Collected Books: The Guide to Identification and Values. Allen OSB Ahearn
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      ACKROYD, Peter. Ouch. London, 1971. Author’s first book. One of about 200 copies. Entire issue of The Curiously Strong, vol. 4, no. 2 (October 31, 1971). Wraps. $500.

      ACTON, Eliza. POEMS. Ipswich, 1826. Author’s first book $500.

      ACORN, Milton. In Love and Anger. Montreal, 1956. Author’s first book. Wraps. $750.

      ACOSTA, Oscar “Zeta.” The Autobiography of a Brown Buffalo. (San Francisco, 1972.) . First printing stated. $125. Wraps $50. Hunter Thompson’s lawyer.

      ACTON, Harold. Aquarium. London, 1923. Author’s first book. Patterned boards in plain dust jacket. $750.

      ACTON, Harold. The Last of the Medici. Florence, Italy, 1930. Introduction by Norman Douglas. Portrait. Boards. One of 365 signed copies in dust jacket. $750.

      ADAIR, Gilbert. Hollywood’s Vietnam. London, 1981. Author’s first book. $100.

      ADAIR, James. The History of the American Indians; Particularly Those Nations Adjoining to the Mississippi, East and West Florida, Georgia, South and North Carolina, and Virginia . . . Also an Appendix Containing a Description of the Floridas, and the Mississippi Lands . . . London, 1775. Folding map. $6,000.

      ADAM, G. Mercer (editor). Sandow on Physical Training. New York, 1894. $400. London, 1894. $300.

      ADAM, Helen (Douglas). The Elfin Pedlar & Tales Told by Pixiy Pool. London, 1923. Author’s first book. $300. New York, 1924. $100.

      ADAM, R. B. The R. B. Adam Library Relating to Dr. Samuel Johnson. London/New York, 1929, 1930. 4 vols. (the fourth was issued separately in 1930 without dust jacket). The first three volumes were limited to 500 copies, the fourth volume was limited to 250 copies. The four together. $1,000.

      ADAMIC, Louis. Robinson Jeffers: A Portrait. Seattle, 1929. . Author’s first book. Wraps. $75. Covelo, Calif., 1983. (265 copies signed by Garth Jeffers). $150.

      ADAMS, Alice. Careless Love. New York, 1966. Author’s first book. $400.

      ADAMS, Alice. The Fall of Daisy Duke. London, 1967. New title for above. $200.

      ADAMS, Amos. A Concise, Historical View of the Difficulties…. Boston, 1769. $2,500. London, 1770. $2,000.

      ADAMS, Andy. The Log of a Cowboy. Boston, 1903. Author’s first book. Map, 6 plates. Brown pictorial cloth. First issue, with map at page 28 not in list of illustrations. $300. Map listed. $200.

      ADAMS, Andy. The Ranch on the Beaver. Boston, 1927. With illustrations by Edward Borein. $300.

      ADAMS, Ansel. See also Austin, Mary, and Anderson, David

      ADAMS, Ansel. Images: 1923-1974. New York, 1974. $250. One of 1,000 copies, with one original signed print. $7,500. Without print. $1,250. Also for Time-Life subscribers with tipped-in signed page. $450.

      ADAMS, Ansel. Making a Photograph. London (1935). $350.

      ADAMS, Ansel. My Camera in Yosemite Valley. Yosemite / Boston, 1949. Wraps. $600.

      ADAMS, Ansel. Portfolio Four . . . San Francisco, 1963. One of 250 copies. Portfolio includes 15 signed photographs. $25,000 at auction in 1998.

      ADAMS, Ansel. Portfolio Three . . . San Francisco, 1960. One of 200 copies. Portfolio includes 16 signed photographs. $44,000 at auction in 1999.

      ADAMS, Ansel. Sierra Nevada . . . Berkeley, 1938. One of 500 signed copies with 50 mounted plates. Issued in dust jacket. $8,500.

      ADAMS, Ansel. Taos Pueblo. San Francisco: Grabhorn Press, 1930. Written with Mary Austin. Adam’s first book. One of 108 copies signed by both. Folio. $60,000. Boston, 1977. One of 950 facsimile copies signed by Adams. $2,500.

      ADAMS, Charles F., Jr., and ADAMS, Henry. Chapters of Erie, and Other Essays. Boston, 1871. $350.

      ADAMS, Charles Francis. Railroad Legislation. Boston, 1868. Author’s first book. Wraps. $350.

      ADAMS, Douglas. The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Author’s first book. London, 1979. $1,000. New York (1980) $500.

      ADAMS, Edward C. L. Congaree Sketches . . . Chapel Hill, 1927. Author’s first book. One of 200 signed copies. $250. Trade edition. $150.

      ADAMS, Franklin P. In Cupids Court. Evanston, 1902. Author’s first book. $200.

      ADAMS, Frederick Upham. President John Smith… Chicago, 1897. Wraps. $300.

      ADAMS, Hannah. An Alphabetical Compendium . . . Boston, 1784. $1,000.

      ADAMS, Hannah. A Summary History of New England . . . Dedham (1799). $250.

      ADAMS, Harold. Murder. New York (1981). Author’s first book. Ace Charter 54706. Wraps. $50.

      ADAMS, Henry. See Adams, Charles F., Jr. See also Democracy; Mont Saint Michel and Chartres.

      ADAMS, Henry. Civil Service Reform. Boston, 1869. Author’s first book. Wraps. $1,500.

      ADAMS,Henry. Chapters of Erie. Boston, 1871. Written with Charles F. Adams. $200.

      ADAMS, Henry. The Education of Henry Adams. Washington, 1907. Blue cloth, leather spine label. One of 100 copies. $17,500. Boston, 1918. Revised and edited by Henry Cabot Lodge. First trade edition. In dust jacket. $750. Without. $100. Limited Editions Club, New York, 1942. Etchings by Samuel Chamberlain. In slipcase. $125.

      ADAMS, Henry. A Letter to American Teachers of History. Washington, 1910. $250.

      ADAMS, Herbert. The Secret of Bogey House. London, 1924. Author’s first mystery. $750. New York, 1925. $450.

      ADAMS, J. C. Life of J. C. Adams. (Cover title.) (New York, 1860.) 29 pages, printed wraps. $2,000. Lacking covers, and with caption title only: The Hair-Breadth Escapes and Adventures of “Grizzly Adams.” $1,500.

      ADAMS, James Truslow. Memorials of Old Bridgehampton. 1916. Author’s first book. $300.

      ADAMS, Jane. The Greenway. London (1995). Author’s first mystery. $100.

      ADAMS, John Quincy. Letters on Silesia. London, 1804. Author’s first book. Folding map. $500.

      ADAMS, John Quincy. Oration on the Life and Character of Gilbert Motier de Lafayette. Washington, 1835. Original wraps. $250. One of a few on thick paper, specially bound in morocco. $1,000.

      ADAMS, Leonie. High Falcon and Other Poems. New York (1929). First binding in cloth and boards. $200. Second binding in brown cloth. $150.

      ADAMS, Leonie. Those Not Elect. New York, 1925. Author’s first book. One of 10 signed copies. $600. Trade. $250.

      ADAMS, Ramon F., and BRITZMAN, Homer E. Charles M. Russell, The Cowboy Artist: A Biography. With Charles M. Russell, The Cowboy Artist: A Bibliography. By Karl Yost with a note by Homer E. Britzman and Frederic G. Renner. Pasadena (1948). 2 vols. In slipcase. (1,600 copies.) $400.

      ADAMS, Ramon F. Cowboy Lingo. Boston, 1936. Author’s first book. $200.