Hunter. Sydney Robinson
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Название: Hunter

Автор: Sydney Robinson

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Триллеры


isbn: 9781646542024


СКАЧАТЬ a male voice cut through the deafening sound of the flames (which she noted were growing ever louder) and caused her to look up. When Angel got to her feet, under her she found she was looking into the coldest pair of blue eyes she had ever seen. She could feel her heart racing and tried to scramble away. Somehow, the person who lit the fire ended up in front of her. Angel turned to run, but a figure was blocking the door.

      “This isn’t going to work,” the voice said. It was muffled, as if passing through a voice enhancer. The man behind her spoke again, and Angel turned to try to hear him better, but it didn’t help. And the minute she did so, the one behind her struck her in the head with something. Angel collapsed to the ground, and her vision went dark.

      Angel’s eyes snapped open, and she struggled to control her breathing as she lay in the darkness of her room. The nightmare never seemed to leave her mind at night. It would replay over and over again until morning, when she would wake up and then go about her day to repeat it again. She closed her eyes, hoping the pain behind them would lessen. This was now twice in one day that the migraine had showed up to pester her. Angel sighed and was about to move when she heard quiet voices. Slowly she turned her head and searched for who was speaking.

      “And you think he can help me?” Angel’s eyes widened when she heard the sound of Kelly’s questioning voice. The rustle of clothing alerted Angel to the fact that people were moving.

      Another voice replied to Kelly’s, “Of course, he can. Scott can do anything, and he knows we are coming. After that, we can leave the Hessians behind and go to people who won’t try to kill you like they did Elika.” It was Ashlee.

      “But will this really work?” Kelly asked. “I mean that…well, if he can’t, then this could be a really bad idea.”

      “All the Guardians are in bed at this hour, and the Elites are long since asleep. I mean, who would be awake at this hour?” Ashlee continued.

      “Why are we awake at this hour?”

      “Because we have no other time to sneak out.”

      “But why would we need to sneak?”

      “Because…just trust me okay. If they find out, there will be trouble. The location is on Benedict Street. It is the small shop called Read-eez,” Ashlee spoke as footsteps could be heard leaving the room.

      When the door shut, Angel raised her head. The room was empty, and the moonlight filled the room. The waning moonlight shone through the window almost as bright as last night. Angel cautiously sat up and slid herself off the bed. Crouching by the side of her bed, Angel pulled her boots from under her bed as well. Slipping them on, she pulled her black hooded sweatshirt on and was about to leave the room when she thought it would be a good idea to not go empty-handed, especially along a strange town at night, and returned to her bed. She reached into the bottom drawer of her shelves and pulled her knife from its hiding space. Slipping it between the waistband of her pants and underneath her sweatshirt at the small of her back, Angel stood. Angel glanced around the room one more time to make sure that no one else was awake before making her way quietly to the door.

      The common way of getting to the outside world was through the main doors located at the front of the mansion at the foot of the grand staircase. But there were two other entrances to the building. One was on the first floor in the back by the kitchens. The second was underneath the dorms in the west wing (where Angel was housed). A disused staircase was located behind a bookshelf down the hall to the right of the door. The bookshelf was located against the outer wall, which most would suspect was the edge of the building, but the staircase had probably been used by the help in the past when this mansion had belonged to a rich family and not a school. It was a passage she had discovered by accident when she had first arrived at the school.

      Angel pushed the shelf off the wall a bit and slid between it and the wall, into the open space. Grabbing the back of the shelf, she pulled it back into place and waited for her eyes to adjust to the darkness. Angel knew that there were seven steps that were completely together enough to hold her weight, and from there too, much of the stairs had broken away. There was a length of four steps to the landing, which was, for the most part, still together and would hold her weight if she jumped. Placing her right hand on the wall to make sure she didn’t fall off (as the railing from the third step on was among the rubble on the ground at the bottom), she began to descend the stairs. Counting to herself, she stopped when she hit seven and jumped from her step to the landing. Her boots connected to the hybrid of concrete and rebar and caused a dull thud to echo through the closed-off shaft she was in. The flutter of an owl’s wings (or more likely bats) caused Angel to look up.

      The moon was just beginning to hover over the opening in the roof above her head, which meant that she only had about four hours until the morning bell went off, and she needed to be in the great hall for PT. She was going to have to make this a quick trip to the center of town and back in order to make it on time. Taking three steps forward, Angel crouched at the edge of the landing and grabbed the side. She stepped off, letting her body swing over the edge, and grabbed the piece of rebar that was protruding from the cement with her right hand. Releasing her grip on the edge of the landing, she held herself suspended by her right hand. She looked to the ground beneath her, hoping to not drop onto uneven ground.

      Seeing, in the faint light, that the ground beneath her feet was clear, she released her grip and dropped. Landing with another dull thud, Angel brushed her hands off from the cement dust and grit and made her way to the wall under the landing. The doors to the interior of the building had all been sealed off (in the minds of the Council anyways), so the fact that the exterior wall shared with the landing was crumbling away did not bother anyone. This allowed for Angel to slip out of the building. Angel knew by this point that Ashlee and Kelly were probably halfway to Benedict Street. Checking the height of the moon one last time, Angel ran across the stretch of lawn to the tree line.

      Bridgewell, which was the town located down the hill from the school, was located in the center of a bowl-shaped valley encircled by trees. A major road ran through the center of the valley in the north/south direction. Forest road ran a circuit around the town, connecting to every main street. It cut through the forest and provided a marker for Angel as she ran through the trees. Pausing to check that no car was coming, she darted across and continued her downhill descent. Angel ran along the trail in the woods that ran parallel to Ember Street, staying in the tree line that connected the backyards of one of the dead-end neighborhood streets that broke off like spokes from the wagon wheel hub of the town center.

      A dog barked in the distance, and as she ran past the underbrush of that yard, she froze when a man came out to yell at the dog and bring it inside. He stood on his back porch and waited as the dog ignored him and began toward the back of the yard.

      “Rex! Come here!” the man yelled, coming down the steps. The dog stopped and turned to look at its owner and slowly took a few more steps to the trees. Angel stood frozen, praying the dog would not see her and bark, because if he did, the fury of the owner would be the least of her problems. She frantically began to envision ways to get out of this situation. She could lie and say she was a neighborhood kid, or she could run for it. But if she went for the latter, there was a good chance the owner would think she was a thief and call the cops.

      “Rex!” the man called, his tone drawn out and filled with warning. The dog knew this was not the time to test his master’s patience, so it turned and slowly lumbered back to the house. The man opened the door and waited for the dog to go in first. It turned and looked back at where Angel was standing one final time and went inside. She could faintly make out the sound of the man muttering “Pain in my ass” to himself as he followed shortly after. Angel ran down the trail, praying that no more of the families had dogs out at this time of night as she made her way to Elm Street.

      Elm СКАЧАТЬ