The problem of capacity. The genius of tomorrow. Vadim Jurevich Cheshirsky
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СКАЧАТЬ has passed. Some years? A few dozen years? A few hundred years? This is how it will turn out!

      Therefore, geniuses during their lifetime are rarely appreciated by contemporaries.

      3. Where Do Geniuses Come From?

      Anyway, where do geniuses come from? The question is not idle. The question is not only theoretical. It is already recognized at the state level that the development and strength of the state will be determined not by the size of the territory and the population. And not even by natural resources, deposits, fossils.

      The strength and development of the country will be determined by the level of education and the intellectual level of the population. The level of creative talent of the people. That is, talents and geniuses for the country are more important (and more necessary) than vast territories and huge reserves of minerals. A good example is Japan. The country is considered to have nothing. Neither territory, nor fossil. The country lives in the “twenty-second century”. The second example here – Germany 30th – early 40s of the 20th century.

      Where do geniuses and talents come from? Where is the solution?

      On the view of the author of these lines – in the ratio of the demands of evolution (needs for development) of a given society for a given time and the presence in society of a certain number of intellectually trained people who are objectively ready to solve these tasks of the evolution and development of this society.

      If there is a society, then it has a zone of proximal development – the tasks of the evolution of a given society. That is, if there is a society, then it, in practice, can always develop. If society is not in a state of “the end of the world”. Even in a degrading, dying society, there are always problems of immediate development.

      Which, by the way, are not solved, judging by the decay and decline of this society.

      So, on the one hand, there are requests of the society for its further development, i.e. development problems, evolution problems. They are, in principle, objective, they “hang in the air”.

      The most prepared members of society to solve these objectively urgent problems are the very talented people who, objectively, pull out this field of science, technology, art, and even the entire country as a whole, to a higher level of development.

      Demand breeds supply.

      “Demand” here is an objective necessity of the evolution (development) of this field of science-technology-art-country in the creation of the next invention, the next scientific theory, the next masterpieces in the field of all kinds of arts and the urgent socio-political changes.

      And the supply “offers” talents for improving, strengthening, increasing, creating a new, invention, etc.

      In order to offer any qualitatively new solutions to new and old problems in science-technology-art society, one need to be on the “edge of these problems.” That is, to have all the modern knowledge in “his” areas “with the latest technology”.

      This is firstly.

      Secondly, to have the talent of creative rethinking of all these modern knowledge. At least in order to “catch” the task (“put the task – solve half of it”). And having set himself the task – to solve it completely and practically.

      In order to solve the problem in his native fiels, a talented person needs “so-called capacities”.

      Let us take, for example, science, or rather, physics.

      Mathematics and physics are the most developed sciences, therefore, rich in examples.

      The development of any science (and physics, including) takes place in accordance with the laws of the objective logic of internal development for a given science. There is something that is already known in this science. There is something that is unknown. There is a kind of border between them.

      This is the border zone of the nearest development. Therefore, proceeding from the fact that is already known to this science, there are objective laws that should be opened “in the near future”.

      These laws objectively “hang in the air”. It happens that 2—3 (maybe more) researchers independently of one another open the same law. Almost simultaneously. But knowing nothing about each other. This confirms the objective nature of the development of science well.

      For example, the Biot-Savart-Laplace law. One physical law bears the names of three scientists at once. Not a frequent phenomenon, but indicative.

      That is, the laws of science, which should be opened in the near future, is like a ripe fruit, which in the near future should be thwarted. This is the very request of evolution to development. The very “demand” that generates supply. “Demand” for solving the problems of development of this area of science-technology-art-society.

      A “supply” comes from those who solve these problems of “evolution”, “hanging” in the air.

      In order to successfully solve problems in science, technology, art, politics, literature, journalism, etc., one must have (?) Great natural capacities.

      This view is generally accepted in theoretical psychology for over two hundred years, since the days of Sir Galton, the cousin of Charles Darwin.

      To successfully solve problems in art, politics, technology, science – it is necessary (?) to have the capacity in these areas of activity. These capacities are given from birth. You either have it or you do not. If you do, then you are happy, merry, you can count on a successful career in this field.

      However it is not a fact. In real life, there are many “aggravating” circumstances that hamper the realization of even pronounced “natural” capacities.

      And if, immediately and in no time such bright natural gifts are not shown, then a person is declared incapable of this type of activity. He is not strongly encouraged to engage in this field of activity, since the results will be zero, and time will be spent infinitely.

      In connection with this “capable-incapable” alternative, a huge number of questions and problems arise. Beginning with professional orientation at school, further increase in professional skills and “ending” with a fundamental scientific problem about the origin of capacities, talent and genius.

      4. Two Ways of the Solution of the Problem of Capacities

      Numerous theories of the problem of capacities are reduced to the two extreme poles of two opposite approaches to this problem of capacities.

      That is, all solutions to this problem are reduced to two extreme, almost opposite scientific concepts (p.0 and p.1).

      The space between them is filled with intermediate compromise variants, where both poles are present in the theory, but to different degrees.

      The first concept says that all human capacities are given from birth; all capacities are rigidly defined (determined) for the rest of their lives. Capacities do not change either numerically, qualitatively, nor configuration… Virtually by no means, in the course of life. From birth, you already have a ceiling above which you cannot climb, no matter how hard you try. “Above СКАЧАТЬ