Dombey and Son - The Original Classic Edition. Dickens Charles
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Название: Dombey and Son - The Original Classic Edition

Автор: Dickens Charles

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Учебная литература


isbn: 9781486413843


СКАЧАТЬ him in the end like lightning.

       But this is from the purpose. Polly only thought, at that time, of improving on her successful propitiation of Miss Nipper, and devising some means of having little Florence aide her, lawfully, and without rebellion. An opening happened to present itself that very night.

       She had been rung down into the glass room as usual, and had walked about and about it a long time, with the baby in her arms, when, to her great surprise and dismay, Mr Dombey--whom she had seen at first leaning on his elbow at the table, and afterwards walking up and down the middle room, drawing, each time, a little nearer, she thought, to the open folding doors--came out, suddenly, and stopped before her.

       'Good evening, Richards.'

       Just the same austere, stiff gentleman, as he had appeared to her on that first day. Such a hard-looking gentleman, that she involuntarily dropped her eyes and her curtsey at the same time.

       'How is Master Paul, Richards?'

       'Quite thriving, Sir, and well.'

       'He looks so,' said Mr Dombey, glancing with great interest at the tiny face she uncovered for his observation, and yet affecting to be half careless of it. 'They give you everything you want, I hope?'

       'Oh yes, thank you, Sir.'


       She suddenly appended such an obvious hesitation to this reply, however, that Mr Dombey, who had turned away; stopped, and turned round again, inquiringly.

       'If you please, Sir, the child is very much disposed to take notice of things,' said Richards, with another curtsey, 'and--upstairs is a little dull for him, perhaps, Sir.'

       'I begged them to take you out for airings, constantly,' said Mr Dombey. 'Very well! You shall go out oftener. You're quite right to mention it.'

       'I beg your pardon, Sir,' faltered Polly, 'but we go out quite plenty Sir, thank you.'

       'What would you have then?' asked Mr Dombey.

       'Indeed Sir, I don't exactly know,' said Polly, 'unless--'


       'I believe nothing is so good for making children lively and cheerful, Sir, as seeing other children playing about 'em,' observed Polly, taking courage.

       'I think I mentioned to you, Richards, when you came here,' said Mr Dombey, with a frown, 'that I wished you to see as little of your family as possible.'

       'Oh dear yes, Sir, I wasn't so much as thinking of that.'

       'I am glad of it,' said Mr Dombey hastily. 'You can continue your walk if you please.'

       With that, he disappeared into his inner room; and Polly had the satisfaction of feeling that he had thoroughly misunderstood her object, and that she had fallen into disgrace without the least advancement of her purpose.

       Next night, she found him walking about the conservatory when she came down. As she stopped at the door, checked by this unusual sight, and uncertain whether to advance or retreat, he called her in. His mind was too much set on Dombey and Son, it soon appeared, to admit of his having forgotten her suggestion.

       'If you really think that sort of society is good for the child,' he said sharply, as if there had been no interval since she proposed it,

       'where's Miss Florence?'

       'Nothing could be better than Miss Florence, Sir,' said Polly eagerly, 'but I understood from her maid that they were not to--' Mr Dombey rang the bell, and walked till it was answered.

       'Tell them always to let Miss Florence be with Richards when she chooses, and go out with her, and so forth. Tell them to let the children be together, when Richards wishes it.'

       The iron was now hot, and Richards striking on it boldly--it was a good cause and she bold in it, though instinctively afraid of Mr

       Dombey--requested that Miss Florence might be sent down then and there, to make friends with her little brother.

       She feigned to be dandling the child as the servant retired on this errand, but she thought that she saw Mr Dombey's colour changed; that the expression of his face quite altered; that he turned, hurriedly, as if to gainsay what he had said, or she had said, or both, and was only deterred by very shame.

       And she was right. The last time he had seen his slighted child, there had been that in the sad embrace between her and her dying mother, which was at once a revelation and a reproach to him. Let him be absorbed as he would in the Son on whom he built such high hopes, he could not forget that closing scene. He could not forget that he had had no part in it. That, at the bottom of its clear depths of tenderness and truth' lay those two figures clasped in each other's arms, while he stood on the bank above them, looking down a mere spectator--not a sharer with them--quite shut out.


       Unable to exclude these things from his remembrance, or to keep his mind free from such imperfect shapes of the meaning with which they were fraught, as were able to make themselves visible to him through the mist of his pride, his previous feeling of indifference towards little Florence changed into an uneasiness of an extraordinary kind. Young as she was, and possessing in any eyes but his (and perhaps in his too) even more than the usual amount of childish simplicity and confidence, he almost felt as if she

       watched and distrusted him. As if she held the clue to something secret in his breast, of the nature of which he was hardly informed himself. As if she had an innate knowledge of one jarring and discordant string within him, and her very breath could sound it.

       His feeling about the child had been negative from her birth. He had never conceived an aversion to her: it had not been worth his while or in his humour. She had never been a positively disagreeable object to him. But now he was ill at ease about her. She troubled his peace. He would have preferred to put her idea aside altogether, if he had known how. Perhaps--who shall decide on such mysteries!--he was afraid that he might come to hate her.

       When little Florence timidly presented herself, Mr Dombey stopped in his pacing up and down and looked towards her. Had he looked with greater interest and with a father's eye, he might have read in her keen glance the impulses and fears that made her waver; the passionate desire to run clinging to him, crying, as she hid her face in his embrace, 'Oh father, try to love me! there's no one else!' the dread of a repulse; the fear of being too bold, and of offending him; the pitiable need in which she stood of some assurance and encouragement; and how her overcharged young heart was wandering to find some natural resting-place, for its sorrow and affection.

       But he saw nothing of this. He saw her pause irresolutely at the door and look towards him; and he saw no more.

       'Come in,' he said, 'come in: what is the child afraid of ?'

       She came in; and after glancing round her for a moment with an uncertain air, stood pressing her small hands hard together, close within the door.

       'Come here, Florence,' said her father, coldly. 'Do you know who I am?'

       'Yes, Papa.'

       'Have you nothing to say to me?'

       The tears that stood in her eyes as she raised them quickly to his face, were frozen by the expression it wore. She looked down again, and put out her trembling hand.

       Mr Dombey took it loosely in his own, and stood looking down upon СКАЧАТЬ