A Friend to the Darkness. Katherine Rathbone
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Название: A Friend to the Darkness

Автор: Katherine Rathbone

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы


isbn: 9781649691521


СКАЧАТЬ a few too many, one thing led to another…” He trailed off.

      I was enraged. I wanted to tear him apart. I said nothing, fighting myself for control, fists clenched so they didn’t pull a knife.

      “Hey, Katie. Sorry I’m late.” The smell of hot cinnamon doughnuts and rain after a hot day filled my nostrils, and I was calmed. I turned to Lucifer, and was struck for the first time in a while by how beautiful he was. Which gave me an idea, that I thought would both shut Lachlan down, and make Lucifer laugh.

      “Oh, hi, babe!” I chirped. I threw myself into his surprised arms, pressed myself against him, rose up on my tiptoes, and kissed him.

      It didn’t go as planned.

      He wound his fingers into my hair with one hand, and pulled me close against him with the other. My hands found his shoulders and I relaxed into him as the rest of the world disappeared. His heat spread throughout my body, and when he stopped kissing me, I was absolutely breathless. He smiled mysteriously at me, and asked, “Who is your friend?”

      I was confused. What was he talking about? Lucifer pointed at Lachlan, who was watching us with his mouth open. I blushed furiously and stepped away from Lucifer, and coughed.

      “Oh. Luke, this is Lachlan. He’s… he’s one of Jonathon’s friends.”

      Lucifer’s expression hardened, and he stepped closer to Lachlan, towering over him menacingly. “Give that piece of shit a message for me.” He commanded. “Tell him, if any of you little fuckers touch my girl again- ever- I will hunt you down and gut you like an animal.” His voice was completely cold, but I saw silver flash in his eyes and knew he was angry.

      “Yeah, sure, whatever man.” Lachlan’s voice squeaked a little. “I didn’t know she had a boyfriend. Ah, see you around, Katie.” And he walked away, just a little too fast.

      Lucifer gave me a half smile and took my hand, leading me to a nearby motorbike. “Where did you get that?” I found my voice.

      He handed me a helmet, and said, “I thought a grand entrance might be in order.” And swung a leg over the bike, waiting for me to awkwardly climb on behind him.

      He stopped outside my house, when I climbed off and handed the helmet back, he said to me with a knowing smile, “I have to return this. See you in a couple of weeks? Paulo’s again, right?”

      “Ah, yeah, six pm again. See you then, Lucifer.”

      I went inside, and, grateful my mother was at work, laid down on the living room floor and shrieked into a cushion. Almost without thinking, I prayed to Seth. Then immediately regretted it. Too late, he was there. “You ok, Katie?!” He asked concernedly, rushing to my side.

      I sat up, peeked over the cushion, and squeaked, “I’m fine. You can go. Thanks, though.”

      He frowned at me. “You don’t look fine. What’s up?”

      I groaned, got to my feet, and sank down on to the couch, burying my burning face in my hands.

      “You cannot tell anyone else this.” I mumbled.

      “Yeah, ok, what is it?” He was still worried about me.

      “Swear to me!” I insisted.

      He rolled his eyes. “I swear I will keep your secrets, Katie.”

      “I, I um… I kinda…” A thought occurred to me. “Hang on, can Lucifer read your mind?!”

      “Oh for fucks sake. We’ve explained this. No, we can’t read each- others’ thoughts, not even him.” Seth was exasperated.

      “I kissed him.”

      “Kissed who?!” Seth didn’t understand.


      “YOU FUCKING WHAT?!” He screamed, and jumped up. “You’re messing with me.” He added, looking at me suspiciously. I shook my head, blushing hard.

      “Holy fucking shit.” He sank back down on to the couch, looking at me wide eyed. He paused for a while, then demanded, “Nope. Nah uh. I need more information. Spill.”

      “That’s all there is.”

      “Fuck. That. Why did you kiss him? Let’s start there.” Seth wasn’t going to let me be.

      “This guy was bothering me at school and…”

      “Pause. Do you need his arse kicked?” Seth interrupted.

      I smiled at him. “No, Lucifer handled it. I could’ve. But while he was talking I thought about… that night… when, um, when Lucifer and Sebastian were holding me and…” Seth gently squeezed my hand, indicating he understood. I smiled gratefully. “Anyway, Lucifer showed up, and he was looking fine, and I thought that it would stop that arsehole bothering me and make Lucifer laugh, so I kissed him.” I studied my hands.

      “Did he laugh?”

      “The fuck?! No, he didn’t laugh.” I snapped. Seth shrugged.

      “I thought maybe that’s why you were in such a state.”

      I rolled my eyes.

      Seth’s eyes widened. “Did he profess his undying love for you?”

      I felt the colour drain from my face. “He has undying love for me?!” I felt panic well up inside me.

      “I don’t know! Does he?! Tell me!” Seth was too excited for my liking.

      “No! Nothing like that. Ugh, I should’ve called Sera.”

      “Bitch, please. Sera is the worst at girl talk.” Seth looked a little offended. I laughed at him.

      “Ok, let me recap. So this guy was being a dick, you thought kissing our hottie of a King would shut him down, said hot King didn’t laugh at you, nor did he profess his undying love, but you are in a complete fucking state.” Seth’s eyes widened. “Fuck, did you tell him you loved him?!”

      “What? No! I’m not in love with Lucifer!” I yelled at him.

      “Ok, I’m officially confused. What happened after you kissed?”

      “Nothing. He threatened Lachlan, he brought me home and dropped me off, and said goodbye.”

      “With another kiss?” Seth’s eyes were flashing with excitement.


      “I don’t get it.” Seth spread his hands, frustration mounting in his voice.

      “Ugh, Seth, I kissed him.” I put my hands over my face.

      “Let me try again.” Seth was trying to be patient. “Guy was dick. Hot King shows up. You decide that kissing hot King will get rid of aforementioned dick. You kiss hot King. Aforementioned dick is gotten rid of, hot King takes you home, drops you off, and says goodbye platonically like СКАЧАТЬ