Taking Action. Austin Buffum
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Название: Taking Action

Автор: Austin Buffum

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Учебная литература


isbn: 9781942496182


СКАЧАТЬ who share essential curriculum and thus, take collective responsibility for students learning their common essential learning outcomes.

      Because the uniting characteristic of teacher teams is shared learning outcomes, the most common and preferred structures would be grade-level teams at the elementary level and course-based teams at the secondary level. It is likely that every school has singleton educators, who are the only people teaching a specific grade, course, or subject. When this is the case, the following structures can be effective ways to form teams.

      ► Vertical teams: Vertical teams share common learning outcomes developed across consecutive years of school. Examples include a K–2 primary team at the elementary level or a high school language arts team at the secondary level. While grade-level standards are not identical from kindergarten to second grade, they have several essential skills in common, such as phonemic awareness and number sense, with increasing rigor over time. Students develop these skills across all three grades. Likewise, a high school language arts team does not share identical content standards but does share essential skills such as persuasive writing or analytical reading. Vertical teams can also ensure that prerequisite skills are taught in sequence. This team structure often works best at smaller schools, where there may only be one teacher who teaches a particular grade level, subject, or course.

      ► Interdisciplinary teams: Interdisciplinary teams are comprised of teachers who teach different subjects. While interdisciplinary teams do not share content standards, they can focus their team efforts on shared essential skills. For example, an interdisciplinary team can focus on the college-ready skills David Conley (2007) recommends, including:

      ► Performing analytical reading and discussion

      ► Demonstrating persuasive writing

      ► Drawing inferences and conclusions from texts

      ► Analyzing conflicting source documents

      ► Supporting arguments with evidence

      ► Solving complex problems with no obvious answer

      These essential learning standards are not subject specific—instead, each teacher on the interdisciplinary team can use his or her unique subject content as the vehicle to teaching these higher-level-thinking skills. The team can clearly define these common learning outcomes, discuss effective Tier 1 core instruction, develop common rubrics to assess these skills, and respond collectively when students need additional help. This approach can work especially well at smaller secondary schools.

      ► Regional and electronic teams: It is possible that the previous teaming options might not work for a specific faculty member. When this is the case, it is unlikely that this educator is the only person in the district, county, region, state or province, or country who teaches that curriculum content. Forming collaborative teams beyond the site is an option. This collaboration most likely requires virtual team meetings.

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