The Lost Twin. Federico Betti
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Название: The Lost Twin

Автор: Federico Betti

Издательство: Tektime S.r.l.s.

Жанр: Триллеры


isbn: 9788835404996


СКАЧАТЬ one way or another everything will be solved.”

      “Thank you.”

      “Not at all.”

      Both said goodbye to each other, and then the inspector got back to work and the lady went home.

      Once back to his work desk, Zamagni found the same huge piles of paperwork waiting for him, the same ones since he left office for going to Carla Mezzogori, then sat down, and after a while started to review the documents related to Daniele Santopietro’s case.

      After about one hour yielding no positive result, in which he wasn’t able to find the connection between Atropos Association, that voice on the phone and Santopietro, the inspector took back the letter sent to him before, but coming to no conclusion at all.

      He wasn’t finding any connection that could probably help him get a possible solution, therefore he put the letter aside, stood up and went to buy some drinks at the vending machines in the hallway.

      While drinking some lemon ice tea in can, he saw his colleague Finocchi coming right there.

      “Hi Stefano.”

      “Hi Marco”, said the inspector, greeting back to him.

      “How’s going on?”, asked the agent, “Did you take up work again after the case you’ve handled with Atropos Association?”

      “Pretty much”, answered Zamagni, “I meant that I got plenty of rest since the completion of that case, and now I’m still trying to gather some data available in order to find out the connection between Santopietro, the voice of that man over the phone and the letter I’ve received, but didn’t find any clue for the moment. Probably my reference view is not the right one.”

      “Yes, it could be so”, nodded the agent, “Let’s get together and review all the details. Perhaps we can find out something helpful for our further inquiry.”

      “All right.”

      “If you can wait me for a moment, I’ll go and take a drink just for refreshment.”

      “Of course”, said Zamagni, “May I offer it to you?”

      “Ah, no... I already owe a pizza to you, next time I have to pay it out, therefore don’t even think to offer me anything to eat, otherwise we’ll never be equal”, returned Marco Finocchi.


      “Well, how did you spend those few days of vacation?”, then asked the inspector.

      “Nothing special. Just relaxed. What about you, any interesting thing you’ve done?”

      “Either me, nothing special, except for an evening party out with my friends, drinking with them.”

      Zamagni nodded.

      “Shall we leave?”, suggested the agent throwing away the can into the trash bin.

      “Yeah, let’s go.”

      As soon as arrived at Zamagni’s working desk, both met with captain Luzzi who was waiting for them right there.

      “That’s the way how you should work?”, said the superior in a serious tone of voice.

      “I’m sorry captain, but I needed to have a fresh and cold drink, and afterwards Finocchi showed up and took also something for himself. Maybe we’ve wasted time, but now promise that we’re gonna set to work really hard. Unfortunately, I didn’t find anything that would help us to make the connection between the facts and the people in the inquiry process, but I guess everything will become easier as we’re already two persons instead of one”.

      “I was kidding if you understood me right”, the captain said to them, ”Among other things and the documentations on your working desk, I noticed the letter that was sent to you before. But I forgot to tell you something important. The expert that examined the text carefully, wasn’t able to decode those words written over there, however he found that the letters are in Greek.”

      “Ah.. therefore, I confirmed the impression I had when reading the text for the first time”, admitted Zamagni, “I never have learnt Greek, hence didn’t know what to say, but now we are sure about it.”

      “Yeah. The point is that unfortunately, this expert lacking a full proficiency of Greek language, has failed to provide us with the text decoding. We need to have the decoding from somebody else.”

      “Sounds good, meanwhile me and Marco will take care of the rest.”

      “I think you’d have no time for now”, said Giorgio Luzzi.

      “I’m not clear at all”, said the inspector, “What’s up? Is something else so urgent that we’d rather leave this at a later time?”

      “We still don’t know for sure, but I guess we’re gonna get to know very soon.”

      “May we have a little bit more of information?”, asked Zamagni kidding.

      “You’re right. Now I’m gonna explain it better to you”, returned the captain.

      “We’re listening very carefully”, said Finocchi.

      “Do you remember a hemiplegic boy?”, the captain began to speak, turning to the inspector.

      “...Marco?”, asked Zamagni, after a moment of hesitation.

      The agent Finocchi turned around, with a hugely surprised face.

      “Ah, sorry, I didn’t think it was about him”, said immediately Zamagni.

      “I don’t really understand what you’re talking about”, returned Marco Finocchi to them.

      “Do you mean Marco Mezzogori?”, Zamagni asked the captain, who in return nodded as a sign of approval.

      “Yeah, I’ve known him, if it’s correct to say so”, then continued the inspector, “I’m informed that he was found dead yesterday in late afternoon.”

      “Could you extend some explanation to me as well?”, asked Finocchi.

      “I will tell you everything after a while”, Zamagni cut it short, before turning to the captain once more.

      “How come you already know that?”

      “I’ve been informed about the results of autopsy. It’s been a murder.”

      The inspector still remained speechless and after some moments, the captain began to speak.

      “From the results of autopsy, it comes out that a fight has been occurred between the hemiplegic boy and the murderer. Nobody knows the real cause of the fight, but we should keep inquiring further on.”

      “Why did you approach to me personally, captain?”, asked Zamagni, “I‘ve got acquainted with the boy by chance, at the time he was found dead, and additionally, we need to take care of the verification of these documents. Isn’t anybody else who could be in charge of this case?”