Meditation, Prayer & Affirmation. Edgar Cayce
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Название: Meditation, Prayer & Affirmation

Автор: Edgar Cayce

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9780876046319


СКАЧАТЬ the influences to open the channels along those vistas, as has been given, to the inmost recesses of the Creative Forces in body, that arise then to the varied centers and find expression either through the movements of the body in the hearing of sound, in the consciousness of odors, in the activity of the vision, or there is just the presence that may be read as the open book. Or, to put in other terms, as has been given, the records of time and space—present and future—are upon those films that lie between time and space, and they become attuned to those forces of the Infinite as the cells of the body become attuned to the music of the realms of light and space and time.

       Reading 2454–1

       (Q) Do I have sufficient understanding of the spiritual law to bring complete recovery from this apparent illness?

      (A) As has been indicated, without this understanding the body would have collapsed long since! But there are energies lacking. The active forces and principles as indicated are just as divine as mental attitudes, and are at times necessary for completing the unison of activity of physical, mental and spiritual being.

       (Q) Why does deep meditation seem to weaken me physically?

      (A) Because there are those centers affected as indicated, through which connections or activity may be said to exist between the spiritual, mental and physical forces. Precautions need to be taken, then, as to overstimulating the activities of the superficial circulation as it coordinates with the mental and spiritual centers. For, deep activity in these directions brings to the body a headache, or a dizziness and a tiredness—which is because of a lack of complete coordination between the superficial and deeper circulation.

       Reading 1992–3

       (Q) Is there a meditation that can be used for building the body and keeping it in good condition? Please explain how this might be accomplished?

      (A) Just as the suggestions may be used that have been made to the body through some of the treatments outlined—the mind acts upon the resuscitating forces of the physical being, by and through suggestion. Just so there may be the realization that spiritual forces are a part of the whole physical being. For, the real being is the spiritual import, intent and purpose, see? Thus a meditation, a centralizing, a localizing of the mind upon those portions of the system affected, or upon the activities needed for the physical being, influences, directs the principal forces of the system. And it does resuscitate, if kept in sincerity; not merely said as rote, but that said being put into practical application through the experiences and associations with others—and especially this entity as it works with the developing minds, may see such reactions.

      In the meditations, then, open the mind, the being, to the influences about same; surrounding self with the consciousness of the healing that is in the Christ-Consciousness, the Christ-awareness.


      Lord, use Thou me—my body, my mind—in such a way and manner that I, as Thy servant, may fill those lives and hearts and minds I meet—day by day—with such hope and faith and power in Thy might, that it may bring the awareness of Thy presence into the experience of others as well as myself.

      Such as these will bring those forces and influences for helpful experiences for the body.

       Reading 1861–4

      (Q) How may I bring into activity my pineal and pituitary glands, as well as the Kundalini and other chakras, that I may attain to higher mental and spiritual powers? Are there exercises for this purpose, and if there are, please give them.

      (A) As indicated, first so fill the mind with the ideal that it may vibrate throughout the whole of the mental being!

      Then, close the desires of the fleshly self to conditions about same. Meditate upon “Thy will with me.” Feel same. Fill all the centers of the body, from the lowest to the highest, with that ideal; opening the centers by surrounding self first with that consciousness, “Not my will but Thine, O Lord, be done in and through me.”

      And then, have that desire, that purpose, not of attaining without His direction, but with His direction—who is the Maker, the Giver of life and light; as it is indeed in Him that we live and move and have our being.

       (Q) Is there any method whereby I might develop such faculties as a perfect memory; intuition, telepathy, astral projection, and healing of others, as well as myself?

      (A) All healing of every nature comes from the Divine within that body, or the body applied to such methods or manners of healing.

      The attuning of self—not as to that this or that may be accomplished. But remember, as has ever been given of old, all manner of expression, all life, emanates from one source—God! God in thyself; not as “I will, but as Thou wilt.”

      Let that be the purpose, the import, the intent, the desire; and that which is needed for the bringing of its abilities and faculties of every nature in attunement will be done.

      And thus give off, in harmonious accent, that as will be pleasing in His sight—the purpose for which each soul enters a material experience.

       (Q) How may I best be used as a channel to be of mental and spiritual assistance to others?

      (A) First by finding self and self’s relationship, and the Creative Forces being manifested in thy daily activity, thy daily speech, thy daily conversation, thy daily convocation with thy fellow men; in that each activity is as unto the Lord!

       Final Thoughts

       Reading 1861–18

       (Q) Any method of improving meditation and concentration?

      (A) Just as indicated. This we would keep, but don’t be anxious about it. Let it be a necessity to thy better being, rather than giving or having the meditation for better being. It’s like whether you are baptized for or baptized to! It’s the same application within the inner self. You have the meditation because you desire to be attuned with Creative Forces. You don’t have the meditation because it’s a duty or because you want to feel better, but to attune self to the infinite! and in attuning self, use your own vocal self; as with the oo-ah-ah—um [AUM]; but do your own vocaling.

       (Q) What is the correct way of sounding aum?

      (A) That of attuning self by your own vocal cords—not tuning like you are giving vocal orientations.

       Reading 281–15

       (Q) [560]: How may we avoid becoming rote in meditation and our daily lives?

      (A) By visualizing in such manners those meditations that are given out for others, for self; for in aiding others does one aid one’s self most. And unless this is so visualized from without self, it becomes rote. But when made, set, or so experienced by the inner self as being an active, living principle within self, it ceases СКАЧАТЬ