Collected Books: The Guide to Identification and Values. Allen OSB Ahearn
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СКАЧАТЬ $50,000-$75,000. Book very susceptible to foxing and discoloration, which badly affects many copies and greatly reduces value. [Deluxe issue with plates hand-colored. In 2 vols. Folio, text unbound as issued in contemporary wraps, plates in contemporary half-morocco portfolio. Chromolitho title & 26 plates (2 mounted on 1 sheet) on card, with contemporary hand-coloring. Text vol. with lithographic title, uncolored specimen plate & chromolitho map. (at auction in 2006 for $100,000]. Barre, Mass., 1965. One of 500 facsimile copies. $2,000.

      CATHOLIC Anthology 1914-1915 (The). London, 1915. Edited by Ezra Pound. Gray boards. (Includes T. S. Eliot’s “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” and 4 other poems.) $2,750.

      CATICH, Edward M. Eric Gill, His Social and Artistic Roots. Iowa City, 1964. $150.

      CATICH, Edward M. Letters Redrawn from the Trajan Inscription in Rome. Davenport, Iowa (1961). 2 parts (book and 93 plates). In case. $450.

      CATICH, Edward M. The Origin of the Serif; Brush Writing & Roman Letters. Davenport, Iowa, 1968. $300. One of 50 copies with extra suite of plates. $1,250.

      CATICH, Edward M. Reed, Pen, & Brush Alphabets for Writing and Lettering. Davenport, Iowa (1972). 2 vols. 32 pages in book and 28 heavy leaves loosely inserted in portfolio. $300.

      CATICH, Edward M. The Trajan Inscription, an Essay by Edward M. Catich Together with an Original Rubbing from the Inscription. Boston, 1973. One of 130 copies signed by Catich. $300.

      CATLIN, George An Account of an Annual Religious Ceremony Practised… (London 1865). $17,500.

      CATLIN, George. Last Rambles Among the Indians of the Rocky Mountains and the Andes. London or New York, 1867. With 13 color lithographic plates. $12,000.

      CATLIN, George. Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs, and Conditions of the North American Indians. London, 1841. 2 vols. 2 maps (one folding), and one chart, 309 illustrations. First issue with “Frederick” for “Zacharias” on page 104. $6,000. All early editions. $4,000. New York, 1841. 2 vols. First American edition. Cloth. $3,500.

      CATLIN, George. North American Indian Portfolio. London or New York, 1844. Either 25 or 31 hand-colored plates mounted on cardboard. Text in cloth-backed wraps. Large folio. With excellent color: $165,000. Tinted. $40,000.-$50,000. Often subject to poor color, in which case price goes down drastically. Philadelphia, 1913. 2 vols. $3,000. New York, 1989. Facsimile edition. One of 950 copies. $1,500.

      CATLIN, George. O-Kee-Pa, a Religious Ceremony. London, 1867. 13 colored lithographs, with “folio reservatum” laid in. $25,000. Without “reservatum.” $12,500. Philadelphia, 1867. $12,500. Often subject to poor color, in which case price goes down drastically.

      CATON, John Dean. The Last of the Illinois, and a Sketch of the Pottawatomies. Chicago, 1870. 36 pages. Wraps. $200.

      CATTLE Raising in South Dakota. (Forest City, 1904.) 32 pages, wraps. $450.

      CAUDWELL, Sarah. Thus Was Adonis Murdered. London (1981). Author’s first book. $750. New York, 1981. $100.

      CAWEIN, Madison J. Blooms of the Berry. Louisville, 1887. Author’s first book. Cloth. $175.

      CAXTON, Pisistratus. What Will He Do with It? Edinburgh (1859). (By Edward Bulwer-Lytton.) 4 vols., cloth. $600.

      CECIL, Henry. Full Circle. London, 1948. Author’s first book. $300.

      CELEBRATED Collection of Americana Formed by the Late Thomas Winthrop Streeter (The). New York, 1966-69. 8 vols. $850.

      CELEBRATED Trials and Remarkable Cases. (By George Borrow.) London, 1825. 6 vols. Author’s first book. $1,250.

      CELINE, Louis Ferdinand. Journey to the End of the Night. London, 1934. Author’s first book. $750. Boston, 1934. $350.

