The Macro Event. Andrew Adams
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Название: The Macro Event

Автор: Andrew Adams

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Триллеры


isbn: 9781633389656


СКАЧАТЬ shots, the idiots may all run like the druggies on the railroad tracks. If the group all started running from the gunfire, Cap might just get away without getting shot. Lee hoped with the car as a shield plus Hollywood, not knowing how to aim a pistol would give him an advantage. At least for several seconds. Lee steadied the gun and aimed it at the side of Hollywood’s head. Knowing the LC-9 trigger pull was a foot long, Lee made a mental note to squeeze the trigger. Don’t jerk it.

      Cap was still slowly trying to move away, but just then Hollywood said, “Where you fucking going, man? We aint’z done with you’z honky chicken shit gleaming white ass yet.”

      “Say goodbye, fucker.” Hollywood lifted the silver pistol up directly at Cap.

      Hollywood was going to shoot, so Lee held his breath and squeezed the trigger on the little 9 mm. His grip was steady on the trunk lid, and the iron sights of the pistol lined up with the side of Hollywood’s head. However, just as the trigger snapped and the pistol went off; the fat, ugly woman moved forward and into the line of fire. That was her shitty luck as the round was already heading down range. Blood and screams erupted. The round removed most of the fat woman’s nose off her fat round face as it flew by at high speed. Not hitting a major bone on the woman’s face, the bullet continued straight, hitting Hollywood right below his right ear. His head flew sideways as the gun dropped from his hand, and he slumped over headed for the asphalt. Lee squeezed off another round in the same direction, hitting Hollywood again as he slumped to the ground. The fat woman fell back against the front of the car blocking one of the headlights while screaming like hell and holding her now noseless face. Lee slid the gun quickly right and lined up the sights on the closest of the other three thugs. As soon as the sights of the small gun lined up, he squeezed off two quick rounds and that asshole dropped to the ground.

      The remaining two men were too close to the Captain for Lee to safely take a shot. It did not matter. When his first shot had gone off, the three had frozen in place, not understanding what had just happen to their dipshit leader. Cap reacted quickly moved forward, grabbing the arm of the club-wielding thug and yanking him forward and past. Expertly, Cap pulled the arm back and around thrusting it up behind the man. The shocked idiot screamed out in pain from the probable dislocated or broken shoulder. The last man did not wait around. He turned and ran like a running back of the NFL and headed into a large parking lot of a store.

      Hollywood was lying motionless and did not appear to be breathing. Lee assumed he was dead. The woman was screaming like a banshee, and blood was spurting from her face like a showerhead. Lee ran from behind the car heading toward Cap. Cap looked at Lee holding the 9 mm and the two throbbing jerks lying at his feet. He realized this stranger had intervened just in time. Lee moved close to the screaming woman and Hollywood. The side of his head was a mess, and a large pool of blood was forming. The low-life bully would not threaten anyone again. Lee reached down, picked up the chrome pistol, and moved toward the Captain.

      “Thanks, man. I think you saved my ass,” the Captain said.

      “No problem. These crap sacks were already assholes. But they decided to become super assholes because the shit has hit the fan,” Lee replied.

      Cap reached out his hand to shake the savior’s hand, but instead Lee handed him the ghetto pistol and said, “Take this. I assume you know how to use it.”

      “Shit, yes,” Cap said.

      Cap examined the semiautomatic pistol pulling back the slide to see if a round was in the chamber. Then popping out the mag, he examined it to find it had a full fifteen rounds. This meant Hollywood never got off a shot.

      “Nine millimeter,” said Cap.

      “That is lucky, same as mine,” Lee replied.

      Lee and the Captain heard a commotion from the store parking lot the thug had run to. Loud shouting was coming from a large group of people who were gathering. The crowd was building and starting to move toward Lee and Cap. The woman on the ground had quieted some as shock set in, but she stirred as she heard her fellow losers heading over.

      “We best get the fuck out of dodge,” Lee said while turning and heading down the street.

      “Agreed,” Cap said, as he scooped up his pack and took off alongside Lee.

      They heard the loud voices from the approaching crowd. “Those mothas killed YZ.”

      “Let’s go fuck them up,” another from the mob chimed in.

      The angry yells and screams started rolling together, but nothing sounded good.

      Cap and Lee were double-timing west down the cross street. Lee’s age was quickly becoming a hinder to the younger and faster man. He was too old for running at speed for long with sixty pounds of gear. Cap was starting to pull ahead, but he slowed, and then reaching back, grabbed Lee’s chest strap, helping to pull him along. They continued running down a long block, making a left turn on the next cross street. At the next corner, they turned to the right and across the street, heading toward a row of industrial buildings. Looking back as they made the corner, they could see about ten people, including a couple of people on bicycles chasing them.

      Lee and the Captain ran along past several buildings. They were crossing a driveway between two large buildings leading to the back parking lot. A large chain link gate was open slightly. Cap stopped abruptly and pointed. “This way.”

      The two men slid through the gate, and Cap closed it behind them. Cap stopped and wrapped the lock chain around the two gateposts. He hoped this would fool the chasing thugs into believing the gate was locked. Lee had already started down the driveway, and Cap closed the distance behind him. As they ran between the buildings, they could see flashlights bouncing off buildings in the street and shouting at the mob as they kept up the pursuit.

      Making it to the rear parking lot, Lee and Cap slowed as they came to a tall brick wall, running along behind all the rear lots. Cap hesitated, and then seeing a dumpster against the wall, he pointed and led Lee in that direction. Cap obviously had a plan, and he was taking Lee along.

      “On the dumpster and over the wall,” Cap said to Lee.

      Cap jumped up on the lid, turned, and reached out helping Lee do the same. With the pack on Lee would have a tough time trying to climb on top, but Cap grabbed the pack and, with a swift pull, just reeled Lee up alongside him on the lids. They both moved toward the brick wall and looked over. The wall separated the lot from a large dirt field. The drop was about eight feet. Both men swung over the wall. Cap landed first turned and slowed down Lee’s fall as he plummeted down rapidly with the heavy pack.

      Standing against the wall, the men looked around the barren field to assess their choices.

      Lee spoke first. “It is getting light out. If we head across this field, we will be in the open.”

      Cap replied, “Let’s stay near the wall then keep moving along as far as we can. We will be harder to spot.”

      Without further discussion, the Cap, followed by Lee moved along the wall to their right. They slowly and quietly moved about a block. The wall ended and a small side street crossed in front of them. The wall stopped twenty yards short of the street. Shrubs bordered the field to the edge of the street creating a visual wall. Both men moved forward, keeping below the bushes. The men knew the crossroad fifty yards right of them was the same road they had left when ducking between the buildings. As they watched the mob entered the intersection, meaning the phony lock on the gate must have worked. People were yelling and pointing of flashlights in all directions. Obviously, the thugs wanted to find the men who had killed СКАЧАТЬ