The Essential Elinor Glyn Collection. Glyn Elinor
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Название: The Essential Elinor Glyn Collection

Автор: Glyn Elinor

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Контркультура


isbn: 9781456613730


СКАЧАТЬ it again," he said, with grave politeness. "I must devise some plan--that is, if you wish to go."

      She smiled.

      "It is a favorite spot of mine, and there are some alles in the park more full of the story of spring than your Bois even."

      "I do not see how we can go," said Theodora. "Josiah would find it too long a day."

      "I must discuss it with your father; one can generally arrange what one wishes," said Lord Bracondale.

      At this moment Mrs. McBride leaned over and spoke to Theodora. She had, she said, quite converted Mr. Brown. He only wanted a little cheering up to be perfectly well, and she had got him to promise to dine that evening at Armenonville and listen to the Tziganes. It was going to be a glorious night, but if they felt cold they could have their table inside out of the draught. What did Theodora think about it?

      Theodora thought it would be a delicious plan. What else could she think?

      "I have a large party coming," Mrs. McBride said, "and among them a compatriot of mine who saw you last night and is dying to meet you."

      "Really," said Theodora, unmoved.

      Lord Bracondale experienced a sensation of annoyance.

      "I shall not ask you, Bracondale," the widow continued, playfully. "Just to assert British superiority, you would try to monopolize Mrs. Brown, and my poor Herryman Hoggenwater would have to come in a long, long second!"

      Josiah felt a rush of pride. This brilliant woman was making much of his meek little wife.

      Lord Bracondale smiled the most genial smile, with rage in his heart.

      "I could not have accepted in any case, dear lady," he said, "as I have some people dining with me, and, oddly enough, they rather suggested they wanted Armenonville too, so perhaps I shall have the pleasure of looking at you from the distance."

      The conversation then became general, and soon after this coffee arrived, and eventually the adieux were said.

      Mrs. McBride insisted upon Theodora accompanying her in her smart automobile.

      "You leave your wife to me for an hour," she said, imperiously, to Josiah, "and go and see the world with Captain Fitzgerald. He knows Paris."

      "My dear, you are just the sweetest thing I have come across this side of the Atlantic," she said, when they were whizzing along in her car. "But you look as if you wanted cheering too. I expect your husband's illness has worried you a good deal."

      Theodora froze a little. Then she glanced at the widow's face and its honest kindliness melted her.

      "Yes, I have been anxious about him," she said, simply, "but he is nearly well now, and we shall soon be going to England."

      Mrs. McBride had not taken a companion on this drive for nothing, and she obtained all the information she wanted during their tour in the Bois. How Josiah Brown had bought a colossal place in the eastern counties, and intended to have parties and shoot there in the autumn. How Theodora hoped to see more of her sisters than she had done since her marriage. The question of these sisters interested Mrs. McBride a good deal.

      For a man to have two unmarried daughters was rather an undertaking.

      What were their ages--their habits--their ambitions? Theodora told her simply. She guessed why she was being interrogated. She wished to assist her father, and to say the truth seemed to her the best way. Sarah was kind and humorous, while Clementine had the brains.

      "And they are both dears," she said, lovingly, "and have always been so good to me."

      Mrs. McBride was a shrewd woman, full of American quickness, lightning deduction, and a phenomenal insight into character. Theodora seemed to her to be too tender a flower for this world of east wind. She felt sure she only thought good of every one, and how could one get on in life if one took that view habitually! The appallingly hard knocks fate would give one if one was so trusting! But as the drive went on that gentle something that seemed to emanate from Theodora, the something of pure sweetness and light, affected her, too, as it affected other people. She felt she was looking into a deep pool of crystal water, so deep that she could see no bottom or fathom the distance of it, but which reflected in brilliant blue God's sky and the sun.

      "And she is by no means stupid," the widow summed up to herself. "Her mind is as bright as an American's! And she is just too pretty and sweet to be eaten up by these wolves of men she will meet in England, with that unromantic, unattractive husband along. I must do what I can for her."

      By the time she had dropped Theodora at her hotel the situation was quite clear. Of course the girl had been sacrificed to Josiah Brown; she was sound asleep in the great forces of life; she was bound to be hideously unhappy, and it was all an abominable shame, and ought to have been prevented.

      But Mrs. McBride never cried over spilled milk.

      "If I decide to marry her father," she thought, as she drove off, "I shall keep my eye on her, and meanwhile I can make her life smile a little perhaps!"


      Theodora did not wonder why she felt in no exalted state of spirits as she dressed for dinner. She seldom thought of herself at all, or what her emotions were, but the fact remained there was none of the excitement there had been over the prospect of breakfast. Her husband, on the contrary, seemed quite fussy.

      "A devilish fine woman," he had described Mrs. McBride. "Acts like a tonic upon me; does me more good than a pint of champagne!"

      "Is she not delightful?" agreed Theodora; "so very kind and gay. I am sure the dinner will do you good, Josiah, and perhaps we might give one in return. What do you say?"

      Josiah said, "Certainly!" He could give a meal with the best of them! They would consult that father of hers, who knew Paris so well, and ask him to help them to arrange a regular "slap-up treat."

      And so they arrived at Armenonville. It was a divine night, quite warm, and a soft three-quarter moon.

      Mrs. McBride had everything arranged to perfection. Their table was just where it should be, the menu was all that heart of gourmet could desire, and the company sparkling.

      Theodora found herself seated beside Mr. Harryman Hoggenwater and an elderly Austrian, and before the _hors d'oeuvres_ were cleared away both gentlemen had decided to make love to her.

      It was when the _bisque d'crevisses_ was being handed she became conscious that, not two tables off, there was an empty one simply arranged with flowers, and almost at the same instant Lord Bracondale and his party arrived upon the scene.

      All Theodora's perceptions seemed to be sharpened. She knew without turning her head the table was for them, and that they were advancing towards it. She had felt their arrival almost before their automobile stopped; and now she would not look up.

      A strange sensation, as of excitement, tingled through her. She longed to ascertain if the woman was good-looking who made the third in this party of three. She peeped eventually--with СКАЧАТЬ