Reflections on Meditation: A Guide for Beginners. Dr. Robert Ph.D. Puff PhD
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Название: Reflections on Meditation: A Guide for Beginners

Автор: Dr. Robert Ph.D. Puff PhD

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9781456605056


СКАЧАТЬ spun by, this woman saw in big, bold, black letters (in her mind) the words “Slow Down!” To her, that was a message. If she didn’t slow down, there would be consequences.

      Later she joked, asking if I had put that sign there to remind her. Of course I hadn’t had anything to do with it; it was one of those remarkable coincidences. This is what is meant by a moment of synchronicity.

      Perhaps you, too, have had an incident where the universe or God seemed to conspire to send you a message so loudly and clearly that it got your attention. What does this have to do with meditation? The central goal of meditation is to help you slow down, quiet your mind, and be still. What may happen is that as you do this, you find that synchronicity in your life begins to increase.

      Because meditation is such a powerful change agent and so helpful in a plethora of ways, I wonder if the universe or God doesn’t perhaps give back to us, in the form of synchronicity, to show us we are on the right track and to encourage us to keep on meditating. Synchronicities happen a lot more often when you’re practicing meditation.

      There’s a person who can validate or disqualify this claim I’m making that when you meditate, synchronicities happen more frequently in your life. That person is you. I suggest you keep a notebook or file of things that happen that are “coincidental” or out of the ordinary. As you commit to meditation more and more, see if these synchronicities don’t happen with more frequency.

      I encourage writing these experiences down because as they begin happening, we tend to notice then forget them. We may notice them, but we don’t become attached to them, which is a good thing. But keep a journal of these synchronicities to prove to yourself that synchronicities are increasing as you meditate. You will find that synchronicity is another benefit of meditation, a by-product. You will realize what a change meditation is making in your life.

      Suspend judgment for a little while, and just give it a try. Meditate regularly, once in the morning and once in the evening, and see if life doesn’t flow better. See if synchronicities don’t just happen to occur more often to you.

      8 Preparing to Meditate

      For the greatest success, it is best to have a regular place to go to for meditation. I have found through the years that having a routine is helpful. Our bodies, souls, and minds seem to respond to this, knowing it’s time to relax, be peaceful, and meditate. So find a place in your home that is comfortable and relaxing, and say “this is my place to meditate.” It can be anywhere: your bed, a couch, a corner, a chair. Also, put up a do-not-disturb sign if there is the possibility of being interrupted. You want people to respect your need to be alone and to have a quiet place to meditate.

      You may find with time that it doesn’t really matter where you meditate because you can get into the now with a pair of headphones and “zone out.” You can sometimes muffle the background noise, and once you get into that meditative place, it doesn’t matter what’s going on around you.

      The nice thing about creating a routine in meditation is that it becomes easier with time. So tell your loved ones what you’re going to do, and they will probably cooperate. If you find that they don’t, try explaining to them that the few minutes it takes for you to connect with yourself each day means you’ll be a more patient and pleasant mom or dad, son or daughter, or roommate.

      Sometimes you may need to get up a little earlier or stay up a little later to make the time to meditate, but those few extra minutes each day will prove beneficial to your whole day in the long run.

      Another thing I find helpful is to do yoga or stretching before meditation to keep from getting too restless during meditation time. It’s best if you can sit quietly throughout the meditation. It’s okay if you cannot, but try to get to that goal. Stretching or yoga (also called “asanas”) help the body become relaxed and prepare it be still.

      Eating can sometimes cause problems if you eat just prior to meditation. It makes it more difficult for your stomach to stay quiet, and this can be distracting. The mind just has a harder time settling down right after eating, especially after a full meal. It’s a better meditation when you haven’t eaten recently. So don’t meditate right after food if you can do it at any other time. A good routine is to get up and meditate in the mornings before breakfast and then enjoy your morning meal. In the evening, wait until just before bed, after dinner has digested, or meditate before dinner if that fits better into your routine.

      Clothing has a bearing on meditation. It’s important that the body be comfortable. If possible, wear loose-fitting clothing when you meditate. It’s best not to wear a belt, wristwatch, or shoes, as these are somewhat restrictive. But if you’re meditating in a public place, you need not remove them.

      So the general rules are: find a quiet, comfortable place to meditate. Stretch before you begin. Don’t mediate right after eating, and wear comfortable clothing. If you combine all of these things together, your experience with meditation will go well, and you will enjoy and look forward to it.

      Of course, as with any new thing, beginning meditation can be challenging. Don’t give up. Stick with it, and keep trying. I’ve made many, many adjustments in my meditation throughout the years. Having flexibility and experimenting with new things is important. For a time you may enjoy a guided meditation, and then you may want to try breath meditation. Try different things, but stick to each one for a while. Have a routine. You will find your experience with meditation just gets better and better if you follow these suggestions.

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