      CELIZ, Fray Francisco. Diary of the Alarcon Expedition into Texas, 1718-1719. Los Angeles, 1935. Translated by Fritz L. Hoffman. 10 plates. One of 600 copies. $350.

      CELLINI, Benvenuto. The Life of Benvenuto Cellini. London, 1771. 2 vols. First edition in English. $750. London: Vale Press, 1900. 2 vols. One of 300 copies. $300. One of 10 copies on vellum. $2,000. Garden City, 1946. Salvador Dali illustrations. One of 1,000 copies signed by Dali. $1,750.

      CENDRARS, Blaise. Panama or the Adventures of My Seven Uncles. New York, 1931. Translated from the French and illustrated by John Dos Passos. Stiff pictorial wraps. New York, 1931. One of 300 copies signed by Cendrars and Dos Passos. In slipcase. $500. Trade. $200.

      CERVANTES, Lorna Dee. Emplumada. (Pittsburgh, 1981.) Cloth. $100. Wraps. $25.

      CERVANTES, Miguel de. The History of the Valorous and Wittie Knight-Errant, Don Quixote of the Mancha. [Note: The 1612 English edition of the first part is now virtually unobtainable. We could find only one at auction for the past 35 years, $11,000 in 1985.] London, 1620. 2 vols. Octavo. Second edition of the first part and first edition of the second part (many issued without engraved title page). $50,000. [Nice copies published in the 18th century: $5,000-15,000.] London: Ashendene Press, 1927-28. Thomas Shelton translation. 2 vols. Woodcut initials and borders by Louise Powell. Pigskin. One of 225 copies on paper. $7,500. One of 20 copies on vellum. $50,000. London: Nonesuch Press, 1930. P. A. Motteux’s translation (1743) revised anew. 21 illustrations by E. McKnight Kauffer. 2 vols. Morocco. $750.

      CHABOT, Frederick Charles. Pictorial Sketch of Mission San Jose de San Miguel de Aguayo on the San Antonio River. San Antonio, 1935. Illustrated, including color plates and photographs. Full leatherette. One of 12 copies. $1,750.

      CHABOT, Frederick Charles. With the Makers of San Antonio. San Antonio, 1937. Illustrated. (India proof issue.) One of 25 copies for presentation. $1,250. Trade. $325.

      CHADWICK, Henry. The Game of Base Ball; How to Learn It, How to Play It, and How to Teach It. New York (1868). First edition, with rules for 1868. $7,500.

      CHAGALL, Marc (illustrator). Drawings for the Bible. (French issue: Dessins pour la Bible.) New York (and Paris), 1960. Text by Gaston Bachelard. Boards. (Constituting Verve, No. 37/38.) $6,500.

      CHAGALL, Marc (illustrator). Illustrations for the Bible. New York (or Paris), 1956. Edited by Jean Wahl. Translated by Samuel Beckett from the Paris title of the same year (Eaux-fortes pour la Bible). 29 lithographs (17 in color), 105 plates. Pictorial boards in color. $7,000. (Constituting Verve, No. 33/34, issued in French and in English.)

      CHAGALL, Marc (illustrator). The Jerusalem Windows. (French: Vitraux pour Jerusalem.) New York (or Monte Carlo), 1962. Text by Jean Leymarie. $2,750.

      CHAGALL, Marc (illustrator). The Lithographs of Chagall. Monte Carlo and New York or Boston, 1960-84. Text by Fernand Mourlot. 27 original lithographs. 5 vols. Quarto, cloth. $6,000.

      CHAINBEARER (The), or, The Littlepage Manuscripts. London, 1845. (By James Fenimore Cooper.) 3 vols. $1,250. New York, 1845. 2 vols. $500.

      CHALLONER, Bishop Richard. The True Principles of a Catholic . . . Philadelphia, 1789. $1,000.

      CHALMERS, George. The Life of Thomas Ruddimann, A.M., The Keeper, for Almost Fifty Years, of the Library . . . London, 1794. $450.

      CHALMERS, Stephen. The Affair of the Gallows Tree. Garden City, 1930. $300.

      CHAMBERS, Andrew Jackson. Recollections. No place (1947). 40 pages, stapled. $200.