Holley Carburetors. Mike Mavrigian
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Название: Holley Carburetors

Автор: Mike Mavrigian

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Сделай Сам


isbn: 9781613253144


СКАЧАТЬ regarding an acceptable clearance, but generally speaking, you should have at least 3/8 inch between the top of the vent tubes and the air cleaner lid. This may be a concern when dealing with a drop-base-style air cleaner where the lid is closer to the air horn. Some vent tubes have an angled cut at the top to minimize the risk of blocking the vent tubes. Other carbs (usually those with no choke) include shorter vent tubes that are straight-cut so they’re short enough to stay well away from the air cleaner lid.

      In addition, the primary and secondary sides of the main body each have four small holes at the top that serve as air bleeds. The two inboard holes bleed the main circuit; the two outboard holes are for the idle circuit. These air bleeds must remain clean and free of debris.

A white fuel...

       A white fuel-resistant plastic fuel–bowl vent baffle extension, known as a “whistle,” aids in preventing fuel spillover during hard acceleration, deceleration, and cornering.

The main vent...

       The main vent tubes are clearly visible on this 4150 carb.

This is a...

       This is a close-up of the primary vent tube.

Here you can...

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