Texas Forever. Janet Dailey
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Название: Texas Forever

Автор: Janet Dailey

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: The Tylers of Texas

isbn: 9781496709622


СКАЧАТЬ on Jasper the night before and send out a search party right away.” Erin brushed a lock of windblown hair out of her eyes. “The sheriff took a quick look and ruled Jasper’s death an accident. But I’m not satisfied with that. What if somebody killed him, Beau?”

      “Crazier things have happened on this ranch.”

      “After the burial’s done, I plan to do some investigating on my own. I owe it to Dad—and to Jasper—to find out what really happened.”

      “If I were going to be here longer, I’d help you,” Beau said. “As it is, feel free to call me about what you find out. At least I might be able to give you some suggestions.”

      “Thanks, I was hoping you’d say that.”

      They were passing the windmill when the sharp ring of metal on metal reached their ears. Beau gave Erin a questioning look.

      “That’s the farrier Dad hired. He claims the work will pay for itself in time saved by the cowboys and in the condition of the horses. I argued against the expense, and I still have my doubts. But at least the man—Maddox is his name—seems to know what he’s doing. Come on, I’ll introduce you.”

      The largest pen was covered at one end by an open shed. In its shade, Luke Maddox was shoeing a brown and white gelding with Appaloosa markings. More horses drowsed nearby as Luke, with his back to the fence, shaped a shoe on the anvil he’d set up. Even in the shade, the heat was oppressive. Luke had tossed aside his shirt. Perspiration gleamed like bronze on his muscular torso. As he raised his hammer, a picture from her school days flashed through Erin’s memory—the Roman god Vulcan standing over his forge, virile and powerful. Vulcan in blue jeans she titled the image in her mind. Luke would probably laugh at her if he knew what she was thinking.

      What would it be like, hearing him laugh?

      Luke’s attention had been focused on the horseshoe he was shaping. As Erin and Beau came to the fence, he glanced up. A questioning look flashed in his eyes. He straightened, lowering the hammer to his side. What the hell are you doing here? his expression seemed to say.

      “Luke, I’d like you to meet my uncle, Beau Tyler,” Erin said, making the introductions. “Beau, I’ve already told you about Luke Maddox.”

      Beau extended a hand over the fence. Luke held up a work-stained hand and shook his head. “You won’t want to shake hands with me, Mr. Tyler. Not unless you want to smell like horse. I never knew Will had a brother.”

      “I live in DC. I only came for the funeral,” Beau said.

      “DC? You’re a government man?”

      “That’s right. DEA.” Beau’s gaze shifted to the horseshoe on the anvil. “I’ve never seen a farrier work. You don’t use a forge?”

      Luke shook his head. “Cold shoeing’s a lot more common these days. These steel shoes can be bought to size and hammered into the exact shape the horse needs. I have a forge, but I only use it for custom work. On a scorcher like today, that suits me fine.” He wiped his brow with the back of his hand. “You’re welcome to watch. I don’t mind questions as long as I can talk and work at the same time.”

      “There’s plenty of food in the house,” Erin said. “Could we bring you a plate?”

      “Thanks, but I’ll be fine.” He inspected the shoe. Then he moved to the horse’s side, lifted one front foot and braced it against the leather apron. Positioning the shoe, he hammered two small nails into the outer rim of the hoof, checked again, then hammered two more. The horse stood calmly, in complete trust of this powerful, gentle man.

      “I could watch you all day,” Beau said. “But I’d better get back and make sure my wife isn’t looking for me. Nice to meet you, Maddox.”

      Luke was snubbing off the nail points where they came up through the hoof. He looked up with a murmured acknowledgment as Beau and Erin turned away.

      “Not exactly a warm, fuzzy sort, is he?” Beau said when they were out of Luke’s hearing. “How much do you know about the man? Where’d he come from?”

      “I have no idea,” Erin said. “Dad found him on another ranch and hired him to come here. The only thing I’ve heard him talk about is work.” Except for when he told me not to come around him without a blasted chaperone.

      “As Jasper would say, the man plays his cards close to his vest.”

      “Yes, that’s what Jasper would say.” Erin fought back her welling emotion. “Oh, Beau, we’re going to miss him so much. The ranch won’t be the same without him.”

      “I know,” Beau said. “And looking around at the drought, I can tell this is a tough time for the Rimrock. I never meant to put Will in such a bind. I thought we were making a fair deal when I asked him to buy me out.”

      “We’d have been all right if the weather and the market hadn’t changed.”

      Beau sighed. “Will won’t even talk to me about the ranch troubles. I feel bad for the bind I’ve put him in. I’d even be willing to help out with some cash if he’d ask me.”

      “He won’t ask,” Erin said. “He’s got the Bull Tyler pride.”

      They were nearing the house. Beau stopped short of the back door. “There’s one person you haven’t told me about,” he said.

      “Who’s that?” Erin asked.

      “It’s you. I see you looking after everyone and everything around here. But who’s looking after Erin Tyler?”

      “I’m nineteen. I don’t need looking after.”

      “Not even by yourself? You’re pretty and smart and have your whole life ahead of you. You could be having fun, maybe going to college or seeing the world.”

      “I could. But how could I leave my dad alone to manage the ranch, especially now? This is where I need to be—where I want to be. It’s my home.”

      “But what about your personal life? Surely you’ll want to get married and have a family.”

      She gave him a frown. “I do have a boyfriend. He’s even proposed.”

      “Did you say yes?” Beau asked.

      “I said it was too soon.”

      “Do you love him, Erin?”

      The question shook her. “I’m not even sure I know what love is.”

      “Well, make sure you do before you say yes.”

      “I’m not a fool,” Erin said.

      “No, but you’re young and you have a lot to learn. Don’t be in a hurry. Call me if you want to talk.”

      Erin didn’t answer. They had reached the back door. Through the screen, she could see people in the kitchen, putting paper plates in the trash. She’d been glad for the chance to talk with Beau. But she couldn’t help feeling a vague sense of disloyalty to her father. Beau had invited her to call him. But it wasn’t going to happen. Not if it might distress СКАЧАТЬ