AMC Javelin, AMX, and Muscle Car Restoration 1968-1974. Scott Campbell
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Название: AMC Javelin, AMX, and Muscle Car Restoration 1968-1974

Автор: Scott Campbell

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Сделай Сам


isbn: 9781613252659


СКАЧАТЬ rel="nofollow" href="#fb3_img_img_7b4b6b07-f9fe-52b5-b28a-745723634058.jpg" alt="With the front suspension and steering ..."/>

       With the front suspension and steering systems still in place, the engine and transmission must be removed from the top. Store the hood in a safe place, and use caution not to damage the firewall or upper core support. Adjusting the chain to achieve a suitable angle for the engine and transmission helps with removal.

With the engine and transmission out, ...

       With the engine and transmission out, it’s time to remove the wiring harness, brake lines, and booster, as well as the heater fan and windshield wiper motors. The complete engine compartment can now be degreased in preparation for refinishing. Note any surface rust that must be removed, especially underneath the battery tray.

The complete engine and transmission assembly ...

       The complete engine and transmission assembly can be stored, or cleaned and detailed by resting the motor mounts on jack stands and the transmission mount on a sturdy crate. Be careful, because coolant may still be leaking from the water pump. When degreasing, take care not to get water or anything else inside the engine.

If the front suspension and steering ...

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