Raising Champions: Coaching Children Into Responsible Adulthood (Spiritual Edition). Rufus Jr. Curry Jr.
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СКАЧАТЬ against all odds. You may have behaviors in common with some other person, but trust me . . . you are as unique as your fingerprints. Your mission is not to be better than the next man, woman, boy or girl—it is to be the best [insert your name here] you can be.

      You can’t be anyone else and they can’t be you. If you are trying to run fast to compete on the track team, your most consistent and menacing foe is not the runner from the opposing team . . . it is time and yourself. The stopwatch and your personal best is the gauge which is the measuring stick for you to become the best you, you can ever be. On any given day, anyone can win; that is why they run the races. Are you doing what you need to do to make your performance the best on the track the day you run your race? If not, change your idea of what your destiny will be, create a vision or select a destination, lift your aspirations and move out in the direction of your life’s calling. It has been calling you most of your life - your passion.

      Your goal is not to just make money. No! Don’t misunderstand me; there is nothing wrong with making money. The framework I recommend that you use to employ your talent (gift or passion) should be to hang your passion on a skeleton constructed of service. That service is directed toward your fellow human beings.

      Raw power shows itself in the ability to act in a moment’s notice when you see something that needs to be corrected or done. If you were walking down the street and came upon a person lying down on the sidewalk, having what appears to be a heart attack, your ability to assess the situation quickly and correctly, and then apply proper first aid or cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) would be considered “POWER.” You have the power to potentially influence the lifespan of another human’s existence. Contrast this with not knowing how to administer CPR, needing to run to a phone or for help, then waiting for a medical professional to arrive—a weak position.

      Time is of the essence when it comes to making changes in the lives of other human beings and our own lives. Sometimes your help will consist of sitting quietly and listening, offering words of encouragement, sympathy, empathy or even a helping hand. Although neither of these actions are CPR or money, they provide aid just the same. Work to amass your power, whatever it may be, so when you are called to help, the ones in need of your help don’t have to wait for you to run and get help . . . you have the power to help in your hands.

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