Visits to Heaven. Josie Varga
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Название: Visits to Heaven

Автор: Josie Varga

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780876046357


СКАЧАТЬ the world of spirit!


      I laid down to use the stability of the earth in an effort to maintain a hold on reality. I knew I had to do that in order to be able to come back down.

      The next thing I knew I was riding in my friend’s car. We rode past my childhood home, and I saw my parents sitting on the porch. I felt drawn to the trees. I could see and feel their strength. I saw their roots going deep into the ground. I mean I actually saw the tree roots physically reaching below the ground. I told my friends about the car ride after the experience, and they told me that the only place I went to was the chair they put me in after I passed out on the porch.

      When I woke up, I could feel the organs in my body working, each one separately as well as all together. I could not see my friends anywhere. I could see in all the rooms of the house at the same time. The stereo was playing the Doors’ Absolutely Live album, but the volume was way too loud for me. Since I did not see any of my friends around, I got up and tried to turn the music down but could not. No matter what I did, the music kept playing. I knew the stereo, too. I had a real problem with the noise. It was tearing at me, and I could not figure out why.

      I called out to my friends, and nobody came. I tried to unplug the stereo, but that did not work either. Every time I tried to touch the cord to unplug it, I could not grasp it. It just kept on playing the music, and the sound rattled my very being.

      I ran all over the house calling for my friends, yelling repeatedly that the music was too loud, but I was not heard. I pleaded for the music to be turned down. I tried to go outside, but I could not feel the doorknob. I could see the daylight outside but could not go outside. I ended up hiding in the bathroom in an unsuccessful attempt to escape the noise. I looked in the mirror and could not see myself. That frightened me greatly. I went back into the family room and saw my body sitting in the chair. It looked like I was sleeping. I wondered how I could be looking at myself. I got a bit scared then because I could see myself from outside of my body and from all different angles except from the one I was accustomed to using.

      I was alone. I was confused and very scared. I tried to get back into my body but could not. I could not touch the ground either. I was floating. I rose up into a spot above my body and just kind of hung there. I could no longer move. I called out for help, and nobody came. I did not understand what was happening to me and had no idea what to do.

      I asked God to help me. I did believe in God then, but I was kind of angry at Him because of the crappy life I was experiencing. I reasoned that if God were really the omnipotent and omniscient Being I was taught He was, He would not have let me experience the pain I had experienced throughout my life. I thought that if there was a time I needed God, it was now!

      I looked over by the door to the outside and saw a beautiful being standing there. His feet did not touch the floor. His feet just blended into thin air. He looked both female and male and was young. I could not tell his/her sex. His hair was curly, and he was about my height. He had this glow about him too. The glow close to him was green, then blue, then pure white in the upper areas. He said, “I am here to help you,” but when he spoke, his mouth did not move. I did not actually hear him speak with my ears. I felt what he was saying.

      When I saw this being and he spoke to me, I was no longer afraid. I actually felt a peace and comfort such as I had never felt before. I felt the peace I was searching for throughout my entire life. The feeling was very familiar to me like I had felt it before but not in this life.

      This wonderful being called me by a name I do not remember. I told him he must have the wrong guy and that the name he used for me was not my name. He laughed and said that I was a great “master” and that I had just forgotten who I was. I did not believe him, because I did not really know for sure what a “master” was, and if I were this great master, I would not have had all the problems I had. I felt that I was an evil being because that is what I was told several times in my life by many people.

      He told me his name, but I do not remember it. He said that he had been with me always and told me that he knew that I had a very hard life and that he would help me understand why if I really wanted to. He would help me remember who I am. He has always been with me and that I am a little different from other souls. I was carrying the seeds to help other, very special souls who need to come to this planet. He would understand if I did not believe him and offered to prove to me that he knew everything about me. He told me things that I did when I was a child that proved to me that he was always with me. He told me about things I had only thought about. He told me that I could go anywhere I wanted to go and that he would show me how to do it if I wanted him to. He said that if I needed to come back and see my body, I could. My body would be fine because I was still connected to it somehow.

      When we spoke to each other, we did so telepathically. The expression on his face was a happy one all the time.

      I told him that I would like to see the Pyramids in Egypt as well as the American Southwest. He told me that all I had to do was trust him, think about where I wanted to go, and we would go. I thought about the Pyramids, and we were there in an instant. I do not know why I chose the Pyramids; the thought just popped into me so I went with that. While we were there, he told me some things about the Pyramids and Egypt that I do not remember now. I really wish I could remember what he explained while we were there because I do know it was highly significant and had to do with humanity’s future.

      When we finished in Egypt, we went to the southwestern United States but flew there slowly so I could see sights along the way. I wanted to see this planet with the eyes I had then. I saw the countries of the Far East and the Pacific Ocean. Night was falling in the southwestern United States, and I could see what the being told me was energy emanating from almost everything I could see, especially the plant and animal life. The energy was strongest in the areas of the land and sea that had the least amount of humans.

      The energy was the lowest in areas where there were man-made structures, the cities of the world. The energy I saw came from the humans that lived in the cities. It was explained to me that humans are the basic producers of energy in cities because their energy is lower in general due to their relatively low vibrational level. I could see the higher sources of energy in the cities though. I was shown people who had higher energy levels, and some of them actually talked to the being I was with. I saw “dark souls” during the time the being and I spent on our planet. The dark souls are earthbound spirits who refuse to go to the Light. They prey on the energies of humans and try to use those souls to prevent the evolution of spirit. I was told I was protected from these dark ones as long as I chose to focus on the love in me. The dark ones did not even try to affect us; in fact they gave us nasty looks and went away. I was told I would know these dark ones when I saw them and to tell them to go to the Light. The Light is a porthole to the place all souls go if they so choose.

      Around the humans I could also see energy, all different levels and colors. The being explained the human energy to me. The energy coming from humans is what spirits use to evaluate the spiritual condition of particular humans. The lighter and more brilliant the color, the more advanced the spirit is. Seeing the “aura” around a spirit is useful in determining how much a particular spirit needs to work on his development. The more highly developed beings know where to go and what to do to help an earthbound soul advance itself if it so chooses. All souls have this energy; this is why I could see it in every human. I was of the same energy type as he, but my vibration is lower now that I am in human form. In time my energy would rise to match his intensity provided I chose to take the initiative to consciously evolve my soul.

      He told me that there is much to this planet that spirits can see which humans do not because their vibrations are so low. He showed me life in the trees that I could see as a spirit but could not see in my human form.

      He СКАЧАТЬ