Dragon on Top. G.A. Aiken
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Название: Dragon on Top

Автор: G.A. Aiken

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Dragon Kin

isbn: 9781420138986


СКАЧАТЬ shrugged. “I say we hit her again. On principle.”

      “I agree.”

      Ghleanna quickly raised her claws to protect her head. “Go away! Leave me be!”

      “So you can sit here and continue to feel sorry for yourself? Over him? I’d rather put you down here and now, ain’t that right, Kyna?”

      “Aye. Like a poor, wounded horse.”

      “I hate all of you.” Ghleanna let out a big sigh, dragging her claws through her too-long black hair. She hadn’t cut it in months and it showed. She knew she must look like cold shit, but she’d not give her kin the satisfaction of acknowledging it.

      “Hate us? Even though we’re all worried about your worthless hide?” Kyna asked.

      “All them brothers and sisters of yours whinin’ about you. Och! The sound of it makes us mad. We had to do something, didn’t we, Kyna?”

      “Aye, Kennis. That we did. Or kill them all just to make them stop. But that didn’t seem right, did it, Kennis?”

      “No. Not at all.”

      “So you come here to do . . . what? Exactly?” Ghleanna demanded. “Besides annoy the bloody fuck out of me?”

      “You’re lucky it was us come to fetch you, brat. Not sure your wake up would have been so kind if it had been your mother who’d come here instead. Isn’t that right, Kyna?”

      “Och! Beaten your scales to a different color, she would have. She’s been sick to death with worry over you, only to find out you’re sitting in this cave, drinking your sorrows away on some cheap ale.”

      “Well, if I’d really wanted to end it all, I would have just used your ale,” Ghleanna sniped.

      The spear butt came at her again but this time Ghleanna caught and held it. “Stop hitting me with that bloody thing.”

      “At least her reflexes are still good. Now we just need to sober her up—”

      “And bathe her. She reeks!”

      “—and we can get her to our queen’s court while it’s still morning.”

      “Queen’s court? Why do I need to go to Rhiannon’s court?”

      “Ohhh. Hear that, Kennis?”

      “Aye, Kyna. Rhiannon she calls her. Like they’re old friends.”

      “Best of chums!”

      The twin She-dragons cackled and Ghleanna felt the need to start destroying things.

      “She’s gettin’ pissy, Kyna.”

      “That she is, Kennis.”

      “So we better get her up and ready so we can get a move on.”

      Fed up, Ghleanna nearly roared, “I don’t want to see Rhiannon! So get the fuck out of my cave!”

      Kyna crouched down low so she could look Ghleanna in the eyes, one side of her snout pulling back to show row after row of deadly fangs, many having shown up as she’d aged.

      “Now listen up, little girl. You can talk to your father and brothers like that if you want—but you’ll not talk to us that way. And when the queen gives you an order—”

      “—you get off your ass and you follow it. Or by the gods—”

      “—we’ll make you wish you had.”

      Ghleanna understood now why the Cadwaladr Twins had been sent to fetch her. Although many of her siblings would put up a good fight, only her brothers Bercelak and Addolgar really had a chance at taking her, but neither would because she was their sister. The same with her father. And her mother was a peacekeeper, not a fighter. So her kin had sent the most feared Dragonwarriors in the land, the Cadwaladr Twins. Old She-dragons they might be, but that only made them more dangerous—and unstable.

      “You coming, girl?”

      “Yes,” Ghleanna hissed, using her front claws to push herself all the way up. It took a moment for the cavern to stop spinning and another moment for the nausea to pass. But once they did, she was ready to at least get into the lake outside and bathe.

      “What does Rhiannon want with me anyway?” she asked, heading outside with the twins right behind her, debating on whether to make a run for it.

      “Unlike you, brat, we don’t ask a bunch of questions.”

      “Our queen asks us to do something, we do it. That’s our job.”

      “That’s your job,” Kennis insisted.

      “Did we not train her well enough?”

      “I hope that’s not the case, Kyna. Hate to put her back through training.”

      Ghleanna winced, hearing the threat in those words loud and clear. “Won’t be necessary,” she muttered.

      “Good. You were always one of our favorites, Ghleanna. We’d hate to have to beat you within an inch of your life because you’ve forgotten where you come from.”

      Kyna caught Ghleanna’s forearm, made her look at her. “And there’s no shame, girl. No shame in who you are, who your kin are, or who you want to be.”

      “And don’t let anybody convince you different,” Kennis finished. “You are special, Ghleanna. And some blokes—they can never handle that. While others . . .”

      “While others what?”

      “While others were born to be the sheathe to your sword—you just need to find that one, lass. Like we did.”

      “Like your Da did. But she can’t do that if she stinks of ale and misery, Kennis.”

      “Not unless she wants a miserable bastard like herself, Kyna. And gods! Who’d want that?”

      And Ghleanna, realizing the truth of that, headed toward the lake and prepared to meet with her queen.

      Please don’t hug me. Please don’t hug me.

      But she did. She did hug him. Right there in front of her entire court and, more importantly, in front of her consort. The most unpleasant of dragons, Bercelak the Great himself.

      And Bram the Merciful, royal emissary for Queen Rhiannon of the House of Gwalchmai fab Gwyar, knew his queen did it on purpose. He knew she did it because she enjoyed torturing her mate, but she often failed to realize that she also, in the process, tortured poor Bram. Or perhaps she realized it but simply didn’t care.

      “Oh, Bram! You look so wonderful. Doesn’t he look wonderful, Bercelak?”

      Bram heard that growl of disapproval across the queen’s chamber.

      “Bercelak thinks you look wonderful, too,” СКАЧАТЬ