Cordite & Testosterone - Why Men Should Not Be Running the World. Cecilia Boone's Tanner
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СКАЧАТЬ husband would never knowingly be party to the defrauding of people’s pensions. She was wrong.

      Women think they know men from their experiences with them as caring husbands, caring fathers, and pillars of the community; they do not know men from the core of their drives and motivations. Many men are almost split-brained in their responses to life. Under normal conditions, they are logical, engaging, responsible people, but when confronted physically or mentally or emotionally with the male challenge, real or perceived, they become unrecognizable. They are not rational, logical or reasonable. If a man is determined to get a certain status symbol or live in a style that reflects the kind of swaggering person he sees himself to be, then he is single-minded in getting it. The wife and the kids can go without as his ego needs pre-empt all. How many stories have we read of the alcoholic Irishman drinking his earnings “to be one of the lads” while his wife and kids starved?

      Men believe that the status symbol among the boys gives him the procreative edge, even though it may mean dumping the family (his procreated descendants). Ultimately, the status pursuit takes on a life of its own and is the driving force that changes the gears in his ride through his life.

      Many men become endorphin junkies, addicted to their self-esteem builders; they need the buzz and if the greater danger gives them a greater reward, then they will take on the greater danger without considering the consequences to anything but their own emotional-mental well being. They will climb Everest; they will dive off of cliffs; they will ski off of cliffs; they will risk all.

      And what is the biggest challenge, the greatest danger? What is the most deeply scoring, deeply challenging activity in the world?


      The Male Dominator Role

      Man’s god-given right to oppress women and every other living being comes from a misguided Judeo idea:

      “Man shall have dominion over all the beasts,”

      and this is the BIG LIE.

      This is the big lie that men bought with all their hearts and souls, a lie that has led civilization astray.

      Somehow, the male interpretation of the beasts blurred over to include women, thanks to some misogynist early Abraham descendents, thus justifying the male oppression of women, animals, and all living things, as well as the planet’s resources.

      Most of the bible has been revised; there was the E (Elohim) revision, the J (Jesuit) revision, and the P (Priestly) revision to consolidate and justify the male intention to have dominion over all living things. But who can believe that a loving all-merciful god would order men to pillage and kill everyone in a village except the virgins who they were instructed to take for themselves to sell or enslave? Only someone whose own agenda is served by such preposterous claims.

      The male world cosmology looks like this:


      (who looks like a man and is an all-powerful male.)


      (who looks like god)


      (servants of men &/or sex objects)



      Living organisms

      (greenery on the golf course)

      Natural elements

      (resources for industry)

      Perhaps the cosmology should look more like this:

      The Living Universe

      Universal forces, both male and female

      All living beings on the planet (female & male),

      including human and non-human animals

      and birds and fish.

      Lower Life Forms

      plants that nourish the living


      that provide the nutrients for the plants

      This cosmology, however, does not serve man’s interests because it would lead people to recognize that they owe more to the survival of all living things than they owe to male ambition and the male god.

      Instead, we have this worship of the male god who can hardly be denied because to do so is heretical and heretics can be killed, burned &/or tortured, and they were and are. Muslim and East Indian women who don’t accept the male oppression can be killed; wives, sisters, daughters–they can all be killed by their male relatives because the women don’t count in the eyes of the male who reveres a fear-provoking, inflexible, blood-lusting male god. The men in the Middle East have manufactured the evil of women, and they will destroy themselves in order to guarantee their right (divine right) to subjugate their women. They have to torment someone it seems.

      There is a bitter irony here. If men let go of the religious lie, as many intelligent men have done, they find the respect they crave, the respect that has been denied them by their women and children who have lived in fear of them or are disgusted by them. If the men hanging on so tightly to the lie would relax, respect themselves and others, and have some fun without the onerous burden of keeping up the lie, their lives would be much happier.

      The Male Hierarchy System

      With the male pecking order system, we end up with a dangerous concentration of power that results in the impoverishing of most of the people.

      Look at every country in the world to see proof of this pecking order in action–EVERY COUNTRY in the world, some in extreme, a few at near workable levels.

      Men have a strange respect for the status pursuits of other men–an awe, perhaps, or a spectator respect to see how far the game is going to go even if they have to sacrifice their own lives for these other men's gains. It gets tangled up in honor that seems to be a motivating feature of the pecking order, that there is honor in performing your role without question when you are given a role in the order, even if it is a miserable role. War is the most obvious example.

      And men can't seem to intrude on other men's games or limit the stakes in other men's games even when it hurts their own lives.

      For example, look at fraternity hazing events. Ordinarily compassionate decent loving young men will sit and watch while other not-so-decent men humiliate and damage others, often women.

      In war, when a group commits atrocities, the other men are often unwilling to intrude and stop the action because they "are following orders". Women, too, fall into this respect-the-alpha-leader mentality, but I think the women are simply following the male lead in these times and are not actually participating in any pecking order allegiance.

      Men like the hierarchy system СКАЧАТЬ