Poles in Kaisers Army On the Front of the First World War. Ryszard Kaczmarek
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СКАЧАТЬ Friedrich Wilhelm von Götzen the Elder, an adjutant general of Frederick II during the ←21 | 22→Seven Years’ War. Four squadrons of the regiments and its staff quartered in Głubczyce, while one squadron in Racibórz.

      The 44th Cavalry Brigade in Gliwice consisted of the 2nd Silesian Uhlan Regiment “Graf Götzen” No. 2 (Schlesisches Ulanen-Regi- ment “von Katzler” Nr. 2). It was the second oldest regiment in Upper Silesian division. It was already founded in 1745. It operatd in the Napoleonic Wars, including the Battles of Dresden and Leipzig. Later, it took part in the Siege of Erfurt, the seizure of Luxembourg, and the Siege of Paris during the spring campaign of 1814. The regiment fought in the Battle of Ligny during the Hundred Days. Next, “von Katzler” fought in the Battle of Königgrätz in 1866 and in the Battle of Sedan against France in September 1870. The regiment received its name after Nikolaus Andreas von Katzler, a lieutenant general who died during the Seven Years’ War. The regiment’s staff and four squadrons quartered in Gliwice, while one squadron in Pszczyna.

      Furthermore, the 44th Cavalry Brigade in Gliwice consisted of the Mounted Rifles Regiment No. 11 (Jäger-Regiment zu Pferde Nr. 11). The regiment originated from the squadrons of other cavalry units and was formally created in October 1913, on the eve of the First World War. Mounted rifles were a new formation in the German Army. In substance, they were responsible for reconnaissance, patrol service, and communication, but they also could serve as mobile infantrymen. The regiment’s staff and its four squadrons quartered in Tarnowskie Góry, while the fifth squadron in Lubliniec.

      Furthermore, the 12th Field Artillery Brigade in Nysa consisted of the 2nd Upper Silesian Field Artillery Regiment No. 57 (2. Oberschlesisches Feldartilerie-Regiment Nr. 57). It was created in March 1899. Its armament and structure resembled the armament and structure of the 21st Upper Silesian Field Artillery Regiment. Its staff and the 1st Unit quartered in Prudnik, while the 2nd Unit in Gliwice.

      Moreover, the 2nd Upper Silesian division conveyed the 23rd Infantry Reserve Brigade under command of major general Freiherr von Wilimowski that consisted of the Infantry Reserve Regiment No. 22 (Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 22) with its battalions in Rybnik, Racibórz, and Koźle and the Infantry Reserve Regiment No. 22 (Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 51) in Nysa and Gliwice.