How to Lose Man Boobs Fast and Naturally: Get Rid of Man Boobs Once and for All. Kenneth L. David
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Название: How to Lose Man Boobs Fast and Naturally: Get Rid of Man Boobs Once and for All

Автор: Kenneth L. David

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9781456615284


СКАЧАТЬ should also get your prostrate checked because if your testosterone level decreases, man boobs is a result. Men do get breast cancer, another cause of the increase in the breast tissue mass, and things like alcoholism and cirrhosis can also cause man boobs.

      Does being overweight contribute to having man boobs? Yes, being overweight is a significant reason for having man boobs.

      When you are overweight, you carry extra fat in your body. The extra fat will settle in your belly and your breasts, making the condition that much more noticeable.

      If you are obese, your man boobs are likely just due to your weight, however, being overweight is in itself a factor in causing the hormone imbalance in the first place so it is always a good idea to work to get to a healthy weight, not only to shed your man boobs, but for your overall health in the first place.

      Steroid use is another factor. Synthetic steroids are a popular choice for body builders because it helps to build muscle mass and reduce fat.

      Steroids enter the body and the body thinks that the steroids are extra testosterone and treats them as such and remember how we said that it would convert to estrogen, which is exactly what will happen.

      Steroids given medically, such as for treating cancer, AIDS, to initiate puberty, stimulate bone growth and appetite will also cause male breasts to form.

      Some medication actually contains hormones and so males taking these medicines will end up developing man boobs because of the hormones that they are putting into their body.

      They may not even realize that this will be a side effect of the medication.

      Medicines that can disrupt the hormone balance to cause man boobs include Omeprazole, Cimetidine, Spironolactone, Imatinib mesylate and some antipsychotics, tricyclic antidepressants, ulcer medication, some chemotherapy drugs, and some chemotherapy medication.

      Many of the drugs used to treat prostate cancer, such as cyproterone and flutamide, will cause man boobs, so if you are currently being treated for that, the condition is a side effect of the treatment and talk to your doctor about it.

      If you are in constant contact with a female who is wearing a progesterone patch, the progesterone in the patch can actually transfer to you, through skin contact, which can lower your testosterone levels.

      Environmental and Other Causes

      Hormones in the environment can also affect men. The things that we encounter during our day and even the things that we put into our bodies can actually enhance the hormone imbalance.

      So what else can cause a hormone imbalance in men?

      Environment toxins are a significant culprit for causing hormone imbalances in men and women.

      Many of the everyday products that we encounter contain chemicals that are toxic and can disrupt our hormone production; endocrine disruptors is the term for these.

      These chemicals are prevalent in plastics, and although we do not eat plastic, we are in constant contact with it, and indeed, we wrap much of our food in plastic.

      Pesticides and herbicides are also high with endocrine disruptors, and these are found in our produce and in any grain based food that is not labeled as organic; which is why eating organic is a smart choice.

      Our air and water supply has these toxins as well and cleaning products are another big cause of endocrine disrupters.

      Xenoestrogens are one of the types of endocrine disruptors and the main one that is the cause of man boobs.

      Xenoestrogens enter our bodies and are similar enough to our natural hormones, that our body gets confused and disrupts our normal hormone production. Plastics, fungicides, herbicides, and pesticides all contain xenoestrogens.

      When they enter your body, these xenoestrogens can impact your metabolic system, immune system, nervous system, endocrine system, and your reproductive system.

      They are hard to get rid of as well because not only can they not be broken down and excreted by our bodies but they actually stay in our fat cells and other tissues so that once they are in our bodies, they tend to stay there, compounding the hormone imbalance.

      So how do you avoid these environment toxins?

      First of all, the best way is to promote green living, such as recycling and buying products made from recycling materials; it may not help your problem, but it will help reduce the toxins in the environment.

      If you use pesticides or herbicides, switch to all natural ways products to solve the problem. You can get rid of bugs and weeds without using toxins.

      Use all natural cleaning products; this will eliminate a lot of your environmental exposure. Even things that seem harmless, like air freshener, contain endocrine disruptors.

      Your diet affects your hormones, and we will go into this in more detail in later chapters, but diets that are high in white flour, sugar, caffeine, and refined carbohydrates will contribute to the hormonal imbalance and the development of man boobs.

      A diet in which those foods are heavily consumed means that you are eating things with little or no nutritional value, and proper nutrition is vital to shedding your man boobs.

      Many of the meats that we buy and dairy products have hormones in them, because the animals are given hormones to help them grow bigger.

      Not just meat has hormones, but dairy as well, products liked yogurt, cottage cheese, milk, and eggs.

      Look for hormone free brands and perhaps buy locally, where the chance of hormones being in your food is less. Foods that are antibiotic and hormone free will be labeled as such.

      If you have an imbalance in your neurotransmitters, it can also cause an imbalance in your hormones.

      Avoid things that will cause a disruption in your neurotransmitters such as, drugs, alcohol, nicotine, lack of proper protein and refined sugar.

      Stress causes your endocrine system to go into overdrive and this will cause a deficiency in neurotransmitters, causing a hormone imbalance.

      If you are experiencing a significant amount of stress, you need to find ways to relax such as exercise, deep breathing relaxation techniques, and meditation.

      Chronic stress is a huge factor in hormone imbalances and the longer you allow your body to run in stress mode, the worse the problem will become.

      There are great many things that can create a hormonal imbalance, and that is where this book comes in handy, because that is the problem that we can address, that along with being at a healthy weight, will help you finally loose the man boobs.

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