Above and Beyond. J.S. Dorian
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Название: Above and Beyond

Автор: J.S. Dorian

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9781936290826


СКАЧАТЬ Erythematosus, commonly known as lupus or SLE. It was all I could do to understand the illness itself, let alone explain it to others. I, too, experienced blank stares and people pulling away.

      I eventually came up with a solution to the problem. For some friends and co-workers, I scripted a short explanation that provided just enough information but not more than they needed (or wished) to know. For close friends and relatives, I made copies of an article that explained the illness clearly, concisely, and encouragingly.


      Explanations aren’t always necessary, but when they are, my guidelines will be simplicity, clarity, and brevity.

       January 19

      “Faith, mighty faith, the promise sees, And looks to that alone; Laughs at impossibilities, And cries it shall be done.”


      Many things were unsettlingly new and different today. We visited a clinic in a strange building in a remote part of town. The nurses and doctors were unfamiliar, and we couldn’t help feeling anxious. It again became painfully obvious that cascading and unrelenting change is among the most challenging aspects of chronic illness.

      It’s not only that we have to deal with new people, new experiences, and new feelings. Many other changes that go far deeper have the potential to traumatize us emotionally, and slow our pace of recovery. We may have to give up a career, seek financial help, and depend on others as never before. We may suddenly have a great deal of time on our hands and face long days and sleepless nights. We may be frightened by the numerous physical changes that are taking place.

      But the fear of change diminishes quickly when we affirm the power of God that abides within us. That inner strength allows us to conquer our apprehension and face all changes with courage and confidence. With each new day and each new change, we quietly affirm God’s all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving presence.


      God will see me through.

       January 20

      “One day, with life and heart, Is more than time enough to find a world.”


      Dawn lightens the sky as it always has. Shadows lengthen and twilight gives way to night in familiar ways. The sun rises and sets with comforting predictability, but the hours in between are another matter entirely. For those of us living with chronic illness, each new day can present unexpected challenges.

      We awaken and remain in bed for a while, checking pain levels, wondering how much energy we will have and what we will be able to accomplish. Then fear creeps in and we begin to worry about all sorts of problems. There’s a mysterious hum in the refrigerator; a new pothole on the street; a chimney that needs to be cleaned before the weather turns cold.

      But we catch ourselves and we push those minor concerns out of our consciousness. The illness has been a teacher; we’ve begun to recognize what is important and what is not. We have a better sense of what is worthy of our time and what is not.

      Today may or may not turn out to be challenging, but it certainly can be special. We resolve not to waste any emotional or physical energy on pettiness and trivialities. We will focus on the important things.


      How can I best live these new moments and hours?

       January 21

      “I am what I am.”


      Illness often brings with it changes in physical appearance, from temporary skin rashes and hair loss to permanent scarring. Some of the changes are symptoms of the disease; others, including excisions and amputations, are part of the treatment process.

      Whether such changes are short-term or permanent, and whether they are relatively minor or profound, they often create a dilemma for us. We can withdraw from social activities because we self-consciously fear other people’s perceptions and judgments of us. Or, we can work to bolster our flagging self-image and go on living as normally as possible.

      Make-up, wigs, jewelry, hats, and flattering clothing, for example, can go a long way toward improving the way we feel about ourselves. If regular exercise is possible, it also can have a dramatically positive impact on self-image.

      But a change in attitude, more than anything, can free us from the pain of self-consciousness and lift us from the depths of despair. Our bodies may have changed—we may be scarred or even skeletal—but we are no less now than we ever were. Indeed, we are more, for each day we face our challenges and transcend them.


      I may not look the same as before, but I am no less than before.

       January 22

      “Nothing is void of God; He Himself fills His work.”


      We sometimes refer to the grace of God (often in verbal shorthand: “There but for the grace …”) when we compare our circumstances with those of others who seem less fortunate. Yet we can tell very little about the reality of God’s grace in other people’s lives simply by looking at the most obvious aspects of their circumstances—that is, their “outsides.”

      In truth, God’s grace is available to all of His beloved children, not just a “chosen few.” We are all equal in His sight; no one among us is more special or deserving than any other. For each and every one of us, God’s grace is limitless and ever-present, always available to bring healing power and renewing love.

      We often say that God works in mysterious ways. What that means is that His grace can enter and shape our lives in ways that are beyond our comprehension. Isn’t it true that many occurrences, which are at first seemingly “bad,” often evolve into blessings?

      By accepting the grace of God into our lives we can let go of uncertainty and fear. We can accept the good in all situations. We can allow ourselves to be guided toward successful solutions and inner prosperity.


      I am beloved in His sight.

       January 23

      “‘I can forgive, but I cannot forget,’ is only another way of saying, ‘I will not forgive.’ Forgiveness ought to be like a canceled note—torn in two, and burned up, so that it never can be shown against СКАЧАТЬ