Pink Ribbon Stories: A Celebration of Life. Tammy Miller
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Название: Pink Ribbon Stories: A Celebration of Life

Автор: Tammy Miller

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9780970137982



      Why can’t a woman just wear a ball cap or hat when playing golf during recovery from treatment from breast cancer? Dana can. She attempted to make everyone else comfortable with her bald head by covering it with a beautiful silk scarf and a hat for golf. It was so hot that day that she took off the scarf, at this point not caring what anyone thought, and just wore her hat. I was very proud of her that day, she was beautiful. She worked very hard during treatment, losing her lovely locks as a side effect. But she got some happy, carefree therapy that day with her friends playing golf. We didn’t even keep our golf scores; we scored without numbers just being together.

      Dana Chestney lives in Altoona, PA with her husband Jeff of 35 years. She is employed by Penn State University and works in the admissions office at Penn State Altoona. You can reach Dana at [email protected].

      Disguised Blessing

      Judy Clouser

      My story started when I was having a breast reduction surgery due to back problems. It was discovered that I had a Stage 3 cancer in one of my breasts.

      Two days after the stitches were removed from the surgery, I had a mastectomy and 27 lymph nodes were removed from under my arm.

      After one year, I under went a breast rebuilding, using a flap from my stomach. It took 2 years to heal completely. I do not recommend it!

      I have a message for large breasted women, prior to the reduction I was a 44 DD. The mammogram was completely negative before this surgery. I was fibrous, but not one sign of cancer! If not for the reduction they say I would have died due to the cancer.

      I thank Jesus for his guiding me to the reduction!

      Tammy asked me to consider a few questions for this piece:

      What did you learn through this process? I didn’t go through the surgery alone. Jesus was with me.

      What words of encouragement could you offer others? Have a positive attitude, KNOW that you will be well!

      Is there anything you wish you knew before going through this? I wish I had known how sick I was going to be with the chemo.

      Is there anything you wish your doctor would have told you? How painful the stomach flap removal was going to be.

      Can you identify anything humorous that happened on this path to recovery? I learned to cover my bald head when it rained.

      That was 11 years ago and I’m happy to say; God has brought me safely thru!

      Judy is a 62 year old happily married for 42 years woman. Having been born and raised in Michigan, she has lived her entire life in the state. She loves spending time with her husband, her daughter, and son, and their family’s. Her special joy is her grandchildren: 19, 18, 3 and 8 months.

      A Sprinkle of FUN from the Author…

      Martha’s Way or My Way

      Martha’s Way: Place a slice of apple in hardened brown sugar to soften it.

      My Way: Brown sugar is supposed to be soft?

      I Won’t Let Go

      Dianne Crust

      In 1987 my mother, Baba, was diagnosed with breast cancer; in 1996 my sister Terri was diagnosed with breast cancer; in 2003 my mother’s sister, (my favorite aunt) Patti was diagnosed with breast cancer, and in 2005 her daughter Karen was diagnosed with breast cancer. Through all their treatments, reconstructive surgeries and continued battles with cancer, my message to them was: “if I could fight this fight for you I would. I hate that you are going through this, and although there are days when you just want to give up…please keep fighting because I love you and can’t live without you”. Through the years, I’ve seen more family and friends face the struggles and hardships from this terrible disease. And I still have this overwhelming desire to let them know that they are very special to me, and I need them to fight this, because I can’t let go.

      Then one day in April, I was driving along and Rascal Flatts song I Won’t Let Go came on the radio. I have a dear friend, Phyllis, who was just going through her chemo treatments at that time, and again I felt, “if I could fight this fight for you I would, but since I can’t, please know that I’m here and I’ll always be”. I’m sure there isn’t a caregiver, family member or friend who has a loved one facing this battle that doesn’t “feel” the words to this song deep in their hearts and souls. I had to pull over and have a good cry…I went right out and got the CD and gave it to Phyllis to let her know she is very special to me.

      So, to my Mom, my sister Terri, my Aunt Patti, my cousin Karen, my sister Bev, my dear friends Tammy and Dana… and to you Phyllis…please know “I Won’t Let Go”.

      Dianne lives in Boalsburg, PA with her best friend and husband of 36 years, John. She is blessed with two beautiful daughters, Shelli and Paula, and a very handsome son-in-law Ryan. Her greatest gifts are her two precious granddaughters, Princess Madelyn and Princess Lily with the “triple crown” expected in January 2012.

      Running the Show

      Allison Cummings

      On June 15th 2010 at 2:47 pm, I received the call from my breast surgeon telling me that I had early stage-one breast cancer at the age of 39. Who has to worry about breast cancer at that age? I soon found out women 10-15 years younger than me worried about breast cancer. When my surgeon called, I was standing by my bedroom closet. When I hung up the phone, I called my family and then sat there crying my eyes out for about ten minutes.

      I decided that while I have breast cancer, it would never have me. I would run the show and cancer would never dictate a moment of my life going forward. I have never asked “why me?” Why not me? It is not like I had a big neon sign over my head saying “no cancer allowed here”.

      I do have a new “normal” since my diagnosis. I am still the same person but don’t let the little things get to me anymore. I don’t allow toxic people in my life. Fellow survivors had told me, that once you start telling friends about your diagnosis that you will quickly learn who your real friends are. I like to say that it quickly separated the men from the boys.

      I have to constantly remind myself to slow down. I work out on a regular basis and I ate decently before diagnosis. Post diagnosis I work on becoming very attuned to my body and what are the best foods to fuel it. I read labels, I drink more water, and I pay attention to food and nutrition studies. I have added strength training to my workout regimen because it is important to keep my strength, balance, and bone density.

      I wrote a book about my experience for my nephew who is three. It is very important to me that he knows how strong his auntie was in beating breast cancer. I want to show women that you can get through a breast cancer diagnosis and treatment and thrive.

      To whom much is given, much is expected

      Allison lives in Austin TX with her spoiled shih-tzu Shelby. She works with families going through crisis and you can reach her at