Atlantean. E.N. J.D. Watkins
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Название: Atlantean

Автор: E.N. J.D. Watkins

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Учебная литература


isbn: 9781456607203



      Staring through the throng, my eyes quickly found the raven-haired Victoria but she wasn’t alone: walking next to her was a girl of breathtaking beauty. She was tiny in every sense of the word and also thin but not in an emaciated sort of way. She looked more—threadlike—graceful almost. Sort of like a fairy. Her blonde hair was fluidic as it hung around her shoulders. My eyes tightened when I saw that her eyes were silver.

      It was the first time I had ever seen a silver-eyed being around my age and she wasn’t the only one.

      Members of the Fallen perhaps?

      Standing on the other side of Victoria was another silver-eyed girl who was just as breathtaking as the blonde; however, this girl was just as tall as Victoria and was more statuesque than the blonde. Her flowing hair was crimson, but the thing that stood out the most was the sort of ancientness she had about her and I found myself wondering just how old she was.

      Camilla noticed where I was looking and scowled, and she wasn’t the only one; Nyssa, Lindsey, and Stephanie were also frowning. It wasn’t hard to guess the source of their displeasure. Knowing them they probably hated the fact that these girls were far better looking than they were. It was also clear from the stares whom the boys in this school preferred to ogle.

      The three girls strode gracefully into the cafeteria. It was then that I noticed the three boys that were following close behind. Standing next to the blonde was a chocolate-skinned boy. I could tell from his cheekbones and neck that this boy was well built but not in a body builder sort of way—more like a triathlete, lean and lithe. He was also much taller than she was and his eyes were deep lavender.

      Just like mine. Was it coincidence?

      I didn’t think so, somehow; I was certain that he and I shared some sort of connection.

      Behind the redhead there stood another lavender-eyed boy who was just as tall as she. Unlike the chocolate skinned boy however, this guy’s muscles seemed to bulge against his uniform. His hair was crew cut and stygian black. But the one who stood out the most was the narrow-faced, jade-eyed boy behind Victoria. His haggard appearance and sunken cheeks made him look like he was dying from some sort of disease. His head was bald in an unnatural sort of way and there were large bags under his eyes, as though he hadn’t slept in days. But what stood out most was the marking that covered the right half of his narrow face: it was the same marking that adorned the right half of my false mother’s face.

      I glanced around the cafeteria, curious to see what the other students thought about this boy’s appearance. Astonishingly, several were girls eyeing him hopefully.

      Were they seeing the same thing I was?

      I remembered how Camilla couldn’t see the markings on my hands and was struck by a sudden inspiration.

      Looking round the table, I saw that Nyssa’s cell phone was nearby. She was gossiping animatedly with the others so she didn’t notice when I subtly reached for it. Activating the camera, I pointed the lens at the sickly looking boy and found my suspicions to be correct.

      Through the camera I saw what the girls of this school must have been seeing: he appeared to be very handsome. His face was still narrow but it was no longer gaunt and sickly; on the contrary, it appeared strong and healthy. He also had a full head of short, golden-blonde hair. What was interesting though was the fact that the marking on his face was still visible through the camera.

      I placed Nyssa’s phone back on the table and wondered what it was that was masking my palm lines and this jade-eyed boy’s true appearance.

      As I pondered this conundrum, Victoria’s eyes met mine for one instant and I quite literally felt her longing.

      Just like yesterday, Victoria looked as though she wanted to tell me something.

      The narrow-faced boy took her hand and I felt longing be replaced by fear. Whoever this boy was, Victoria was terrified of him.

      It was strange to see her so fearful, especially after the way she dealt with my false parents. I glanced at the sickly figure of the boy and wondered what it was about him that frightened her so.

      Then the he too looked at me and I once again heard the faint heavenly voice inside my mind.


      It was in that moment that I realized that it was the jade-eyed boy who had been speaking to me. This eerie talent to speak to me through my mind coupled with Victoria’s fear made me suspect that I was a locking eyes with a very dangerous enemy.

      “I’m not your enemy Amadeus,” said the voice speaking once more through my mind.

      “How’re you doing that?” I thought back unsure of whether or not he could hear me.


      I looked at him skeptically.


      “Yes. But now is not the time for explanations. I will tell you what I can tonight.”

      I had no idea what he meant by this.

      “Why should I trust you?”

      “Because I’m not your enemy.”

      “Then why is so Victoria afraid of you?”

      “It is necessary for her to be afraid of me for the time being.”

      “Why?” I snarled.

      “All answers will be revealed in time,” he replied mysteriously, “But I will give you some answers tonight.”

      I frowned.


      “I plan to pay you a visit after dark.”

      I got the impression that he was going to come whether I wanted him to or not.

      “What time will you be there?”

      He didn’t answer and I knew our little conversation was at an end because he had looked away from me. I held Victoria’s gaze for a moment longer then she too looked away.

      I stared angrily at the boy’s haggard figure. He hadn’t given me much to work with and I was determined to find out more.

      “Who’s that?” I asked interrupting the girls conversation and pointing casually to the boy holding hands with Victoria.

      “Eli,” said Lindsey after she had turned round to see at whom I was pointing.


      No way was I forgetting that name.

      “So he’s what—Victoria’s boyfriend?” I asked casually.

      Camilla looked at my face trying to read it.

      As if she could.

      I was wearing a perfect poker face.

      “Jealous?” she asked playfully.

      “Hardly,” I said coolly.