Scaling Force. Rory Miller
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Название: Scaling Force

Автор: Rory Miller

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9781594392511


СКАЧАТЬ parking lot where he did not belong. Unfortunately he recognized me too.

       “You’re the SOB who threw me out,” he spat. Well it was a bit more colorful than that, but you get the idea…

       Then he lunged.

       Holy fuck, there’s a knife in his hand! I’m still in uniform, but totally alone. No backup, no radio. My mind is spinning, but my body reacts without conscious thought. I’d been practicing saifa kata for the last few months, so that’s my instinctive response.

       I set a fence with my left arm, pivoting to the side. He’s still drunk. And slow. Nevertheless, the knife looks like a freaking sword as it flashes by. Checking his knife-hand arm with my shoulder, I smash him in the face with a left palm-heel. His head snaps back, but he starts to retract his hand for another strike. I grab his forearm, place my right elbow on his upper arm, and drop my weight. He loses balance, dropping with me and his head smashes into the back of my fist with a thwack. As his eyes un-focus, I’m able to grab the knife and spin away, wrenching it from his grasp.

       Eyes big as saucers, he twists away, stumbles once, nearly falls, then runs off. I look down at the knife in my hand.

       Shit, there’s blood all over me!

       I start shaking so hard it slips from my grip, nearly skewering my foot when it clatters to the pavement. Heartbeat pounding in my ears, I bent over to pick it up. Bile rises, puke splashing atop the knife and my boot. Ugh, I abandon the mess, race to my car, and grab a water bottle.

       I can’t entirely wash away the mess, but at least the acrid taste is no longer in my mouth. I scrub my left hand clean, searching for the wound. Nothing. The blood was his.

      Most martial artist’s “experience” with fighting stems from sparring, tournament competitions, or the occasional schoolyard brawl. For most everyone else, it comes from Hollywood movies, televised sporting events. You may think you understand what you are participating in, or know what you are seeing, yet the realities of violence are not what most people think. In essence, there are two types of violence, social and predatory. In the former, you are fighting over a matter of face or status, while in the latter you may be fighting for your life.

      The intent when it comes to blows in a social violence situation is to affect your environment. In other words, you want to establish dominance, to “educate” somebody, to get him out of your territory or something similar. There are virtually always witnesses, because you are seeking status from the outcome, either by beating the other guy down or by making him back off. Predatory violence, on the other hand, is a whole different beast from social disputes. There are usually no witnesses unless the predator has screwed up (or they are his accomplices). While the pickpocket might operate in a crowd, the mugger, serial killer, repeat rapist, arsonist, etc., generally won’t.

      It is relatively easy to de-escalate impending social violence so that things won’t get physical, particularly if you are willing to lose face. Clever words are more important in these encounters. Unfortunately, the very factors that might de-escalate a social situation will almost certainly trigger a predatory attack if they make you appear weak. It’s only possible to de-escalate predatory violence by appearing to be too dangerous to attack. If you’re alert, aware, prepared, in decent physical condition, and capable of setting a verbal boundary, those are all major warning signs to the predator. Most will subconsciously pick up the fact that you have martial arts training simply by the way you stand and breathe during the confrontation. We’ll delve into this difference later in more detail.

      Social violence can be a big deal, predatory violence even more so; these are situations where you may be forced to defend yourself. Sparring, tournament competitions, and the like are often called “fights” by their promoters, yet these events have virtually nothing to do with fighting. To begin, fighting is illegal. Sure, you may be able to get away with it using a legitimate claim of self-defense, but there are no winners, trophies, or status points in a real fight. Fighting always has consequences.

       The Raiders fan had biceps that could put Hulk Hogan to shame, and a physique that was nothing short of awesome. He stood out in a bar full of average guys, not only because he was ripped, but also because he was the only person cheering for the other team. The only one doing it vociferously anyway. For most of the first quarter and part of the second, Seahawks fans bantered good-naturedly with him, but as the home team struggled, chatter turned to insult that in turn became vitriolic.

       I didn’t hear what set him off, but suddenly a Seahawks fan stood up and hurled a half-full beer bottle at Raider, who kicked his table aside and charged his assailant. Ducking a wild punch, he scooped Seahawk’s legs, planted his shoulder into the other guy’s gut, and drove forward. It was a sweet takedown; Raider clearly had some type of martial arts experience. In seconds, they crashed to the ground with Raider on top. Sitting astride his stunned adversary, Raider threw a flurry of blows into the smaller guy’s face. He seemed to be enjoying himself, right up to the point where one of Seahawk’s friends kicked him in the head. Moments later, he was curled on the ground in a fetal position as half a dozen Seahawk fans put the boots to him.

       It was a sports bar with no bouncers and no one to break things up, so the beat-down continued for several minutes before some of us began calling out that Raider had had enough. When they finally let off, he lay eerily still. Several minutes later, when the paramedics strapped him onto a backboard and wheeled him out to the waiting ambulance, he still hadn’t moved.

       The cops spent most of the second half of the game taking statements and making arrests.

      Every mixed martial arts (MMA) competition or sparring tournament out there pales in comparison to the speed, ferocity, and brutality of a real fight. Sure, competitors train hard, achieve awesome levels of fitness, and become highly skilled at what they do. They risk injury in the ring too, but Olympic events such as judo or taekwondo, and MMA matches such as Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) or Pride Fighting are first and foremost sporting events. If they were not, many competitors would not survive the competition. And promoters would wind up in jail. Or get sued out of business.

      These contests have rules that either ban techniques outright or change the way they are applied. In judo, for example, you pin an opponent face up so that he has a sporting chance to break your hold. Yet in the koryu jujutsu from which it originated, practitioners were taught to pin face down in the same way that modern law enforcement officers do for handcuffing. Done properly, the adversary cannot continue to fight that way unless he is significantly stronger than you or another person intervenes on his behalf. Furthermore, applications that are especially effective on the street, particularly if you are a smaller or weaker combatant, are not allowed because they are far too dangerous in the ring. Take the UFC for example; they outlaw the following:

      • Head-butts

      • Eye gouges

      • Throat strikes

      • Grabbing the trachea

      • Biting

      • Hair pulling

      • Groin striking

      • СКАЧАТЬ