You Are an Awesome Woman. Becca Anderson
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Название: You Are an Awesome Woman

Автор: Becca Anderson

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9781642501117


СКАЧАТЬ about 8 or 9 out of 10 questions correct.”

      The women got asked the same question. On average, the women replied, “Oof, yikes, not so good. I think I got maybe 5 or 6 out of 10 questions correct.”

      Then the researchers revealed the actual scores. Turns out, everyone—male and female—performed about the same. The average test score was around 7 out of 10, regardless of gender.

      Moral of the story: Often (not always, of course, there are exceptions to every rule…but often!) men tend to slightly overestimate their abilities (“I’m gonna do great!” “I’ve got this!” “I’m going for it!” “I’m a great candidate for this position!”), whereas women tend to slightly underestimate their abilities (“I don’t think I’m qualified,” “Why would they choose me?” “I’m not ready.”)

      What does this mean?

      It means that, as a woman, you are actually more awesome than you think.

      It’s just that your tricky, annoying brain tries to convince you that you’re not.

      This pattern is prevalent in our world—not just with math tests, but in all realms of life.

      Say, applying for a job. Studies on job-hunting show that women typically won’t apply unless they meet close to 100 percent of the job criteria listed by the employer, whereas men will apply even if they meet far less than that.

      Same with money. Surveys show that women are more reluctant to invest their money because they figure they won’t be good at it, but then once they do, they tend to outperform male investors by .4 to 1.2 percent. (And when you’re investing thousands, that slight percentage really adds up!)

      Across the board, in so many areas of life, women tend to doubt their abilities more than men do, even when both are equally qualified. (And, even when women are more qualified!)

      Google: “gender confidence gap” to read tons of fascinating articles on this topic.

      To close this frustrating confidence gap, we need to re-train our brains. We need to release old beliefs and build new, better ones. This book can help with that.

      Keep this book on your desk or bedside table. Open it often. Flip to a fresh page and read a few paragraphs or an inspirational quote. Let the words sink in. Let this book remind you, daily, that you are smarter, more capable, more creative, and more competent than you initially think.

      Keep reminding yourself of this, daily. Remind your daughters, nieces, aunties, and girlfriends, too. Whenever you hear a woman doubting herself—“Can I really do this? Should I? Who cares what I have to say? I dunno, other people could probably do this better. I’m not strong enough. I don’t have enough willpower. I don’t think it’s realistic…”—look her in the eyes and say, “Yes, you can. You are more prepared, more ready, and more qualified than you think. Go for it. Because you’re awesome.”

      It’s true. She is.

      And you are, too.

      Just like the title of this beautiful book affirms:

      You are an awesome woman.

      Even more awesome than you might realize. And lightyears beyond.

      Alexandra Franzen

      October 29, 2019

      Hilo, Hawaii

      You Are an Awesome Woman!

      Secrets of Highly Successful Women

      Women inspire me. It’s as simple as that. All I have to do is look around. There are the women who run the restaurant on the corner—the place where everybody feels comfortable and taken care of. There are mothers pushing strollers, and mothers crunching numbers. There are women healing the sick. Gals cracking us up. Ladies penning the novels and singing the songs that change our lives. Chicks fixing the plumbing. Girls setting world records. Female politicians challenging the status quo from within the system, and activists battering it from the outside. There are women at the pinnacle of their fields in every corner of the world, and women finding satisfaction in their own successes, small and large. What’s their secret? (Well, I’ll give you a hint…there’s more than one.)

      What kind of success are you working toward? Maybe you don’t know yet—or thought you did but aren’t sure. Or maybe you’re on the right track but need a kick in the pants.

      In our own lives, success can feel elusive. We can get bogged down comparing ourselves to others or whining about what we lack. The women in this book have secrets to share, to shout to the rafters even. Their wise words will push your buttons, open your eyes, and rev up your engine.

      This book is a reminder that you have what it takes to make it to the top. And the best part is, you get to decide where the top is, and you get to chart the path to reach it. This book is here for you—it’s full of quotes and thoughts from hundreds of women to encourage, motivate, and support you as you make your way. Famous and infamous, wise and wisecracking, haughty and humble. Some are names you will know well, others are everyday gals like you and me with something important to add.

      I read somewhere that we’re all descended from three ancestral mothers. How amazing is that? A woman brought each and every one of us into this world, and when we look in the mirror, we can see traces of our mothers, grandmothers, even great-grandmothers. And their gifts go way beyond skin-deep. Every woman in the world is a member of this family—and you can call on their words and their life stories to inspire you at every turn. So keep this book close to you as you get organized, vamp up your personal style, and figure out how to work smarter. Sit back and let this book help you remember the importance of relaxing and indulging yourself (with girlfriends whenever possible). And don’t ever forget to go after your dreams with every ounce of yourself because after all—women can do anything!

      The Art of Self-Affirmation

      If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed and drained by the busyness of life and its many demands, you need to stop in your tracks and do an attitude adjustment, or more specifically, a “gratitude adjustment.” Whenever you have gotten to this point, you have need of some “me TLC” and a dose of radical self-care. Chances are, your very wonderfulness may have led you to give and give and give and give. Now, you need to give and give and give to yourself. You need to soak up the glory of your very being and remember that you are an amazing, awesome person who is deserving of all good things!

      The world is changing all around us with increasing speed, making most of us feel we have no control. We are so busy doing and being productive and bullet journaling our way through life that we might be riding in the passenger seat of our own car. I am a positive living and affirmation queen, but I’ve definitely been to the edge of overwhelm and back again. While on my journey, I’ve gathered a lot of wisdom, and here is my big takeaway:

      If you affirm yourself every day, you can rule the world. More importantly, you can live a life filled with love, joy, fulfillment, and satisfaction thanks to your own positive self-regard.

      Through the art of daily self-affirmation, you can take control of your own destiny and create your ideal life. If it sounds easy, it can СКАЧАТЬ