The Castle of Otranto - The Original Classic Edition. Walpole Horace
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Название: The Castle of Otranto - The Original Classic Edition

Автор: Walpole Horace

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Учебная литература


isbn: 9781486414246


СКАЧАТЬ to the apartment of his wife, concluding the Princess had retired thither. Hippolita, who knew his step, rose with anxious fondness to meet her Lord, whom she had not seen since the death of their son. She would have flown in a transport mixed of joy and grief to his bosom, but he pushed her rudely off, and said


       "Where is Isabella?"

       "Isabella! my Lord!" said the astonished Hippolita.

       "Yes, Isabella," cried Manfred imperiously; "I want Isabella."

       "My Lord," replied Matilda, who perceived how much his behaviour had shocked her mother, "she has not been with us since your

       Highness summoned her to your apartment."

       "Tell me where she is," said the Prince; "I do not want to know where she has been."

       "My good Lord," says Hippolita, "your daughter tells you the truth: Isabella left us by your command, and has not returned since;

       - but, my good Lord, compose yourself: retire to your rest: this dismal day has disordered you. Isabella shall wait your orders in the morning."

       "What, then, you know where she is!" cried Manfred. "Tell me directly, for I will not lose an instant - and you, woman," speaking to his wife, "order your chaplain to attend me forthwith."

       "Isabella," said Hippolita calmly, "is retired, I suppose, to her chamber: she is not accustomed to watch at this late hour. Gracious my Lord," continued she, "let me know what has disturbed you. Has Isabella offended you?"

       "Trouble me not with questions," said Manfred, "but tell me where she is."

       "Matilda shall call her," said the Princess. "Sit down, my Lord, and resume your wonted fortitude." "What, art thou jealous of Isabella?" replied he, "that you wish to be present at our interview!" "Good heavens! my Lord," said Hippolita, "what is it your Highness means?"

       "Thou wilt know ere many minutes are passed," said the cruel Prince. "Send your chaplain to me, and wait my pleasure here."

       At these words he flung out of the room in search of Isabella, leaving the amazed ladies thunderstruck with his words and frantic

       deportment, and lost in vain conjectures on what he was meditating.

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