Dai Manuel's Whole Life Fitness Manifesto. Dai Manuel
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Название: Dai Manuel's Whole Life Fitness Manifesto

Автор: Dai Manuel

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9781928055082



      No matter what your personal priorities or goals, the five Fs are integral to a richer, happier life. Like the walls of a house, the integrity of the whole structure is compro-mised if any one of the five Fs is weak.

      Dan Buettner

      Do you want to know the secrets to a long life? It starts with some simple practices, according to research by bestselling author Dan Buettner. In The Blue Zones: 9 Lessons for Living Longer from the People Who’ve Lived the Longest, Buettner chronicles his travels to “blue zones” around the world, where there are higher numbers of people who lived to be 100 years old. He found that, generally, people living in blue zones:

      Incorporated more physical movement into their daily lives than in other regions of the world

      Had a sense of purpose

      Practised stress reduction techniques

      Didn’t eat beyond feeling 80% full

      Opted for largely plant-based diets i.e. less meat

      Drank little alcohol

      Attended faith-based services

      Lived close to their families

      Belonged to groups that supported healthy behaviours, such as a running/hiking group, book club, Boy and Girl Scouts, etc.

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      whole life fitness

      Taking care of the five Fs is about getting more out of your whole life. With a solid platform of underlying health, the body becomes an instrument through which you can achieve everything else. Creating a fitness regime that is focused on daily mainte-nance instead of vanity-based short-term goals will enable you to have the best pos-sible quality of life as you age, and that changes how you approach everything. This is what I mean by holistic fitness. The mind, body and spirit make up a powerful team. Allow them to support each other, and they will take you far.

      It’s Up To You!

      Most importantly, the Whole Life Fitness Manifesto is about the choices you make, rather than outside forces. As a trainer, I often see habitual externalizing, that is, cli-ents putting the blame on people or situations other than themselves. I hear things like, “I got a flat tire today, so I couldn’t show up for my training session with you. Guess I’m not going to be able to work out today.” That person encountered an

      I stumbled onto Dai Manuel’s blog from deep in my couch and got the chance to be a mem-ber of the Whole Life Fitness Manifesto community. Some-times it’s hard to find the motivation to do anything, but Dai pushes, cajoles, and encour-ages you to take a step, then another, and another. It’s never more than you can handle, but he reminds you that there is always room for improve-ment.” —Catherine

      Unlike other programs that focus on drastic changes in a short amount of time, the Whole Life Fit-ness Power 30 provides prac-tical and realistic strategies to increase your health, hap-piness, and gratitude, and they all flow into other aspects of my daily life. When you feel happier, stronger, and more energetic, and when you are mindful of how you nourish your body, you natu-rally gain a new sense of self-worth, a desire to try new things, and a commitment to make positive changes in all aspects of your life. You spread joy and happiness because it feels good...you feel good. And if you have a hard day, you don’t feel like you failed, because there are so many ways to be successful in this program.” —Amanda

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      Dai СКАЧАТЬ