The Lord Is the Spirit. John A. Studebaker
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Название: The Lord Is the Spirit

Автор: John A. Studebaker

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Религия: прочее

Серия: Evangelical Theological Society Monograph Series

isbn: 9781630876852


СКАЧАТЬ respect to the Holy Spirit) will therefore proceed along two lines: the Christian principle of authority (defining the nature of divine authority) and the associated pattern of authority (the execution of the principle). First, what is this principle of authority in Christianity? Ramm states,

      Nevertheless, while God’s authority is “absolute,” it also remains “personal.” Frame continues:

      The Pattern of Authority

      (1) Christ, who is the personal Word of God, the living, supreme revelation of God, and supreme depository of the knowledge of God (Col 2:3)

      (2) The Holy Spirit, who conveys revelation, who delegates its authority, and who witnesses to its divinity

      The Spirit’s Place within the Pattern of Divine Authority