapter One

       Irelynn's World

      It is the Spring of 1955 in a sunny, flat land near the ocean.

      There is a large Orchid Tree growing by a path where Children walk to school. Bright pink blossoms cover the tree branches and underneath are dark, shady, hollow spaces. The sweet scent of flowers fills the air, hinting of magic, but no Human has discovered that this is the nursery for the Children of the Gemstone Elves.

      Beryl and his Buddy Jasper


      Two of the younger Elves, Beryl and Jasper, peer out from their perch among the high branches. Beryl’s gold jacket and hat sparkle in the Sun while Jasper’s red vest and hat hide in the shadows. Dressed in green from head to foot, except for their jackets and the tips of their hats, they look very much like the leaves.

      “Remember what our Elders told us, Beryl. We are supposed to be wary of Humans and make sure they don’t see us,” Jasper says, tucking his head back under a leaf.

      “But I think they are curious,” Beryl says, leaning farther out from the tree… watching the Children walk by… his brown hair so bushy and long, it’s almost covering his eyes.

      Today, as he is watching the Children, something special happens.

      There she is, he thinks as he sees the young, blonde-haired Girl who always stops and stares up into the tree. His heart skips a beat.

      What is that up in the Tree?

      “Come on, Irelynn… hurry or we’ll be late for school,” her older Sister calls out to her.

      Irelynn keeps on staring, though, as if she knows there’s something magical up there.


      She’s in the first grade of school, and everything is new and exciting. She follows her big Sister who is in the fifth grade and has the job of watching out for her.

      Beryl can’t wait to watch for her every day. He can see the wonderment in her eyes. She’s looking at me, he thinks, but I know most Humans can’t see Elves. She can’t see me, can she? Her eyes are soft and she’s smiling. She doesn’t seem scary. She might be able to see our World, he thinks. I wonder what her World is like? Then he gets an idea.

      “Jasper! Let’s follow that Girl and see where she’s going.”

      “Are you crazy?” Jasper asks him. “Some day you are going to end up in big trouble, Beryl,” he warns him as he flies away to help the bees gather pollen for the blooms on the Orchid Tree. “I’m going to do something important.”

      Just then, Irelynn’s Sister calls out to her again in a loud voice. “Irelynn!” she says. “What’s the matter with you? What are you looking at? I told you we’ll be late for school, and we will get in trouble.”

      This time, Irelynn heads out on the path and walks away, turning back to look every few feet, hoping to see what’s up there. Beryl stares at her with alarm. For a moment he thinks he might just jump out and let her see him, to let her know he’s real. Quickly, he realizes Jasper might see him and tell the Elders… then there would be big trouble.

      What am I going to do? he thinks. I just have to find out more about Irelynn and the World she lives in. He flies to see his Parents as fast as his wings can get him there.

      “I know my Elf powers. I’ve practiced and practiced,” he tells them. “May I please go out by myself now?”

      “You have done well so far, Beryl,” they say. “You may go, but be careful. Don’t forget our traditions, and remember to watch out for cats. They are not very kind to Elves, you know.”

      “I will, I will, I will,” Beryl promises them, and he flies away from the nursery by himself for the very first time. He feels brave and excited, but at the same time he’s nervous and shaking as he catches up with Irelynn. He takes a deep breath and keeps going, staying just far enough behind so she doesn’t hear the beating of his wings.

      Beryl follows her to a large building where there are lots of Children, Grown-ups, and strange metal boxes with wheels under them. I can’t go back now, he thinks. Taking another deep breath, he stays right behind her as she goes into one of the rooms and stops at a table where there is a tiny toy farm set with chickens, pigs, cows, and sheep. He watches as Irelynn picks up the animals and talks to them.

      The Teacher says, “Boys and Girls, it’s time to put the toys away and take your seats.”

      He follows Irelynn as she sits down at a desk. Looking for a hiding place, he settles in behind some books on a shelf nearby where he can see her.

      An Elf at Human School, Oh My!

      The Children stand up to sing a few songs with their Teacher. I like this, Beryl thinks. They all recite a kind of poem while looking at a red, white, and blue flag with their right hand over their heart. As they sit back down, Beryl hears a loud buzzing sound — are th ere bees in here? Beryl wonders.

      “No talking,” the Teacher says, “Remember, you don’t want to sit at the naughty kid’s table.” The Children look down at their papers and press their lips together.

      Beryl is almost sound asleep when he hears someone say “Lunch Time!”

      He follows Irelynn and the other Children to the cafeteria where they line up, carry their trays, and begin eating their lunch, still being quiet.

      How strange, he thinks, this is not like the Elf School. It’s not much fun. I’m bored… why aren’t they practicing their powers?

      In the afternoon, he follows them as they leave their room and walk outside to a wide field with swings, slides, balls, and jump ropes. The Children leap and run with big СКАЧАТЬ