Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong
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Название: Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary

Автор: Phan Van Giuong

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Книги о Путешествиях


isbn: 9781462914173


СКАЧАТЬ chuùng hoaù v. to popularize, to put within reach of the masses

      ñaïi coâng nghieäp n. large-scale industry

      ñaïi coâng trình n. great service; big project

      ñaïi cuïc n., adj. great task; very just

      ñaïi cuoäc n. general situation, big state of things

      ñaïi cöông n., adj. outline, fundamentals; general

      ñaïi danh n. [your] great name, great fame

      ñaïi danh töø n. pronoun

      ñaïi dieän v., n. to substitute [cho for], to represent; representative, on behalf of

      ñaïi dinh n. See ñaïi baûn doanh

      ñaïi döông n. ocean

      ñaïi ña soá n. vast majority, overwhelming majority

      ñaïi ñao n. big saber, long-handle scimitar

      ñaïi ñaïo n. fundamental doctrine, a great religion

      ñaïi ñaêng khoa n. success in an examination

      ñaïi ñeá n. God

      ñaïi ñeå adv. in general, briefly

      ñaïi ñieàn chuû n. big landowner, big landlord

      ñaïi ñoâ n. large city, metropolis

      ñaïi ñoä adj. tolerant, generous

      ñaïi ñoäi n. battalion, company [of soldiers]

      ñaïi ñoàng n. universal concord, the world community, harmony

      ñaïi gia n. great family

      ñaïi gia ñình n. extended family

      ñaïi gian aùc n. a deceitful/cruel criminal

      ñaïi haøn n. great cold

      Ñaïi Haøn n. [Great] Korea

      ñaïi haïn n. drought

      ñaïi hình n. crime, criminal act: toaø aùn ñaïi hình criminal court

      ñaïi hoïc n. higher education; university, college: vieän ñaïi hoïc university, institute

      ñaïi hoïc ñöôøng n. college, faculty, university

      ñaïi hoïc hieäu n. college, faculty, university

      ñaïi hoäi n. festival; congress, general assembly

      ñaïi hoäi ñoàng n. general assembly

      ñaïi hoàng thuyû n. big flood, deluge

      ñaïi huynh n. you [my older brother]; you [my friend]

      ñaïi hyû n. great rejoicing; marriage, wedding

      ñaïi khaùi n. general outline; roughly speaking, in the main

      ñaïi khoa n. civil service examination

      ñaïi laõn adj. very lazy

      ñaïi leã n. big ceremony

      ñaïi loaïi adv. generally, in general

      ñaïi loaït adv. generally speaking, in general

      ñaïi loä n. avenue, boulevard

      ñaïi luaän n. great discourse

      ñaïi luïc n. continent, mainland

      ñaïi löôïc n. summary, abstract

      ñaïi löôïng adj. tolerant, generous

      ñaïi lyù n. agent, dealer

      ñaïi naïn n. great misfortune

      ñaïi nghò adj. parliamentary

      ñaïi nghóa n. great cause

      ñaïi nghòch n. high treason

      ñaïi nghieäp n. great enterprise

      ñaïi ngoân n. big talk

      ñaïi nhaân n. high-ranking mandarin; Your Excellency

      ñaïi phaûn n. high treason

      ñaïi phong n. typhoon, hurricane

      ñaïi phu n. a great mandarin [in ancient China]

      ñaïi phuù n. wealthy man

      ñaïi phuùc n. great happiness

      ñaïi quaân n. great army

      ñaïi qui moâ n. large scale

      ñaïi soá n., adj. algebra, algebraic

      ñaïi soá hoïc n. algebra

      ñaïi sö n. great master/priest

      ñaïi söù n. ambassador

      ñaïi söù quaùn n. embassy

      ñaïi söï n. big affair, big business, important matter

      ñaïi taù n. [army] colonel; [navy] captain

      ñaïi taøi n. great talent

      ñaïi tang n. deep mourning

      ñaïi taät n. grave illness

      Ñaïi taây döông n. Atlantic Ocean

      ñaïi thaùnh n. great saint

      ñaït thaéng n. great victory

      ñaïi thaàn n. high dignitary, high-ranking mandarin

      ñaïi theå n. general state of affairs

      ñaïi thöøa n. Mahayana; form of Buddhism prevalent in China and Vietnam; cf.

      tieåu thöøa ñaïi thöông gia n. rich businessman, big trader

      ñaïi tieän v. to go to the bathroom, to have a bowel movement: cf.

      tieåu tieän

      ñaïi traøng n. large intestine

      ñaïi trí n. great mind

      ñaïi trieàu n. imperial court; audience

      ñaïi tröôïng СКАЧАТЬ